Player who Returned 10,000 years Later

Side Story Chapter 31: Troubling Date (2)

“What should we ride first, Kang-Woo?” asked Han Seol-Ah as she hugged Oh Kang-Woo’s arm.

Their positions were awkward because of the height difference, but she did not seem to mind it.

“Mm, not sure,” answered Kang-Woo apathetically as he opened the map he got from the amusement park entrance.

‘There’s no point in going on thrill rides.’

The two of them could travel at supersonic speed, so attractions such as roller coasters or drop towers would not give them any thrill whatsoever.

‘That’s why I chose this place.’

Kang-Woo looked around Universal Studios. There were buildings decorated with various films as their theme and shops that sold all sorts of goods. Since they wouldn’t feel anything from thrill rides, he chose a place where there were at least many things to look at. However, there was one problem,

“Hm, I don’t know any of these films,” Kang-Woo expressed.

“Oh… me neither.”

They could count the number of films they watched with one hand. They watched several anime with Echidna but rarely films. Hence, they couldn’t appreciate the dedicated decorations.

‘It’s like looking at a nicely decorated garden.’

Kang-Woo belatedly regretted choosing an amusement park as their date spot.

“Hehe. It’s okay, Kang-Woo.” Seol-Ah smiled as she hugged Kang-Woo’s arm harder. “I’m more than satisfied being with you, just the two of us.”

“If you say so, then I guess it’s fine.”

It did not matter if they had nothing to do here as long as Darling was smiling so happily. He had a great time drinking and gaming with Cha Yeon-Joo but it couldn’t compare to when he was spending time with Seol-Ah.

Kang-Woo grabbed Seol-Ah’s hand and said, “Darling.”


“I love you.”

Seol-Ah’s eyes widened. “A-Aaaahh.”

The trembling Seol-Ah looked around and then rubbed her legs together as if holding her pee.

“J-Jeez! Please be more mindful when we’re outside, Kang-Woo!”

“What? What did I do…?”

“Whatever! You’re prohibited from saying things like that outside!” shouted Seol-Ah hastily, her face noticeably much redder.

Kang-Woo nodded with a dumbfounded expression and turned around.

“Right, let’s head over there first—”

“I… love you too,” muttered Seol-Ah as she gently grabbed Kang-Woo’s arm.

Kang-Woo could feel the corners of his mouth rising. He softly coughed and remarked, “Why don’t we head over there first?”


Seol-Ah’s eyes shone as she took the lead.

Murmur, murmur.

“Hey! Take a look at that Chinese chick!”

“Holy shit! Cerberus!”

Seol-Ah garnered attention as they walked around the amusement park. Her facial features looked as if a master craftsman sculpted them; her dark purple hair was like silk, and her waist was so slender for how voluptuous she was. Her beauty and body were almost abnormal, causing people to express their amazement.

‘I guess all Asians being treated as Chinese hasn’t changed then and now.’

Hearing their mumbling, Kang-Woo hugged Seol-Ah’s arm tighter and growled with a fierce glare.

“How dare they covet my darling?”

“My, my, look at that boy!”

“Hohoho. He’s clinging to his older sister so much, he must love her a lot!”

“His slightly arrogant-looking eyes are so cute!”

“Haaah~ if only my little brother were as cute as him!”

The women around him reacted in a way he did not intend.


Kang-Woo groaned and narrowed his eyes. He was so small that his glare was more cute than threatening.

‘Maybe I’ll just use the Authority of Fear,’ he thought momentarily but shook his head.

Using an Authority on regular people instead of Players might result in a massive disaster.

‘If only they were Players.’

Just as it was much more difficult to hold a fragile bubble than a relatively hard ball, it was harder to deal with regular people than awakened Players.

Grit, grit.

“Those bitches… H-H-How dare they ogle at Kang-Woo…?”

Seol-Ah bit her nails in irritation as she glared at the swooning women. Her eyes lost their light and filled with intense bloodlust.

“Kang-Woo, give me a second to eliminate those irredeemable bitches.”

“D-Darling! Stop!”

Kang-Woo quickly grabbed Seol-Ah as she was about to walk toward the women. Seol-Ah thrashed about like a starved beast.

“Let me go! Kang-Woo! I can’t deal with those women like this!”

“C-Calm down!” Kang-Woo dragged the raging Seol-Ah to a deserted place, lessening the eyes on them. “Darling, you shouldn’t act that way to unawakened people.”

“I’m… sorry.”

It was ironic how a demon was scolding an angel for trying to harm people through violence. No one seemed to mind the ironic situation much as the two of them drew attention everywhere they went. Seol-Ah acted erratically the first few times but slowly became used to the attention.

‘At least they’re only looking at us like we’re monkeys in a zoo. No one’s coming up to us to talk.’

If they were in one of the ero manga that Layla enjoyed so much, Seol-Ah would have already been surrounded by muscular black men but no one was coming to hit on her.

“Ah, Kang-Woo! I know that film!”

They stopped at an area decorated like a jungle as they were leisurely walking through Universal Studios. Seol-Ah pointed with sparkling eyes at a dinosaur head with its mouth open wide with the sign written Jurassic Park.

“Oh, Jurassic Park. I know that one too.”

Kang-Woo couldn’t be further from being an avid enjoyer of films but not to the point that he did not know what Jurassic Park was. Everyone and their mother knew about the film.

“How about we ride that one?” Seol-Ah suggested.

“Yeah, sure.”

Kang-Woo smiled as Seol-Ah pulled him by his arm and nodded. They wouldn’t experience thrill from rides but it was weird to only look around when they were in an amusement park.

“The line is… a bit long.”

“Haha, don’t worry about that,” Kang-Woo said as he took out the tickets he had bought for moments like this.

It was a premium ticket that allowed one to enjoy the attractions without waiting in line. It was almost twice as expensive as the regular admission tickets.

‘But I have so much money now that I don’t even know what to do with all of it.’

He owned an entire luxury apartment complex in his name; tickets like this were chump change for him.

“Hahaha! Stay forever in line, you capitalist losers!”

Kang-Woo felt an insane rush as he cut in line using his premium ticket. He cackled as he walked to the rides, holding hands with Seol-Ah.

“Wow, this is my first time riding a roller coaster!”

Seol-Ah smiled excitedly like a little girl. Just seeing that smile made the trip to the amusement park worth it for Kang-Woo.

“It won’t be as fun as you expect it to be,” Kang-Woo remarked.

“Hoho, it’s okay. Going on an amusement park ride with you… it feels like I’m dreaming.”

Vrrrr, tssssssss—!

The roller coaster that they got on slowly began to move. Thick white vapor rose at the same time the doors to Jurassic Park opened.



“Man, this is a lot more well-made than I expected.”

Seol-Ah and Kang-Woo both expressed amazement once the wooden doors opened. Inside were models of dinosaurs munching on grass or hunting. They blended so well with the jungle background that it was as if they were transported to the world of Jurassic Park.

“Seeing awkwardly moving models after getting used to real monsters is nice in its own right,” Kang-Woo remarked.

“I agree. It’s very nice.”

The two of them leisurely looked around as if they were on a slow Ferris wheel instead of a roller coaster. The roller coaster began to pick up speed and screams rang out from all around them.

“Oh, that’s very well-made too.”

“I’ve seen that dinosaur before.”

However, Kang-Woo and Seol-Ah were leisurely chatting away. For them, who regularly engaged in supersonic battles, a roller coaster was merely a slightly faster Ferris wheel.

“Fuuu, that was pretty fun.”

“I loved the interior design.”

Kang-Woo and Seol-Ah calmly left, passing the people who were still catching their breaths.

“Where should we go next?” Kang-Woo opened the map to choose their next destination. After a short thought, he pointed at a certain part of the map. “Here should be good.”

“Oh, a haunted house?” Seol-Ah asked.

“Yeah. These things are usually more thrilling than a roller coaster.”

“Hmm… a haunted house, huh?” Seol-Ah stroked her chin as she thought about something. Her eyes lit up as if she had come up with a good idea and nodded. She shouted in unknown excitement, “Okay! Let’s go!”

Seol-Ah was acting considerably assertive, unlike Lilith who was scared of ghosts.

‘I guess Darling isn’t the type to get scared of haunted houses.’

However, that only lasted for a moment.

“KYAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!” Seol-Ah screamed as soon as she entered the haunted house and clung tightly to Kang-Woo. “I-I’m so scared, Kang-Woo…”

“Oh, okay.”

Kang-Woo tilted his head in confusion as he stared at Seol-Ah, who was screaming from the start, contrary to her assertiveness earlier. He went deeper into the haunted house, being hugged so hard that he was practically being held up at this point.

“Kyaaaaahhh! Gh-Ghosts!”

“Kyaah. Look at those corpses, Kang-Woo.”

“Haaa, let’s walk a little slower.”

“Haaa, haaa. Fufufu. I like how dark it is in here. Don’t you, Kang-Woo?”

Kang-Woo realized something was off the deeper they went. Seol-Ah, who screamed as she clung to Kang-Woo in the beginning, was now screaming half-assedly even when the ghosts charged right at them and instead focused on fondling Kang-Woo’s body. Her hands got even more aggressive the darker the surroundings got.

“Darling… be honest with me. You’re not scared at all, are you?”

Gasp!” Seol-Ah flinched and quickly shook her head. “O-Of course I am! You have no idea how scared I am of ghosts!”

“You say that, but you weren’t scared of that ghost earlier at all.”

“That’s… b-because I know they’re employees of this park!”

“You’re pretty much questioning the existence of haunted houses at this point.”

“Whatever! I’m hugging you because I’m scared to death!”

Kang-Woo chuckled as he stared at Seol-Ah, throwing a temper tantrum like a little girl as she shook her head. Anyone could tell she was lying, but he was willing to play along.

“Alright. If you’re that scared, it can’t be helped.”

“Right? It can’t be helped, right?” Seol-Ah gulped and mumbled as if hypnotizing herself.

They finally escaped the haunted house after some more fondling.

Seo-Ah trembled as she panted heavily, then said, “K-Kang-Woo. Let’s go on th-that next!”

“H-Huh?” She dragged Kang-Woo to a Ferris wheel, the staple attraction of any amusement park. “Riding a Ferris wheel in midday is a bit…”

“We can go on it again in the evening, so it’s fine!”


Seol-Ah dragged Kang-Woo even stronger.

“Haaa, haaa. Ride time is 11 minutes 20 seconds…” The corners of Seol-Ah’s mouth rose. She clenched her fists and nodded firmly. “It’s… long enough!”


‘Long enough for what?’

erigiii’s Thoughts

I don’t know about other people but I would fking hate to be in a relationship with someone with zero self-control… I mean, it’s understandable for Seol-Ah since she has her angel obsession to deal with but still…

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