Pirates: The system is not activated until you are a hundred years old

Chapter 144

Chapter 144 Status

“Brat, I lost”

On the training ground, Cyborg Kong had a look of helplessness on his face. He kept clenching and relaxing his right fist to relieve his arm that was shaking due to excessive stiffness.

But immediately, a gratified smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he stepped in front of Ron, whose breathing had just stabilized. He punched Ron in the chest with a smile and said with a grin:”You kid, I really didn’t expect you to do this.” Hidden so deeply, entangled with overlord lust, you are so skillful in using a power that even I cannot fully master. Come on, tell me frankly, when did you master it?” After saying this, Kong was still not satisfied . When Ron spoke, he stroked his beard again and said

“Tsk tsk tsk, no, with your strength, it would be too unfair for you to stay at the Navy Headquarters and become a lieutenant general. How about this, you and I go to the World Government. If you go there, I guarantee that your status will never be higher than that of the World Government. I’m so stupid!”

But soon, Sora rejected his words, covering his forehead and said:”No, according to your free-spirited character, you definitely don’t like to deal with those politicians in the World Government who have eight minds per capita. Oh, it’s really Difficult to handle”

Listening to Kong’s soliloquy, Ron couldn’t laugh or cry and said:”Okay, okay, old guy, I’m not a child anymore. You’d better stop worrying about the long and short things here. You’d better take a look around first. What to do with the situation?”

Using the overlord-colored entanglement and bombardment in such a crowded place, at least 30,000 to 40,000 sailors around the training ground fainted.

Most of these soldiers have missions ahead of them.

If we can’t wake up, there will be no chaos in the sea!


Around the training ground, Karp’s words almost exploded in everyone’s hearts like a bomb.

“Lieutenant General Ron, defeated the former Marshal Mr. Kong?!”

The flying squirrel was extremely shocked.

Although he didn’t see the scene clearly, but with Garp’s words, it was almost a certainty that Mr. Ron won over Mr. Kong. The overlord color was entangled.

There was actually Such a powerful power?!

Since it is entangled with the color of the Overlord.

Doesn’t it mean that Mr. Ron is the one and only king?

No wonder Mr. Ron’s aura is so fascinating.

He is indeed mine. Idol!

Gradually, the smile on the flying squirrel’s face became more and more fanatical.

Under the incredulous eyes of some other vice-admirals of the Navy Headquarters, this unprecedented competition of the entire navy came to an end. The generals and officers had a headache. While looking at the unconscious soldiers on the ground,

Akainu’s figure slowly left the window of the fortress building of the Navy Headquarters. His eyes kept flashing, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

Although the competition came to an end.

But , the aftermath of this battle was still being circulated in the navy until a month or two later.

Moreover, the places where it spread did not only include the navy headquarters.

Naval branches distributed around the world also slowly learned about it. During the competition,

Vice Admiral Ron displayed the ultimate overlord power and defeated the World Government’s commander-in-chief, Sora!

It is precisely for this reason that Ron’s reputation in the navy has reached an unprecedented level. Subversion!

After this discussion, all the navy soldiers knew the name of Navy Godfather Ron.

Moreover, this name was not just a rumor.

The Navy Godfather who defeated Cyborg Sora, the commander-in-chief of the World Government’s army. Lieutenant General Ron.

Stay alive at their naval headquarters!


About half a month later


Naval Headquarters, Marineland

“Hey Hey hey! Did you go to see the sparring match between Lieutenant General Ron and Mr. Kong not long ago?”

“Hey, of course I went, and I even got a good spot!”

“Wow! That’s so cool, right? Unfortunately, I was still outside on a mission and didn’t have time to rush back. When I arrived, I saw some people cleaning the training ground.”

“Tsk tsk, you didn’t see it, the scene at that time was so grand! The battle between Lieutenant General Ron and Mr. Kong was so fierce. Every move and every move was more powerful than I imagined.

You may not imagine that just listening to the aftermath of their battle made me feel dizzy.

Especially that last moment, I rolled my eyes, lost consciousness and passed out.

Later, I heard our Lieutenant General describe it.

The impact of the last collision between the two old men directly shook the entire Malinvando Island!

Even the clouds in the sky were shattered!”

“Oh my god, it turns out this is true! I thought there was a huge earthquake that day!”

“Tsk tsk, Lieutenant General Ron’s strength is really great. He is worthy of being the legendary godfather who can teach Mr. Garp and Marshal Sengoku. Even Commander Kong is not a match for Lieutenant General Ron. We have Luo in the navy. With the big boss like Lieutenant General En in charge, my heart feels much more at ease!”

“Hey! After you said that, I seemed to feel the same way, and suddenly I felt a lot more at ease.”


“Huh? Look over there, that looks like Lieutenant General Ron!”

Among the two sailors who were chatting with each other, one of them suddenly spotted Ron walking leisurely in the aisle in the distance.

“Yeah! It’s Lieutenant General Ron!”

After seeing Ron’s face clearly, the two sailors’ hearts suddenly accelerated and their expressions became excited.

At this moment, they stood up involuntarily, and at the same time they respectfully gave a military salute in Ron’s direction and watched. They looked at Ron until the figure disappeared from sight, and their bodies relaxed at the same time.

Although, when they saluted just now, Mr. Ron never turned his eyes to look at them.

But this still made The two felt very honored.

Because that was the naval godfather they respected from the bottom of their hearts, Lieutenant General Ron!

On the other side, under the gaze of thousands of naval soldiers, Ron walked in with a calm expression. In the Navy Headquarters building.

He only came to attend the regular meeting of the Navy Headquarters, so he did not bring Luffy and Zoro with him. Gion, who had been by his side for some days, was also dragged away by Heru, who was busy with official duties. Even Ain and Zefa went to the naval training camp to deal with the graduation of this batch of recruits.

Now only Ron is left alone.

Now that he has become a big star in the navy, in such a Under the many gazes, he did not feel superior to others. Instead, he felt a bit like a lion in the zoo, being stared at by these people.

Although, the eyes of these sailors were filled with incomparable reverence.

(End of this chapter)

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