Planting Trees Through The Heavens And Worlds

Chapter 310 snaps your fingers to no avail

Whether it is Sol or Steve, facing Zi Sweet Potato's Iron Head Gong, they have no resistance at all, but they didn't expect Zi Sweet Pot to meet a more iron-headed Captain Marvel, and then his peerless martial arts Iron Head Gong was broken. , But even so, the purple sweet potato is not so easy for these people to deal with. After all, the purple sweet potato is an eternal titan. Even without the infinite gems, it is still very high in combat power. Before the purple sweet potato was notorious in the universe, it was not Infinity Gems.

"Leave this to me, although I think the world is kinder, but the law of existence in the world is that there is good and evil. If there is only justice left in this world, then what role do we superheroes have? It is estimated that There's nothing left. 99

"Although the current world is also very good, in contrast, I am more adapted to the original world.

After making up their minds, with the help of Dr. Pym, the group began to travel through the world with the help of Pym particles. The gems of other worlds were borrowed very smoothly. , and then a group of people went to the place where the purple sweet potato was and began to look for the purple sweet potato. Why the infinite gems were kept in the future, of course, it was for prevention. It would be bad if it was robbed, so for the sake of their safety, they should put this Infinity Stone in the future.

I just sacrificed my daughter's purple sweet potato, and I was recalling the pain of her daughter's passing, and then I saw a large number of people surrounded myself. These people are the people of the Avengers, and they are also the people that the purple sweet potato will set out to deal with. However, one of the fat men looked familiar. I had seen this fat man somewhere before. (Although most of Thor's relatives and friends have been resurrected, some of them have not been resurrected. For example, if Roki, no, it is Loki, Loki has not been resurrected, there is no way, who makes Loki not a good person? .)

"You purple sweet potato that doesn't slip away, you go to hell!" After seeing this purple sweet potato, the group of people suddenly became angry and beat up the purple sweet potato, although the purple sweet potato was violent High strength, but the weapons are not carried around, and these people are not weak, Wanda who has the power of chaos, Thor who has awakened the full power of Odin, and Captain Marvel who uses the energy of the universe. The right to fight, so after a fight, Sol successfully cut off Zi Sweet Potato's arm with the Storm Tomahawk, and then left with Zi Sweet Potato's wireless gloves.

"Bastards, these damn bastards, don't think that I can't see that you have the power of time in you to snatch my Infinity Stones, I will not let you go, even if there are no Infinity Stones, there are still in the universe. There are many treasures, and many treasures that can realize my dreams are...

After returning to the future world, Banner put on wireless gloves under the arrangement of his wife. There is no way. Although Betty hates his father, Betty also hopes that his father can live, even if it is It's okay to be a beggar, at least this one is alive, not dead.

After wearing the Infinity Gloves, Banner felt a powerful force pouring into him continuously. Under this force, Banner felt that he was omnipotent, but he also felt the hugeness of this energy. , There is also the damage of this power to his own divine body. Banner resisted the damage and snapped his fingers. The infinite power of the six gems of the infinite gems expanded into this universe, but in the power of the infinite gems. Down, these trees did not disappear, but became more vigorous, and the oxygen content in the planet increased a lot.

After Banner snapped his fingers, Tony Stark and others began to look for changes in the universe, but found that, except for the better environment, there was no change in the fart, and those high-level executives did not come back to life. Everyone was very puzzled. Could it be that Banner couldn't snap his fingers. After letting Banner take off his gloves to rest, Sol put on the gloves. However, after putting on the gloves and snapping his fingers, he was surprised to find that this The world still hasn't changed, it's still the same as before. Everyone who doesn't believe in evil is asking Captain Marvel to try it again, and it's still the same, which makes Tony Stark and others a little confused. What's going on? Why are they all snapping their fingers, the purple sweet potato's snapping fingers can be eliminated by Li Jie, but Li Jie's finger snaps can't be eliminated?

Why is it like this? The reason is very simple, because Li Jie's strength is stronger than that of purple sweet potato, and when Li Jie snaps his fingers, he has two rings, plus six Infinity Stones energy, first to realize his wish, and then Transforming this huge power into its own natural divine power will change the entire universe, and because these plants are the natural power transformed by the power of the infinite gems, they have a lot of resistance to the infinite gems, and can even absorb the infinite gems. The power of the Avengers, so let alone the Avengers snapping their fingers three times, even if they snapped thirty, three hundred, and thirty thousand fingers, they would not make this universe return to its original state, it would only make the universe return to its original state. It's just getting better and better. Of course, this kind of good is what Li Jie thinks is good, not what these people think.

Face 〃 Waterfak, what the hell did this Li Jie do? Why does no (Li Wangzhao) limited gems work? Sol, this Li Jie is the god of your Asgard, he said before about his divine power It is natural divine power, what exactly is this natural divine power, and it can be so powerful that even the infinite gems cannot solve his effect. "" One is that Steve, who doesn't like swearing, also exploded under such circumstances. After all, snapping his fingers three times has no effect at all. Anyone who gets on the stand will explode.

Hearing Steve's words, Sol, who was wearing a bandage, said innocently, "This is not the effect of our Asgard's natural power, our Asgard's natural power can only stimulate plants and make them grow better. , and has a great affinity with animals. According to the history of Asgard, the gods of nature in all dynasties are not powerful gods. After all, their divine power is not a divine power that is good at fighting. oooooooo'

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