Planting Trees Through The Heavens And Worlds

Chapter 56 lively Ionia

Soraka helped the star tree to break through the triple limit, allowing the star tree to reach a kilometer, a kilometer high tree, not to mention Ionia, even anyone near Ionia can see this tree , The star tree is thousands of meters high, and the realm is hundreds of meters. Thanks to Soraka's yard, it is not small. Otherwise, it is estimated that it will not be able to hold it. Even so, Soraka's yard is also filled with the star tree. There is only a little space to walk. The kilometer-long star tree, the area covered by the top of the tree is very large, and even the entire sky above Ionia is shrouded in the star tree. This is It is no exaggeration at all. The star tree was originally a star grass, and Arnold used natural magic to cultivate it again and again, and then it turned into a star tree. The star grass belongs to the kind with a big top, like dandelions. Eh, Xiaomeng lacks knowledge, I don't know what the grass is called, so the top layer of the dandelion becomes ten times larger when it remains dry, which is the kind of plant Xiaomeng said.

Any tree has a relatively large top, because on the top of the tree, they need to fork and expand. The star tree is especially exaggerated in this point, so the trees in the 100-meter range, the height of 1000 meters, shrouded The entire Ionia sky, of course, after the star tree covers the Ionia sky, it does not mean that Ionia has no sun, Ionia still has the sun, in the daytime, the star tree appears In the translucent state, although the trees can be seen, they will not block the sunlight. At night, the star tree appears, which is the most beautiful and beautiful time.

Seeing this towering tree, the senior members of Ionia couldn't help but widen their eyes. It's incredible. Such a big tree has been pruned out in such a short period of time, and looking at the height of this tree, I'm afraid It is the largest tree in this continent. The group looked at this beautiful tree here, and went to the banquet together after the banquet was prepared. Although the food of Ionia is relatively compared to the food of China No, but it's not too bad, after all, the food here is pure natural.

In the next few days, because of this towering tree, many tourists came to Ionia. Some of them were real tourists, and some were spies. I wanted to investigate what happened to this big tree, but no matter what. What kind of purpose did they hold? They could watch the trees in the royal city of Ionia, but they couldn't watch it in Soraka's yard. After all, this star tree is also very important to Soraka, yes, it is very important. The importance of it. After Soraka recovered the consumed divine power, she found that this star tree was equivalent to her staff. Under the star tree, Soraka could observe every part of Ionia, and even could Performing a magic attack anywhere is equivalent to He Dan, who has its own positioning. Although it is only in the homeland, some people who have other ideas know this and will definitely be afraid. Starlight fell from the sky and destroyed them, well, Soraka's kindness won't do this, but Soraka doesn't kill them, you can imprison them, just direct the starlight cage, lock them all, and then things will come naturally Needless to say.

Tourists watch the star tree during the day and the star tree at night, and the people of Ionia are helping Arnold collect plant seeds. After all, people in Ionia are not the kind of perfidious people, so Arnold collected a lot of seeds, he planted them in the realm of nature, and then used divine power to cultivate them to the limit, even breaking multiple limits. Although the star tree in Ionia is tall, But compared to the trees in Arnold's realm of nature, they are still much shorter. In Arnold's realm of nature, the tallest star tree has reached 4,960 meters, and it is about to approach the next limit. This star tree is the Horcrux that Arnold made at the beginning. He grew up with Arnold's growth. Not only this one, but other Horcrux trees also grew very tall.

Up to now, Arnold's Horcrux has 2,563 Horcruxes, of which 1,500 Horcruxes were recently separated by Arnold. Relying on merit repair, Arnold put his own Horcrux When the limit of this stage is reached, Arnold can continuously increase the magic power, so that Arnold will not lack magic power, and after Arnold's death, he can also be reborn with the help of the Horcrux, more than 2,500 Horcrux, that is With more than 2,500 lives, Arnold is not the kind of person who likes to cause trouble, so these lives are also secondary, the main thing is to help plants break the limit and let the plants grow on their own.

There are many kinds of plants in Ionia. In one month, more than 3,000 new types of plants have appeared in Arnold's natural world, although these Ionians collected plants because Arnold had previously treated Sora. With the help of Ka, but Arnold did not let these people collect it for nothing, and gave a lot of grain seeds, potatoes, sweet potatoes, vegetables, fruits that are not available in this world, especially potatoes and sweet potatoes, these two are very high-yield, and they are eaten. Diverse. After getting these, the Ionian people were very happy. At the same time, Arnold stepped up the search. In addition to asking the Ionian people to help collect them, Arnold also contacted merchants from all over the world and proposed Use plant seeds to trade magic items. After all, Arnold is a top alchemist. These businessmen from all over have a manual in their hands. This manual records all Arnold's plant seeds. , you can accumulate it, and then find Arnold to exchange it. The weapons in this world are divided into low-level, medium, high-level, top-level, master, legendary, epic, and semi-artifacts, artifacts, and Arnold can make products equivalent to semi-artifacts , even if it is an artifact, if you give Arnold enough materials and then research it, you can do it.

On Arnold's side, exchange magic items, one hundred seeds for one low-level, three thousand for medium, five thousand for high, seven thousand for top, ten thousand for master, 30,000 One can be exchanged for Legendary level, 50,000 can be exchanged for Epic level, as for the semi-artifact level, it needs 500,000, and the artifact level needs one million. Of course, in addition to plants, you also need to bring your own materials. *

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