Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 172

Chapter 172: I’M Going To Kill You! (Ask For A Recommendation Ticket)

Chapter 172 I’m going to cut you! (Ask for a recommendation ticket)

Longo Butters actually arrived early in the morning. He knew very well that every lord has the ability to examine his own territory, so he was very shrewd and stuck a little bit outside the territory and released his falcon.

As a rare reconnaissance knight in Symmetra, Longo can synchronize his vision with his tame falcon. Under the circumstance that the general territory of the lords is only ten kilometers in length, all the activities on the ground can be seen at a glance.

He saw a large number of murlocs and shrimps.

In this division dominated by the existence of aquarium and ice and snow, it is not unusual, what is unusual is the combat power of those fish and shrimp.

In his knowledge, if any creature with a short stature wants to survive, it must win by quantity.

The cavemen in the dungeon, the kobolds in the orc race, and the goblins in the desert are generally of the same type: lack of courage, low IQ, and unable to arrange a strict formation, basically except for the number Useless cannon fodder.

But what did he see?

A lone bison ran wildly and rushed into a pair of neatly lined up bid marlin people. The murlocs shouted, but they didn’t break up. They split into two teams, left and right, and continued to bid their guns.

Although some teammates were scolded by the javelin throwing in the opposite direction, no matter if they were injured, or if the bulls smashed their comrades, or repeatedly sprinted and trampled to death several murlocs, their morale did not collapse, but instead shouted. Shoutingly, he continued to attack, smashing the demonized bull into a hedgehog.

It was not until the last lobster man came, jumped two meters high, and used a machete with an obvious dark elf style to slash the neck of the cow with one knife and deal with the mad cow.

The most terrifying thing is that in the face of the injured companions, they have no intention of rescue at all. Instead, they coldly pull out their daggers, kill their companions in one move, and let the cat people behind them come up to collect the corpses.

These pictures made Long Ge feel chills, and there were nearly a thousand fish and shrimp people within the range of Eagle Falcon’s field of vision. These guys are actually all the way.

It looks weak, but it is actually scary!

Longo can’t imagine the cost of casualties for Symmetra’s paladin troops to encounter these guys…

It’s a pity that the messenger brother doesn’t understand Chinese, otherwise he would know how funny the previous scene was.

【Xia Ke Han】A javelin shot crookedly, missed the bull, but instead hit a salmon player on the opposite side.

The [寈bird Yuyu] who was shot stopped immediately: “Open your fish eyes! Can you shoot accurately!?”

“Hands are shaking!”

“Grass! Then my hands are shaking too!”

The two naive ghosts immediately aimed at each other.

Who knows, the captain [Guo Dad, I am] said: “Don’t make trouble! If you kill the prey, you can just pk! If you make trouble before, you will deduct 300 reputation per person!”

“Go back solo!”

“it is good!”

These two guys put aside their disputes for a while.

The level of the new batch of javelinmen still needs to be improved. Their javelins could hit the target, but the force was not strong enough to inflict fatal damage to the bulls. Instead, a large number of javelins pierced shallowly to the surface of the muscles stimulated the bulls to go mad.

The terrifying-looking ‘hedgehog’ is actually a long way from dying.

In the end, an old player [Aboriginal God’s Vertex] rushed over, and the newly learned [Jump Chop] killed the bull in seconds.

“Boss 666!”

[Top of Indigenous God] sighed: “Alas, going to Ashe’s expedition must be fun, but the problem is that it’s very liver. But I’ve been a little busy recently, so I didn’t go.”

Finished here, a seriously injured player told his companions: “Don’t worry about anything, just kill me.”

“Not waiting for Miss Parana to repair her body?”

“Damn, she’s the only nurse in the whole city. When will you wait? Early death and early birth. I can quickly make up for the experience.”

The players who went with him started, and he did not soften at all.

In a sense, Brother Long completely misunderstood the players’ thoughts. These guys are not cruel at all, they are just convenient…

Entering the re-cleaned Weng City again, Brother Long found that many places had changed.

The air is filled with a faint smell of decay, the blood on the ground has obviously been cleaned up, and faint traces can still be seen. The one who led the way was still the slender and charming mermaid lady, but the one standing guard on the roadside became the dark elf that Long Ge was very unpleasant to the eyes.

said it was black skin, which was different from what he imagined.

has the same appearance, but wears a completely different style of armor and a linen battle skirt. This style of painting makes him very uncomfortable.

Is this still the arrogant, bloody, cruel dark elves in the underground world?

With all kinds of doubts, he saw Jason Momoa again.

Different from last time.

The last time Jason’s left chest was an extremely terrifying miniature version of the head of a monster. It is conceivable that once the mouth is opened, there must be a lot of thin and sharp fangs in it.

This time Jason’s left breastplate was replaced with a golden eye, although the eyelids were closed, Long Ge was very surprised to feel… the divine breath! ?

What a joke!

An existence that looks like a great devil no matter how you look at it, how could he actually use a holy relic of light?

Isn’t he afraid that he will be attacked and die?

Or, is he really a lawful neutral existence as he said before?

For a moment, Brother Long had a thousand thoughts in his mind.

This did not prevent him from bowing and salute: “Longo Butters, on behalf of His Excellency the Guide of Light, greets His Excellency Lord Jason Momoa. At the same time, congratulations to Your Excellency for successfully defeating the beholder and unifying the desert of the West.”

Having said that, Brother Long raised his hand, and naturally a servant sent a gift of congratulations.

Those are twenty [lawful] cross swords used by humans, and they can’t be described as masterpieces. Wang Hao glanced at it, and it was of “excellent” quality. As a gift, it was so-so, that is, something better than nothing.

“Your Excellency the Guide of Light has a heart.” Wang Hao waved his hand lightly, and Ayi immediately came over to greet the attendant to take over these gifts.

Originally, the scene was passable. Wang Hao never thought of going to war with [Symmetra], no matter what happens next, it should be a play of hypocritical guests and hosts.

Suddenly, Wang Hao’s pants moved.

It was a very sonorous knife sound: “Buzz! (Bastard, I want to chop you)!”

Wang Hao under the helmet was shocked!

Made! Sure enough, the knife did the trick. Didn’t I just murmur in my heart, “Uncle Shit, I only sent a bunch of garbage to prevent me from communicating with the demon queen”? [World Knife] Can you be so impulsive?

At this moment, Brother Long’s face suddenly turned black.

(end of this chapter)

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