Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 210 Mr. Lewd, The Licentious And Lascivious Lusty-Mc.-Lust Lecher

Kylie's face turned beet red when she heard the woman complaining about how loud she was during their raging sex session. "T-This is so embarrassing! How will I face people in public now…."

"You're my woman, Kylie." Kaze scoffed breathlessly, rolling his eyes, "The only emotion people will feel toward you is envy, and no one will dare express it."

She felt overwhelming emotions when he called her his woman and gave her a wink, making her feel confident. However, as her overflowing emotions began summoning powerful, chemically-driven words—

"Did you just call another woman YOUR WOMAN!?" The fiery teen in the hallway screamed, "Evalyn's been gone for eighteen hours tops, and you've already claimed another woman like she was drafted and sent overseas!?"

Kaze rolled his eyes, threw on his boxers, a muscle shirt, and some shorts, walked to the door, and opened it.

A petite pink-haired teen with layered black roots stood in the hallway, wearing a black shirt and leggings, tapping her foot with her arms crossed.

When she saw him, her eyes glittered in excitement before she saw his mocking smile, which instantly reversed her excitement and made her shudder. However, she transitioned back into [displeased mode] to counter his expression a split second later.

The emotional shifting happened in a single fluid transition within a single second. It was surreal to watch.

"Hoh?" Kaze smiled mercilessly, glancing at her forced, assertive body language, "Since I'm spending eternity together with Evalyn, I didn't think you'd be so adverse to polygamy."

Kiera blushed to the tip of her ears and turned away. She didn't dare look at him, treating him like a vicious animal, deciding whether it wanted to eat her. "Why wouldn't I feel adverse to it?"

He looked down at the gym clothing he only wore when she spent the night and then returned his gaze with a mocking smile. "Need I answer that question?"

Her face scrunched in, hearing him unilaterally declare she wanted to be his partner, but she lost steam when she saw his mocking expression. She knew he was right, but still—

The slang riddler turned to the mortified, professionally-dressed lady she was holding hostage in the hall, then to the brunette in the room, who hid her face under the covers when she got seen.

Lastly, she made eye contact with Kaze, gazing at him with her sharp, golden hazel eyes.

"Even if I was slightly okay, but still frustrated and dissatisfied with your willingness to have [two] partners." Kiera prefaced, swallowing nervously.

"Oddly specific." Kaze interjected charmingly.

The teen turned beet red and gave him a murderous glare, feeling a raging desire to hit him.

"Do you think…." She growled, gritting her teeth through the embarrassment, "It's okay to mate like a rabbit the moment [wifey one] left to risk her life?"

"Evalyn called last night to inform me that she successfully seized Lainwright Military Base without any of our people dying." Kaze replied charmingly, "I waited to mate until [after] the confirmation.

She did far better than I anticipated, by the way. As expected, she succeeded without casualties, but to think that she'd limit enemy casualties to 2% and—"

"Kaze!" Kiera snapped, hearing him praise his general with a dreamy smile, "That's not important!"

"Do you not find that phenomenal?" He asked mockingly, "She even spared General Peyton, albeit uncomfortably, so all our people could bear witness to his execution. That's praise worthy, is it not?"

"Sex, Kaze." She growled under her breath, "Pussy plowing. Hormone tweaking. Clit whispering.

We're not talking about how much you love wifey one. We're talking about you double dicknotizing a sado-maso-psycho and your assistant like this mansion's a flooze cruise."

"Cor~rect." Kaze smiled mockingly, "We just got to the part where you're okay with polygamy if it's convenient and hiding your desire for me not to sleep with other women by debasing my personality as insensitive and uncaring to my main partner. Have we gotten off track?"

Kiera flushed red and felt a raging desire to crawl into a hole and die. She glanced at the giggling Kylie murderously, shutting the brunette down instantly, and then at the mortified assistant, standing in the corner in shame. "You know this isn't right, Kazey."

"All things are permissible with consent and undisguised communication." Kaze scoffed, rolling his eyes at the pouting woman, "No one can complain about what they agreed upon."

"What type of low-grade justification is that?" The teen laughed in amazement, "If women love you, they will agree to almost anything, even if they hate it. Obviously."

"If they [love] me?" He scoffed in disbelief, "I have always been a shameless, lascivious man who openly proclaims his unabashed licentiousness while flaunting his lustful, lecherous ways.

Pray tell, Kiera. How might a woman love [me] without accepting the boundless plethora of L-headed words that characterize [me]?"

"Begrudgingly." Kiera whispered with trembling eyes, feeling the desire to cry.

Kaze was right about his behavior and her feelings, she knew that, and she was the person being rude. Moreover, she was a hypocrite, embracing his "unfaithfulness" to sleep in his bed and hoping to assume the title [wifey two].

Still! His openness about his behavior made it [good], her hypocrisy didn't change that, and she didn't feel any less hurt every time he slept with a woman!

A warm, soothing [light-green] light washed over the hallway, simultaneously easing Keira's emotional turmoil and Marilyn's discomfort.

The pink-haired teen looked up when a finger lifted her chin. "Wha…."

"While some bonds are stronger than others, I accept anyone willing to dedicate their life to me as their partner; Evalyn knows this." Kaze said hypnotically, gazing into her eyes, "That doesn't change how I feel about any woman."

Her eyes trembled, looking into his gentle, charming green eyes.

"Nothing has changed, Kiera." He smiled, "My and Evalyn's, and your and my relationship are not affected by Marilyn or Kylie being my partners.

While Crux is not here, you're welcome to stay over whenever you wish, including tonight.

So you needn't concern yourself with such baseless apprehensions. I'm never leaving you behind."

Kiera opened and closed her mouth multiple times, trying to find the words to say. When she finally found some, she took a deep breath and—


—decisively slapped Kaze in the face.

"Lady assistant is also your partner!?" Kiera snapped in disbelief, "Just how busy have you been, Mr. Lewd, The Licentious and Liscvious Lusty-Mc.-Lust Lecher!?

Does Evalyn also know you're a Libertine in addition to being a Libidinous Ladies' man? Because I sure as fuck didn't!"

After sarcastically riddling off all the socio-sexual L-words in her shockingly vast lexicon, she stomped down the hall under Kaze's watchful gaze.

When she got to the stairs, the fiery teen turned around with a powerful pose.

"You better not even THINK of having sex with me tonight!" Kylie demanded loudly, "We're sleeping clothed and platonic as always!"

Kaze smiled in amusement, touching his abdomen and giving a subtle bow that said, [as you wish, My Lady].

The charming motion made her blush, infuriating her for breaking her concentration.

"And don't think cake will make me forgive you!" Kiera yelled, taking her first step down the staircase, "Because it won't, so don't waste your time!

Just take the [L] and feel [L]ucky I [L]ike you and decided to [L]et you [L]ive."

Kaze watched her in amusement, touching his cheek with a strange smile, confusing his partners. They couldn't believe he let her steamroll him and then smile and bow like a simp!

"Was… that okay?" Marilyn asked in disbelief, "I didn't imagine you'd let anyone do that to you."

"Usually, no." He smiled mysteriously, "However, Kiera loves me with near-destructive passion, and I've returned her feelings.

Immediately accepting other women would be the coldest and cruelest thing she could do to me."

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