Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 235 Carmen’s Catch-22

Carmen's back crashed against the wall of a Red Light district sex room. She immediately grabbed the back of Kaze's head as he lifted her against the wall by her ass and thrust.

She moaned loudly, screaming his name as his hard cock entered deep inside her.

A form-fitting police uniform covered the police chief's upper half, half unbuttoned, exposing her purple lace bra against her beautiful black skin.

Her lower half was completely bare, her ass gripped in the emperor's hands, and her pelvis connected to his at the hips.

"D-Does this make me your concubine?" Carmen gasped after initiating a passionate kiss, feeling him thrust deep inside her.

"If you wish to be." Kaze replied, lightly biting her neck in a way that made her go wild.

"Will you fuck me like this again if I am?" She gasped, letting her head crash against the wall.

"So long as you do not sleep with or date another while in a relationship with me, I will bring you more pleasure than you could ever find elsewhere." He declared brazenly.

The police chief tried to retort about his hypocrisy, but he had already declared his unjust selfishness.

"Are you say~YING….." Carmen gasped, moaning between her thoughts, "That your concubines... must… devote themselves… to you… forever... while you sleep around!?"

"That is the lexical definition of the word [concubine], yes." Kaze replied mockingly, rolling his eyes at her confounded logic.

"I w-wasn't being serI~Eous~!" She moaned, accepting his cock deep between her spread legs, "I mean, I was, but ahHHhhHHhhHHhHhhHHHhhH~!"

Kaze picked her up high, sliding her back against the wall, and then dropped her, impaling her with his shaft. The momentum made her scream in pleasure, pulling his head between her breasts.

He bit the top of her left breast, making her moan again and twitch, submitting to his overwhelming pleasure.

"How old!?" Carmen cried between a moan, her mind falling blank from her last topic. His every thrust drove her another layer further into the depths of lunacy. "H-How old are you!?"

"5123 years old by the Earthian celestial marker." Kaze replied nonchalantly, finding a pleasure vein and mining it ruthlessly.

"Y-You've convinced meEEeeE~!" She moaned, her eyes rolling to the back of her skull, "I s-should be scoffing, but I believe it!"

"Is that the sex talking?" He mused, using gravity and his backstroke to exploit her sexual desires.

"T-The sex!?" Carmen cried, raking her nails against his back, trying to get traction but failing, "If you [weren't] an emperor with an expansive empire, I think I'd lose my sanity after all I've seen."

"Hoh?" He mused, "You'd proclaim I had an expansive empire despite the impossibility?"

"You can't fake… THIS!" She screamed, feeling his dick throbbing within her, making her twitch, "Not the power, not the countenance, nor the sexual experience!

If this is [roleplaying], you're equally impossible as the fantasy you're representing!"

It was a catch-22. If she agreed that being a five-thousand-year-old emperor was impossible, she'd have to admit that an eighteen-year-old could become a god of sex and violence within a couple of months of the first influx.

Both were equally insane, so arguing about impossibility was irrelevant.

"If it's a catch-22 and the truth is irrelevant, which would you prefer?" Kaze whispered into her ear, gripping her firm ass tightly and lifting her body off his cock, "An emperor who validates your ethics, or a young, legal man with boundless potential and an interest in you?"

"AHhhHHHhhHhhhHHhHHhH~!" Carmen screamed, climaxing as he dropped her and her lips slid down his shaft to rejoin their hips.

The police chief breathed hard with twitching legs, sweat glistening against her rosy black skin. She wanted down; however, the emperor's erection chained her to the wall, making her fearful of moving from oversensitivity. "T-The emperor… I'd choose… th-th-the EMP~PEROR!"

"How curious." The emperor smiled mysteriously, "Do you still have ageist aversions against me?"

"I never had a real problem with that!" Carmen cried, his throbbing cock trembling against her ultrasensitive clit, "B-But now, I… want to be YOUR CONCUBINE!"

"You seem very attached to that word." Kaze smiled, carefully pulling the trembling woman off his erect shaft, "Why?"

​ "I-I…." She began before a deep breath, touching her toes to the ground and shaking, leaning on him to stand, "H-Heard the cost of b-being your woman from K-Kylie.

Even if you allowed me to be your woman, t-the price is too high. I won't chain myself to a-anyone for eternity.

However, I-I don't mind being exclusive to you, so long as you're good to me."

"If you wish for such a relationship, I shall grant you your wish." Kaze smiled, running his fingers up her long, naked black legs with healing light, stabilizing them.

"And…." The police chief blushed, looking into his eyes in amazement, "Can you keep treating me as you did tonight? Your… dominance drives me wild."

The emperor closed his amused eyes slowly, opening them with a sharp and dominant gaze.

"If you seek sexual favor with me, I seek ample compensation." He smiled with slightly narrowed eyes, glancing down at his still-erect penis.

Carmen looked down at it and felt a lustful desire to please him, still buzzing off the most profound orgasm of her life. "I will do my duty for my Emperor. Would you like me to take this off first?"

She looked down at the dark blue police top she was wearing, half unbuttoned, showcasing a purple lace bra matching the thong on the floor.

"Tell me why you're still wearing it." The emperor ordered with a dominant smile, "I'll give you my answer then."

"I… I really like it." Carmen replied, her cheeks flushed as she averted her gaze, "I liked it a lot more when you called it sexy."

"I simply spoke the truth." Kaze smiled mysteriously, narrowing his eyes, "I've decided, Carmen. Please keep it on; I want to see my police chief sucking my cock."

The beautiful black woman shuddered, feeling a thrill in knowing she was legally breaking countless Maltian laws with the man that talked her into a bribe.

Moreover, she was loving the dynamic. Though the underlying veracity of their roles was unseen, they agreed to roleplay—and his performance stole her breath away.

Carmen ran her hands down her naked thighs, checking their integrity with rosy cheeks before committing to her knees. The feeling made her feel perverse.

Something was raw about being naked from the waist down with everything still on top, as it told a story about the person.

Her bottomless body told the story of her ripping off her boots, socks, pants, and panties as quickly as possible to accept Kaze within her.

Even the thought of that story was embarrassing, so she averted her gaze from the panties on the floor. However, when she did, she saw her pants—on the opposite side of the room!

If that wasn't enough, her socks were ten feet from each other, and one shoe was on the bed!

Carmen thought she was looking at a crime scene, making her get lost in a labyrinth of self-reflection.

"Do you no longer wish to please your emperor?" Kaze asked mockingly, glancing at the pants and back at her, understanding her concern, "You were more enthusiastic earlier."

She blushed again and shook her head. "I want to please you… I apologize, emperor."

Carmen dropped her knees directly on his order, submitting to her emperor.

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