Play with the Dimensional Planes

Chapter 30 - Succession

Biquge, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the dimensional plane!

After becoming familiar with this state, Chen Xiao returned to his normal state: “System, how is the situation of the reincarnation now?”

“Ding, with 3 deaths, a total of 3100 points, the host earned 2790 points, the number of main line tasks completed is 0, and 7 people are alive.”

“Well.” Chen Xiao nodded, and was quite satisfied with the situation. “System, let’s go back to the Dragon Valley and take a look.”


Chen Xiao, as the person in charge of the world, can freely enter and exit. The picture in front of him turns to the Dragon Valley plane and breathes the fresh air. Chen Xiao feels comfortable all over.

“Ha! This is much better than the heavily polluted air at the Super Seminary!”

After strolling around for a while, Chen Xiao went straight to the sacred heaven, where his sword was still there!

The blacksmith’s shop had been closed for several weeks. Barner stood at the door and said uncomfortably: “Damn old blacksmith, he hasn’t even done business, and I have no place to repair my broken sword.”

“Okay, don’t complain, I haven’t seen the teacher for half a month, and I’m too irresponsible.” Lambert waved his hand and spit out.

“Oh, let’s go, it seems that the door will not open again today.” Barner sighed and turned to leave.


Barna hadn’t walked a few steps, a loud noise suddenly broke out behind him, the broken wooden door of the blacksmith shop was fluttered instantly, an invisible energy rippled in a rippled way, wave after wave of energy More and more fierce.

“I’m going, what the old blacksmith is doing!” Barner roared, pulling the giant sword from behind and inserting it into the place. The other hand grabbed Lambert, who was about to be blown away.

Chen Xiao, who was a few kilometers away, suddenly sensed the fever of his chest gem, which was the resonance of the dragon gem!

“Is the artifact born?”

“Roar! Roar! Roar!”

There was a sound of dragon chanting, echoing in the sacred heaven, the entire blacksmith shop erupted an amazing light, and out of the light, the wings that covered the sky, the translucent dragon soul soared in the sky!

The messy and dirty old man of the blacksmith rushed out of the blacksmith’s shop, and saw Barna and Lambert shouting like finding a savior: “Help me get the dragon soul back! The dragon soul will not return before the light ends. , The artifact failed to forge! “

“Artifact, my obedient.” Barner shouted in surprise.

“System, what’s the situation now.” When Chen Xiao rushed to the Holy Heaven, he saw the dragon soul circled around the beam of light and an anxious blacksmith old man.

“The host, Dragon Soul resists instinctively. If the Light Soul cannot be put back into place before the light beam dissipates, the artifact will fail to forge.”

“Look at me!” Chen Xiaoyu rushed into the sky with the wind. This is the plane of the Dragon Valley. He means God’s will. Here he can exert 200% of his strength.

Chen Xiao opened his fingers with five fingers and reached for the Dragon Soul. The light blue tornado suddenly lifted up and enveloped the Dragon Soul. The terrible suction could not be freed even though the Dragon Soul struggled. Chen Xiao controlled the Dragon Scroll and forced the dragon The volume moved into the beam of light!


“That kid is finally here!”

At the same time, Bethkode in the palace and Tramay in the chapel were all concerned about this shocking move, and the two brothers and sisters of Gerant also covered their chests with faint heat. Baoyu.

“It’s a dragon!” Gerant narrowed his eyes and spit out two words.

“Is this possible? Brother, the Black Dragon has been eliminated. We should be the only dragon in the world.”

“Anyway, we have to go back and take a look.”

Dragon Soul was pulled into the beam of light, the sound of Long Yin stopped abruptly, the beam of light also became more and more faint, gradually converging, and finally revealed a stunning artifact floating on the ruined blacksmith shop!

It looks like a sword, like a sword, with a slender blade and a dark red body. A red gem on the ordinary cross hilt is still competing with the sun. A dragon-shaped stripe circled around the blade!

The artifact has been completed!

Chen Xiao breathed out a sigh of air and walked slowly towards the artifact. Before reaching a distance of more than ten meters, a heavy sense of depression was attached to him!

He is familiar with this ability, this is Long Wei! Artifacts have spirits, choose to choose the master!

“Humph, you can only be mine.” Chen Xiao snorted. Longwei exploded with all his strength and directly suppressed the artifact. He quickly walked to the artifact, grabbed the hilt in his right hand, and took the artifact in his hand.

After careful consideration for a while, Chen Xiao was quite satisfied. Chen Xiao looked at the old blacksmith and said, “You are the creator of it, you name it!”

The old blacksmith exhaled and said, “Thank you.” How honor it is for a blacksmith to name an artifact.

“Chengye Dragon Soul, defeated Dragon Soul, just call it Dragon Soul Sword.”

“Dragon Soul Sword, okay, just call this.” Chen Xiao waved his Dragon Soul Sword back into his backpack and said to the old blacksmith, “Because casting this sword destroyed your blacksmith shop and such a large area of ​​residential area, This is compensation. “

Chen Xiao exchanged thousands of gold coins and threw them to the old blacksmith, and Barner’s eyes widened.

“Master! Master!” Lambert ran in front of Chen Xiao in a few steps, “You were just handsome and blown up!”

“Nonsense, can I not be handsome, your master.”

“Yes, yes, yes, what did you give me last time, I learned almost …”

After Lambert finished speaking, Chen Xiao felt a little embarrassed unconsciously. At first, the admission was just to make him not pay attention to Liya. Later, when he achieved his goal, he almost forgot Lambert.

Chen Xiao thought about it, exchanged it from the system, and threw the intermediate swordsmanship to Lambert, and gave Barner a gold coin to teach him Lambert gas. Of course, the purpose of this is not Chen Xiaoliang ’s discovery. It is Chen Xiao who feels that there is a lack of so-called “veterans” among the reincarnations.

After solving these things, Chen Xiao then went to the lost ancient road. He had asked the system about several places in the Dragon Valley world where he could get a lot of points, except for tens of thousands of monsters in the Black Dragon Mountains and the dragon in the dragon tomb. Corpse Dragon Soul only has a large number of fine souls here.

Chen Xiao flew with all his strength, and it only took a few hours to reach the sky above the lost ancient road. Looking at the smoke-like spirits and reaching out, they transformed all the spirits into points.

“Since you are dead, make a final contribution. In return, I will keep the elves from worrying for generations.”

“Ding, collect fine soul soul × 3426, transform points 34260 points.”

“The system exchanges three dragon gems for energy, and exchanges several effective offensive forbidden techniques.”

“Ding, consume 3000 points, exchange for Dragon Jade × 3, consume 1000 points, exchange forbidden flame storm, consume 1200 points, exchange for lightning ban for natural disasters and thunder!”

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