Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 145

Chapter 145: Magical Password (Recommended)

Chapter 145 Magical Password (recommendation)

The monsters and wild animals from the Great Lakes, don’t they know the horror of the silent army behind them?

of course not!

As long as they are relatively intelligent species, they can feel the threat of the dungeon army.

The mind flayers interfered with their judgments with [Mind Appeasement], subtly aroused their hatred for Abyss City in their hearts, and drove them to launch frantic attacks on Abyss City.

This is beyond their intent.

The big water that originally poured into the big lake was drained by an unnatural pit that suddenly appeared.

I don’t know when, the pothole suddenly disappeared and became the flat rock wall again.

The water of the big lake, combined with the sudden gushing water in the city, suddenly blocked the only large passageway, and no one would want to enter unless there were aquariums.

When the beholder went mad, he directly ordered his troops to attack the complex and loosely organized Great Lakes Coalition Army.


The rear of the coalition forces first came over tens of thousands of cavemen with crude weapons, and behind them, flying in the air, were countless arrows—crossbow arrows!

The crossbow is a rare product in this wild land!

Whether it is craftsmanship or style, it has a gorgeous style unique to the elves.

If it is made by humans, it is mostly a black wooden box with a crossbow body, made by dark elves, and it becomes a fine product that combines technology and art.

The wavy black spikes below the crossbow resemble a saw blade. There is no special meaning in itself, it is purely aesthetic, but the dark elf craftsman spends three times as long as making a bow and crossbow.

This is the unique aesthetics and hobbies of black leather.

In contrast to this evil beauty, there is a terrifying power that surpasses most bows and arrows!

When these foot crossbows fired arrows from 300 meters away and covered it like a torrential rain, most of the wild animals couldn’t bear it.

Even the thick-skinned and fleshy species like the mountain-shaking rhino were pierced through the skin and howled because of the pain.

Rhinohide has a good protective effect on slashing, but it is not so good for piercing attacks. The drow’s crossbow bolts weren’t enough to kill it, but they pierced its muscles and wounded it.

“Ouch–” The big rhino can’t stand it, let alone other species that are not so tough.

For a time, the beast called Ma Nei, and the Allied Forces of the Great Lakes became a mess.

Seven or eight mind flayers saw that something was wrong and decided to sell these temporarily controlled slaves.


The four tentacles of the chin are constantly dancing, and in their spiritual communication network, all they tell is the mind flayer version of proverbs such as “Leave the green hills without fear of burning wood”.

Unless it is to protect their larvae and brain pools, these old sinisters will not have any idea of death battle.

The    strict hierarchical system made the lower-level mind flayers immediately control the monsters in the Great Lake to launch a counter-charge towards the dungeon troops as soon as the superior mind flayer’s order was issued.

This is destined to be a futile and tragic scene. Various monsters and monsters violated their will and rushed to the army that was waiting.

A double wildebeest with a dark body, fiery red mane, and sharp golden horns, galloping wildly with all four hooves. It ignored the pain of the double-digit crossbow bolts on its back, and just plowed a blood-forged path of death in the dwarf cavemen’s line.

is nothing more than that.

When it breaks through the cavemen’s line, waiting for it is the Minotaur’s battle axe.

The terrifying brute force that even reinforced concrete pillars can easily break with a fist, combined with the two-meter-long stainless steel axe, the resulting power is like a dark typhoon.

The wind was blowing, and the bicorn was turned into minced meat in the next instant.

The    huge destructive power caused a qualitative change in power the moment the giant axe slashed the head of the bicorn. The sturdy golden horn was not cut off immediately, but the huge impact force was passed down, and the relatively fragile skull could not withstand this huge force, and the skull burst open on the spot.

As the backbone of the Minotaur, he has well destroyed all the resistance of the Great Lakes coalition.

It’s just that the mind flayer has taken the opportunity to escape.

Less than 500 meters away from the Great Lake, a young mind flayer turned his head and looked at the chaotic battlefield from a distance.

A superior mind flayer said in the mind network: “A powerful beholder may build a small kingdom, but it can never build an empire! Its arrogance is only built within the range of brainwave radiation! Let’s go, We’ll get our revenge on Jason Momoa when we take down another hallway.”


At this time, Wang Hao had ignored the endgame in Abyss City Square. He came to the observation deck again to watch the changes in the battle situation.

Looking at the monsters who were futilely rushing left and right amid the dungeon army siege, Ashe said: “They are finished. But our troubles are not over yet.”

“Well, my arm is healed. Another two hundred arrows will not be a problem.” Ashe said proactively.

“No hurry.” Wang Hao put his mouth to Ashe’s ear and whispered, “I want you to do this.”

A small movement made Ashe’s heartbeat suddenly rise to 180 beats per minute. As soon as he heard his request, Ashe nodded immediately: “Wrap it on me.”

Below   , the Great Lakes Allied Forces had collapsed. Basically, they were fast enough. After the Mind Flayer gave up their control, most of them took their own way and fled, and the rest were not able to run fast.

A small group of Nagas are in a desperate situation.

Outside is densely packed with cavemen, dark elves, and minotaurs, as many as day after day.

Behind    is a waterway of death that seems to devour all life.

After thinking for a while, the leading Naga Tidecaller ordered his male Naga: “Let’s go into the water. But if we don’t attack, just stay in the waterway. Pray that the octopus doesn’t come back so soon.”

The Naga dived into the water one after another.

On the other side, after the Great Lakes Coalition was annihilated, the beholder angrily ordered: “Continue the attack! I want Jason Momoa to become my collection!”

So, a large number of dungeon troops rushed into Abyss City from the big hole behind the waterfall…the urn city in front.

The urn city is quite large, and it is built between the mountain wall and the real abyss city. The structure of nine bends and eighteen bends will blind anyone who comes.

Since the last time Abyss City was spied on, Wang Hao adjusted the passage of the barn city in front of him through the boundary stone. In order to pretend that this is what the main city looks like, there are usually players coming and going.

And in order to keep secrets, Wang Hao will change the passage from time to time. Some roads that can be walked today will become quicksand roads tomorrow. Whoever walks will die.

Players also have a big head for this multi-forked road.

The magical player has come up with a wonderful way to leave a mahjong tile carved by himself at the intersection of each road.

For example, if today’s slogan is ‘Thirteen Unity’, then we only take [10, 90,000], [19 Suo] and [19 Cheese], as well as the road with signs.

The dungeon army was dumbfounded as soon as they entered. Why is it full of footprints, and the road that people often walk is a dead end?

(end of this chapter)

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