Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 119

Chapter 119: Quicksand City Quality Plaza

Chapter 119 Quicksand City Quality Plaza

The strong wind blew the earth and rolled up the yellow sand in the sky.

The uncertain wind direction makes the sand and dust in the sky sway like a dance. Even the seasoned hunter does not know which direction the wind will be in the next second.

is like falling to the fate of all beings in this world.

This wasteland with an area of nearly 10,000 square kilometers is connected with 18 space corridors. Regardless of whether they come from Earth or any other parallel world, if all the beings exiled to this weird space can pass the severe test with almost opposite attributes, they will eventually come together in the same way and converge here.

Quicksand City, a city that seems to be cursed by the devil.

The city looks very scary because the whole city is built on the rocks at the bottom of a huge quicksand sinkhole. The edge of the one-kilometer-diameter sinkhole is constantly filled with sand like a fountain. It is sprayed up from the depths of the ground, raised to a height of 100 meters, and then poured and scattered in the middle according to the designated trajectory.

The city is surrounded by terrifying quicksand waterfalls. The quicksand with a drop of more than one kilometer is enough to devour any existence that attempts to enter the city through non-designated ways.

Wang Hao saw with his own eyes that a bird man with wings wanted to fly directly from the top of the quicksand waterfall, but he was swallowed by the suddenly rolled up sandstorm in mid-air and fell into the quicksand GG.

This is a city that cannot be reached at all under normal circumstances.

The only passage is a huge metal passage like a spoon – the top of the spoon handle is the entrance to the city, which turns clockwise like a sunflower towards the sun according to the time of day. The twelve hours of this world correspond to the rotation of the city’s entrance, and it rotates every 12 hours.

This spooky city is as simple as it looks on the surface!

The city entrance is open for a limited time.

From 12:00 pm to 6:00 am the next day, it is an absolute taboo time. If you rashly enter or leave the city during that time, you will be exiled to a different dimension similar to the demon world.

The second is that the entry and exit time is limited to the 0th minute to the 30th minute of each hour. If you go in and out after this time, you will also be exiled to a place that is said to be quite terrifying. It is not that no one comes back, but the approximate ratio is nine deaths. The people who came back were surprisingly silent, and they didn’t see any performance of their strength increasing and getting rich overnight.

Finally, there are racial restrictions. The best time for humans to enter is from 9:00 am to 12:00 am, for demihumans from 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm, for orcs from 3:00 to 6:00, and for non-human intelligent creatures from 6:00 pm until twelve o’clock.

At other times, it is not impossible to enter and exit, but it may be infected with strange negative effects, ranging from weak for a few minutes to moderate injuries similar to a slash in the arm.

No one knows what happened, anyway, the wound will appear on the body inexplicably.

Whoever walks through the city gate suddenly bleeds, it’s not uncommon.

Wang Hao has never entered the city before, and this is where the entanglement lies.

He considers himself to be 100% human, but his body has the blood of a sea king.

Here comes the question, are Atlanteans who can breathe underwater count as demihumans or humans?

struggled for a long time, just when he was free recently, he decided to come in at 12 noon to give it a try. According to the orcs who had been tortured and tortured by him before, they wouldn’t die anyway.

No matter how careful you are, there must be a moment of adventure.


Isn’t    an adventure?

I am the man who licked iron in the winter in the Northeast, the daughter of the director of the teaching department in junior high school, and the man who accidentally smashed the big plastic characters of the school motto by reselling second-hand tennis.

Wang Hao put away his armor like this, and wore a set of garbage leather armor with [Germanic Light]. With a seemingly majestic and high-spirited aura, in fact, his heart was trembling every step of the way, and he approached the city gate… The one waiting to enter the city in front Black Claw will be at the back of the team.

A gust of wind mixed with yellow sand blew, and most of the thugs of the Black Claw Society could not open their eyes.

Orcs are also a type of demi-humans, characterized by a low degree of beastization of their bodies. For example, Catwoman has some parts of her face that are cat-like, and most of which are human-like.

After the    sand and dust passed, no one noticed that there was a half werewolf in the team.

A well-structured and disciplined organization will definitely not have such flaws that many people don’t know about.

The members of the Black Claw Club are too mixed.

If we say that the characteristic of the West Desert Corridor is that people, animals and monsters of the water and ice types are thrown there.

Then the three corridors where the Black Claw Club is located are to throw the forest guy over there. In principle, the black claw will automatically accommodate all demimen and orcs with claws, as long as they are willing to paint their claws black, they are ‘own’.

It sounds like someone putting their hands in the black soil and turning their hands black makes them eligible to be a mafia.

Question, what are these orcs really doing?

As long as it looks like you are a demihuman or an orc of the Black Claws, whether you are born or acquired, and no matter what the **** you look like, you are a member of the Black Claw Society.

A half-lizardman next to him seemed to be puzzled by the half-wolf who suddenly appeared. Wang Hao flashed his bright black claws, and the other party nodded in approval.

Wang Hao is not a half-orc at all. All he did was put water on himself. This water body naturally uses a certain unlucky ghost as a prototype.

In order to avoid being mistaken for another orc, he also immersed himself in the [Water Body 3D Modeling] system that comes with the system, and spent three nights changing a lot of things. For example, widening the forehead, removing scars that may lead to misunderstanding, rendering the coat color, reshaping the teeth, etc.

Recently, the Black Claw Club dare not come to the Abyss City for trouble, which also stems from this loose structure. Simply put, there is a mountain king who is unhappy with the boss and starts a civil war to seize power.

The Black Claw Club made a pot of porridge by himself.

is just to continue to be rude to the outside world.

Following behind them, Wang Hao smoothly entered the gate of Quicksand City.

The gate of Quicksand City is different every time.

During the period of    Asians, there are two 50-meter-high jade statues of Asians at the gate, one half-dragon and one half-lion. They hold jade swords high, and all the Asians pass through the space under the swords.

There is no guard at the gate, and there is no so-called entrance fee.

Because as soon as you enter the city, you will immediately encounter a series of strange situations…

“Is there a girl who loves magic? If you believe in the [God of Magical Young Women], you can get the blessing of God!” A beautiful human woman with a heart-shaped magic wand and a hot body was soliciting believers.

“Who can answer what is the sum of 1+2+3+4 divided by 4? Those who can are qualified to join the [Theology of Knowledge].” An old man held up a stack of parchment, which read Done math problems.

Or, whoever ran to the front of what looked like a telephone pole and shouted at the note that said [An old witch doctor, specializing in itchy, festering skin and chrysanthemum] in Orcish language. “My disease is saved!” and so on, the [Teleportation Technique] attached to the telephone pole will be activated immediately, and it will be transmitted to the hut of a witch doctor in the city, where it will automatically be **** with five flowers and become… the research topic of the orc witch doctor .

That’s right! After entering the city, this chaotic square filled with soliciting customers is the first difficulty after entering the city, which is called “Quality Square”.

(end of this chapter)

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