Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 142

Chapter 142: For A Blue And Clean World (Recommended Ticket)

Chapter 142 For the sake of a blue and clean world (recommended ticket)

Strictly speaking, as long as there are three bones of the sea clan, the trident formed by it looks good, and it is the altar of the primary sea, which is extremely simple and violent.

Nima’s, who rushed in now, which has no bones? Who can separate the relationship with the word ‘water’?

Don’t be funny!

Then some players who died found that they could choose the resurrection point ABCDEF in the square…

The player is speechless.

【Stallion, Harem】: “With the pocket formation and infinite resurrection, who can rush in?”

[Against Unparalleled] One shot of this guy’s head: “Heroes can kill us! You guys, if you have such idle nonsense, you might as well kill more enemies. This is the developer’s benefit for newcomers, otherwise you will move bricks and mortar. It hasn’t caught up to our reputation for months.”

“Yes Yes Yes!”

Players are not stupid, they have their own way of interpreting the ‘situation’.

Everyone found out that most of the old players were incorporated into the first battalion. The Demon Empress is very cautious about the use of the first battalion. Often, she sees that the new lobster soldiers can’t bear it, so she sends the first battalion up to fight a wave. When the situation is stable, she makes the first battalion withdraw and return to the front of the high platform to rest. .

After all, this is a reliable force that has experienced n wars.

On the contrary, out of the idea of making the new shrimp mermaid see blood, the Demon Empress made them charge again and again like cannon fodder to fight the incoming enemies.

In fact, this is a tactical routine operation. In the eyes of the players, it becomes a perfect move for the boss to trust the old players more, and by the way, let the new players gain experience and reputation.

Wang Hao did not expect that the Demon Empress’ commanding ability was above the standard. In general, she divided nearly 4,000 players into three groups, with Mengxin as the main cannon fodder, taking turns to play, and changing players after half an hour, taking into account the arm strength of the salmon man and the mental strength of the Turbot man, allocating Pretty reasonable.

Think about it, too, the demon queen in history was a great man who had the ability to command the Egyptian army to fight with Caesar and Anthony.

In the decisive battle between Anthony and Octavian, it was said that the demon empress led the people to evacuate first, which caused Anthony to be in a turmoil, and then evacuated and led to the destruction of his subordinates. treatment.

The new players are very excited, and the guys who are more capable of playing among the new players will soon emerge.

[Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming] Obviously being chased by a monitor lizard, he has the ability to take a step, and then the whole lobster rolls over, using the smoothness of the shrimp shell to slide out of the danger zone all at once, and also induces the monitor lizard to use too much force , one bite into the belly of a crocodile.

These monsters, who were originally not on the right track, immediately ignored the will of the Mind Flayer and became inflicted within themselves.

The more bunker guy is on the shooters.

A thorn walrus rushed in. Ordinary walruses are trembling all over, except for the two huge tusks, almost all of them are flawed.

The thorn walrus is not the case. Standing up to a height of more than eight meters, it is completely a chariot from hell. The solidified thorn bushes on the walrus’s skin are a full one meter thick, which is three points more terrifying than the iron barbed wire. Anyone who gets close to it accidentally will have to gouge out a large piece of meat when it is scratched.

In addition to its huge size and dozens of tons of weight, wherever it passes, only a lot of tragic lobster sauce is left.

In the player’s field of vision, there are mosaics everywhere.

At this moment, two black streamers cut through the sky, in no particular order, one left and one right simultaneously shot into the eyes of the thorn walrus.

“Ow—” The thorn walrus was blinded on the spot.

Under the severe pain, who cares about spiritual commands?

The walrus went mad unconsciously and rolled on the ground desperately. Because it is in the shallow water area at the entrance of the cave, its dying struggle, but I don’t know how many beasts that rushed in were crushed to death.

This time, [Heigu Little Angel] finally found the bull man who shot the walrus with him: “Yo! [Lazy] Right? I remember your name. When your reputation is enough, you will be the second javelin. Captain of the squad.”

[Lazy] shook his arm that was a little sore because of frequent shooting, and grinned: “This… can be.”

On the high platform, Wang Hao looked at the players. They were still excited, but from the system vision, they could clearly see that their mental power data was declining.

This is the inevitable sequelae after hanging up n times.

In the view of God that Wang Hao saw through the delimiting stone, the Great Lakes Allied Forces had already gathered at the gate of the city, and behind them, the army of beholders had already rushed to the surface and began to form a team.

“Since that’s the case…” Wang Hao raised his hand and hooked his finger at the Demon Empress: “It’s your turn.”


On the side of the Great Lakes Coalition, a group of terrestrial monsters stared blankly.

Mind Flayer is also anxious.

Normally, it should be the aquatic monsters that attacked and the dead to find a way to open the water gate of the abyss city, otherwise the terrestrial monsters would become useless at all.

The navy was constantly attrition in front, but it was slow to open the situation.

Mind Flayer is a bit of a dilemma.

At this time, they suddenly discovered that the water level of the waterway was dropping rapidly.

“Haha! The sluice gate has been lowered!”


A large number of terrestrial monsters, who had been brainwashed for a long time, were completely unable to control themselves, and rushed into the shallow water channel.

They were dumbfounded as soon as they rushed to the front of the square.

Crowds of lobster mermen form a huge semicircle surrounding the entrance. There is only one enemy standing in front of them.

It was a woman with a slender waist and an evil tail.

“I am Medusa! The monster cursed by the sea god, it is your misfortune to meet me…” The demon queen murmured in common language.

Unfortunately, no one has the life to listen.

The mysterious [Petrified Demon Eye] has been activated!

When the cursed and terrifying demonic pupil light covered the entire passage in a cone, all the monsters looking forward turned into lifeless stone statues in an instant.

Players immediately received a new battlefield mission [Death Charge]!

【For the survival of Abyss City, Jason Momoa needs a group of warriors who enter the passage with the heart of mortal death. let’s go! Destroy all enemies you can see! Then the waters will wash away the blood of all enemies. (Remarks, players participating in this quest have a high probability of being killed, benefit: unknown!)]

【Flicious Cat Egg】: “Huh?”

The new player was still hesitating, and the old player slapped the fish on the head.

【Embarrassed】: “Remember, all urgent tasks with unknown rewards are good things! A lot of reputation can’t be escaped. The more you die, the more you have to accept them. Don’t be afraid of losing experience.”

How can old players not understand!

A shrimp rushed out first.

[Xuansu in the old paper pile] Vibrant shrimp pliers shouted: “For the sake of a blue and clean world!”

【Ten Thousand People Going 2】: “Be angry for Miss Liu Yuechan!”

[I’m here to see the author]: “When I get back, Miss, I’ll have a tryst with you!”

【Daily Tucao】: “You’re thinking about eating peaches, you can’t come back!”

【White Water Network】: “For love and justice!”

A group of players shouted various unreliable slogans and rushed into the passage like this.

(end of this chapter)

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