Pirates: The Strongest Vice Admiral In History

Chapter 60 The Origin Of Faith

"That's the way it was in the early days,"

Dylan sat cross-legged in the dilapidated "Palace Garden", drawing a vague map on the ground with branches.

"According to what you said, the people of the Kingdom of Girona still support the royal family, so the first thing to do is to gather the people together and resume production."


Balmond thought of the pirates who came here to plunder from time to time. Even if they planted food, it was just given to the pirates for nothing.

Dylan frowned and thought for a while, then said to Balmond: "Find someone who is familiar with the surrounding sea area and loyal enough to send me a letter back. Remember, you must be cautious enough! Otherwise, you will plant a disaster for the future! "

"I will stay here for two seasons. In the first quarter, I will ensure that the grain can mature smoothly."

"Second season, teach your soldiers how to take up arms, pirates—it's not that scary!"


A strange sound came, and Dylan looked at Camilla, whose face was slightly pale but shy and slightly red.


Dylan looked at the others. The faces of the soldiers were also disheveled. The old man's beard was almost like straw.

"Are there any beasts anywhere near?"

"In the deep mountains to the north, there are some beasts..."

"Call someone, bring a cart or something and follow me."

Dylan stood up, bent down and touched Camilla's head again: "Persist a little longer, we'll be back soon."

Camilla stood on tiptoe and watched Dylan and the coachmen disappear.

Although she was emaciated due to long-term hunger and turmoil, her hair was withered and yellow.

But at this moment Camilla's eyes lit up.


Looking at the figure that had disappeared at the end of the road, tears finally welled up in Camilla's eyes.

"Have I found someone I can rely on?"


In the jungle north of the King's Capital of Girona.

Because no one has cleaned it all year round, weeds and shrubs are everywhere here.

On the long-abandoned road below the mountain, the corpses of more than a dozen large beasts were already piled up on several carts.


Swish... Swish...

In the shadow of the dense forest, Dylan came out carrying the corpses of several beasts.

"Let's go, these should be enough for a while."

"In terms of staple food and condiments..."

Dylan remembered seeing a pirate flag on a small island on the way back.

Just go there and "borrow" a little.

When the convoy returned to the capital with the corpse of the beast, more and more people followed behind.

When he arrived at the gate of the palace, Dylan nodded slightly towards Camilla first, and then Shura's scabbard thumped heavily on the ground.

"Now, the man who can cut meat, go to the left, and the woman who can cook, go to the right."

After the crowd dispersed, Dylan continued, "Others went to find firewood."

Looking at Dylan standing in front of her, even though she didn't know his name yet, Camilla was sure at the moment.

She has found someone she can rely on.

An hour later, the smell of meat filled the sky of the capital, and Dylan stood in front of a row of cauldrons, scanning the "cooks".

If you steal food, the whole family will be expelled.

This is the rule set by that young man.

Although no one knew him, the soldiers had already told them that the young man killed more than 30 incoming pirates by himself.

Although the saliva in the mouth has been constantly rolling, even though many children have begun to cry.

But the appearance of that young man standing there leaning on a knife made everyone fearful.


When all the meat is cooked, Dylan calls out to order.

The soldiers who were originally civilians immediately assembled in front of the cauldron.

"Each person, according to age, distributes food."

"If you haven't finished eating, let it dry up, and you are not allowed to eat more..."

Dylan looked at the crowd with a serious expression: "Crying is not allowed!"

Camille at the back tugged on Balmond's sleeve: "Bamond, don't we have a lot of meat? Why can't everyone eat as much as they want?"

Balmond stroked his beard and smiled: "Your Highness, you can't eat all this meat at once. If you eat it today, what about tomorrow? The day after tomorrow? And..."

"After a long period of starvation, one cannot eat too much at one time, as the body will not be able to afford it."

That young man... is amazing...


A sharp voice shouted in the crowd: "There is so much meat!! Why can't we have a full meal?"

Dylan glanced over coldly, and the clamoring young man shrank back in fear.

But then he saw the people around him whispering to each other and immediately said loudly: "These are the beasts of our Kingdom of Girona, we can eat as much as we want!"

Dylan did not explode immediately, but pulled out the Shura scabbard that had been dug into the ground.

"Oh? Then why don't you go hunting yourself?"

"You..." The blond young man showed a trace of anger: "You are capable, what's wrong with helping us!?"

Hearing this sentence, most people hesitated, but a small number of people showed such expressions.

"That's right..."

Dylan nodded, and the blond youth showed joy.

Looks like I can have a full meal today!

But then Dylan's words made him fall into the ice cellar.

"I have power, so I want to help you. Similarly, pirates have power, so they can rob you without restraint, right? Then what if..."

The crimson Shura unsheathed, and a burst of bloody smell erupted instantly.

"What if I choose to become a pirate now?"

The people who were hungry suddenly panicked.

Dylan walked forward slowly, and Camilla clenched Balmond's sleeve tightly and gritted her teeth.

"In this world, you can have no strength, no knowledge, but there is one thing, if you don't have it, it will be fatal at any time."


The head of the blond youth flew high.

His expression in the sky was still full of panic and fear.

"If you don't have a clear understanding of yourself, you will step into the abyss at any time."

After all this commotion, the noisy crowd instantly quieted down.

Even if a child wanted to cry, the mother covered her mouth vigorously.

"Distribute the food."



In the palace, Camilla glanced at Dylan hesitantly after eating some meat full of thoughts.

"What's wrong? Do you think I'm too cruel?"

"No..." Camilla shook her head: "I believe the big brother must have a reason, I just..."

"I want to know the specific reason!" Camila finally raised her head and looked directly at Dylan: "I'm not a child anymore!"

Dylan froze for a moment, then looked at Balmond beside him.

"His Majesty Camilla...No... According to the law, she is now Her Majesty Camilla."

"That's it..."

Dylan picked up a small meat knife and placed it with a piece of meat.

"Then...Queen Camilla, what do you think is needed to rule a kingdom?"

Camila raised her head in doubt. The word "rule" is still unfamiliar to Camila who is only 7 years old.

"To put it simply, how do you think you can make your people happier?"

"Let everyone have enough to eat!"

Camilla answered loudly.

Dylan nodded, then shook his head again: "Yes, having enough food is the most important and fundamental need of all people. But, just for that, your ancestors did it hundreds of years ago Arrived."


Dylan looked at the confused Camilla and asked, "Why did the Kingdom of Girona collapse?"

"Because of pirates!"

Dylan shook his head again: "This is only one aspect, it's just the appearance of the problem, not the essence of the problem."

Dylan pushed the meat forward a bit: "The country is rich and the people can have enough food. Your ancestors have done this for hundreds of years."

Then Dylan pushed the knife forward again: "The country has the power to drive out pirates and bandits. Your ancestors did it too."

"Why did such a kingdom eventually collapse?"

Balmond sat beside him thinking, and this question has troubled him for many years.

But he also attributed this to the advent of the "Great Pirate Era".

"Wealth is the flesh and blood of a country, and strength is the bone of a country."

Dylan picked up a knife and a fork and interlaced them.

"Faith is the soul of a country!"

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