Planting Trees Through The Heavens And Worlds

Chapter 44 Time

The time will come soon. It is time for the college to have a holiday. Although it is a holiday, not all students choose to leave the school. Because some silent students are orphans, the ordinary world may see this strange baby girl and throw it away. , and even some who love their children will be silently killed. Among Harry Potter, why did they start recruiting ordinary wizards later? The Xingtiao Kingdom was very miserable, so the wizards in the world knew the powerful power of silence, so in order to prevent such things from happening, they chose to recruit ordinary wizards.

"Saori, I remember you have a home, don't you go back?" Arnold looked at a girl from the foot basin country.

Hearing Arnold's words, Iguchi Saori shook his head and watched Arnold whisper, "That's not my home. After they sell me, it won't be my home anymore." Because silence comes from ordinary people The world, so in order to reduce the harm to ordinary people, Arnold said that it is not allowed to hurt ordinary people, so some wizard families have thought of a lot of ways, money, threats, and of course some lies, most parents are Those who love their children, but there are some exceptions, such as Iguchi Saori and some students, whose parents choose to sell them.

"Is that so? Since you don't have a home, then the school is equivalent to your home. You should live in the school in the future. Nearly three months will allow you to improve better. That's the only way. After all, There are no other toys in the academy."

Under Arnold's arrangement, the other students passed through the portal one by one and walked to the Hogwarts station on the other side of the portal. After these people walked out of the station, they saw their parents, which made them They are very happy, not only are they happy, but also the parents who have not seen their children for more than a year are also very happy, of course, some are really happy, and the other is pretending, after all, some families don't care much for their children.

Following their parents, these students left Hogwarts station one by one and returned to their own homes. Some family members, after their children returned home, let their children use magic, children He did not refuse, and used Druid magic. It is worth mentioning that during the time in the academy, each student mastered one or two primary magics, and also mastered the use of natural magic.

After seeing the magic mastered by their children, those magic families are very happy, this is good, now there is no need to worry about the emergence of squibs from their own families, they can develop at will, if there are squibs in the development , This is easy to say, just throw it directly to Arnold, then their family will be more prosperous and prosperous, you must know that there is no dystocia in the magic family of the wizarding world, of course, this is the other party's use of magic medicine, if the other party does not If you use potions, then there will also be dystocia. For example, in the second part of Where Are The Artifact Animals, the mother of the female Auror died of dystocia.

For the magic family, the only thing that restricts them is the population. I used to worry about the population problem because I was worried about the emergence of Squibs. After all, Squibs are very shameful. If a Squib appears in a family, it has to be rejected by other families. After talking for a long time, the magic family is a person who wants to save face, so in order for this kind of thing not to happen, they choose to suppress the population and use this method to reduce the squibs. Even under such circumstances, there are many squibs.

Because there are still students in the academy, during the holidays, Arnold just went back to see his parents and family, and then continued to return to his school. There was no way so many children were in the academy, and besides himself Besides, there are no other mentors, so I have to watch them. Although there are magic avatars, my magic avatars also have something to do. They are arranged by myself to cultivate the batch of seeds obtained before in the realm of nature. Go, it's different to have the magic family to help collect the seeds. The previous time, Arnold got a lot of seeds that he didn't get before. Because there are too many kinds of seeds, Arnold didn't give them to Arnold for a year. cultivated to the limit. . . .

After the start of school, we will welcome the second batch of large-scale freshmen, then the third and fourth batches. Some people may say that the Squibs of the Magic Family are not endless, and there are no Squibs. Why do you need to find new students? The answer is very simple. , because on Arnold's side, Silent can be accumulated. If you bring a Silent student, then your family will accumulate an admission list, which means that in the future, if there is a Squib in your family, you can send it directly, you don't need to look for Silent. , after all, silently this thing is also very difficult to find.

Time always slips away inadvertently. Seven years have passed in the blink of an eye. The first batch of students at Arnold Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry are also graduating. Many students do not want to leave the academy, but Arnold told them that their future may be in the academy or outside, you still need to grow, you need to practice outside for two or three years, if you are willing to come back then, then you are assistant professors of the academy, if not If you are willing to come back, then it's nothing. Arnold Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry also welcomes you. You can also send your children to this school in the future.

The tasks of the first six grades are to cultivate the tree of enlightenment, meditate to learn various histories, and Druid magic. There is only one course for the seventh grade, and that is to make a dryad, and what is a dryad, explain in another sentence, You may understand that it is a Horcrux, but this is not as evil as a Horcrux. To create a tree spirit, you need to split part of your soul into your own enlightenment tree, speed up your magic practice, and at the same time let them With an extra life, this can be regarded as a preferential treatment for them by the academy.

The seeds Arnold gave to the students were all cultivated in the realm of nature, but because they were in the outside world, there was no almost endless natural power in the realm of nature, so these seeds were weakened. . . . . . . . . *

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