Planting Trees Through The Heavens And Worlds

Chapter 19 Hot Pot

"And it's still very safe there. They are all animals that like nature." Raphael looked at the unicorns and explained the benefits of the natural world. Arnold has natural power. Although they will not come up against them, they will not They will get close. After all, this kind of creature is very serious about women over men, but under the words of the same family, they feel nothing, so they quickly agreed to enter the realm of nature and let Arnold take them in.

After taking away the unicorn, Arnold also found several seeds he had not seen before in the unicorn's position. Arnold was very happy about this.

After turning around the center of the Forbidden Forest, Arnold did not continue, but returned to Hufflepuff. After all, it was already two or three in the morning. In case a little wizard woke up from hunger to find food, he was passing by the place where he lived. Room, knock on the door, after all, Hufflepuff is still friendly, remember to share if you have something delicious.

After Arnold returned to the lounge, what he didn't expect was that little Hufflepuff was not hungry, but his body was hungry. Well, he just wanted to eat.

After coming out of the realm of nature and taking back his avatar, Arnold took out a hot pot from the realm of nature, and then took out a lot of ingredients in his pocket with the traceless extension spell, and then began to heat it up.

After a whole day of work, Arnold has no clue about the ancient spell, but this is normal. After all, if the ancient spell is so easy to understand and release, he will not call it an ancient spell, after all, this thing can be formed calamity.

Soon the hot pot base was boiled, and the spicy aroma spread. Arnold likes to eat spicy hot pot, so he naturally prepared the spicy taste. After the hot pot was boiled, Arnold prepared his own enoki mushrooms and hairy belly. Put it in the pot and wait quietly.

Because Arnold did not set a spell to block the breath, the aroma of the food spread out. The smell, like a rebellion, followed the scent.

Smelling the fragrance, they came to where Arnold was. "Hey, isn't this Arnold's room?"

"The fragrance comes from here, what is Arnold preparing to eat?"

"Do you want to knock on the door?"

"Let's not, in case Arnold has a rest, aren't we disturbing his rest?"

The two of them were hesitant to stand at the door. From here, they could see the difference between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. If it was Gryffindor, no matter what the three, seven or twenty-one, they would just push the door open. , anyway, let's see what's in there.

Arnold's ears are very good, so he easily heard the sound outside and sighed. Arnold raised his hand with a magic trick and saw the door of the room opened, and the two seniors outside also saw Arnold who was eating hot pot.

"Let's eat together?" Arnold looked at the two and raised the bowls and chopsticks in their hands.

"Thanks a lot then!" The two who wanted to refuse smelled the fragrance and couldn't refuse.

Because the two didn't know how to use chopsticks, Arnold prepared forks for the two of them. After tasting it according to Arnold's method, the two were smoking hot, but the food was really delicious.

"This is so spicy, but also delicious, what is this?" After taking a bite, the two asked curiously.

"It's called hot pot. It's a food from China. It's suitable for eating when it's cold. Although the weather isn't too cold right now, because it's night, I want to eat it too, so I made some."

Because it was the first time to taste this food, and this food was very delicious, so the two ate a lot, and finally returned to the lounge with a fragrant changzui, but what the two seniors didn't know was that their catastrophe It will not end because of the incense, but the beginning. After all, people who are not used to eating spicy food can't stand eating so many chili peppers.

The night passed quickly. Arnold, like yesterday, let his avatar take the class instead of him, while he went to study ancient spells. As for the newly added animals and plants, he also let his avatar take care of it.

Other animals have changed little by little, but the Hushuluoguo has changed at an astonishing speed. This kind of creature, the Hushululuguo, is originally a half-plant and half-animal variety. It has the characteristics of plants and the flexibility of animals. So the second point alone counts it among the artifact animals, not the magical plants.

Under Arnold's natural magic, these little guys grew rapidly. From the size of a finger at the beginning, to the size of an arm, and then to the size of a child, Arnold divided more than 100 clones, and each clone had elites The magic power of the wizard, after the magic power of the avatar was exhausted, the Hushu Luoguo actually grew to the size of an adult. The branches and leaves of the tree guards that grew to this extent also became stronger, and it can be seen that their faces are more like human face.

The magic power of an elite wizard has made the Hushu Luoguo grow like this. As for the other animals and plants, they have not changed much. If the unicorn is used for calculation, it is equivalent to the magic power of the Oro level to make them transform. It is quite Only the magic of the legendary level can bring them to the limit, of course, the plant is much better, but the magic of the elite Auror can make them reach the limit.

Arnold, who learned from the clone's memory that the tree-protecting pot was growing, put down his research and walked towards the tree-protecting pot with curiosity. He wanted to see what the limit of the tree-protecting pot was like.

Walking in front of the strongest tree protector, Arnold poured his magic power into the tree protector. Arnold's original magic was equivalent to a legend, and among the legends, they all belong to the kind that are particularly numerous and pure. Under a lot of magic power, the Hushu Luoguo grows as fast as gold carat, two meters, three meters, five meters, ten meters, twenty meters, all the way to ninety-nine meters, consuming a quarter of Arnold. One's magic power has allowed this tree-protecting pot to grow to its limit. At this time, the tree-protecting pot may be able to change its name. Maybe he should be called a tree man.

Arnold was very surprised at the consumption of his own magic power. You must know that when he developed a long to the limit before, it only consumed one-tenth of his magic power, and this is a quarter. Don't underestimate Arnold's A quarter of the magic power, Arnold's magic power with nine Horcruxes is very huge, one-tenth of the magic power is equivalent to a legend with scarce magic power, let alone a quarter. *

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