Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 596

Vol 2 Chapter 582: Time Is Not Infinite

Chapter 582 Time is not infinite

The ups and downs of life are too ‘red chicken’!

No outsider knew, but Rachel was actually struggling to the extreme at that moment, her tear ducts were already twitching frantically, and tears would burst out at any time, destroying the majesty and aura she had piled up.

She is too young and does not have enough strength and performance to convince all the demons.

That feeling of being forced to be the boss even though you are being restricted everywhere is really hard.

After being rejected by the abyss, she almost wanted to cry on the spot, but she just held back with her last stubbornness.

Who knows, the abyss actually said that he had a proposal.

Rachel stood still, the fierce flame breath swayed away, and the scarlet cloak behind her moved without wind.

She’s clearly talking – my mother listens, but if you dare to tease me, don’t blame me for turning your face.

Wang Hao changed his posture, with Erlang’s legs crossed, and his right palm against the lower part of the visor. Anyone would think that there must be a mocking expression under the visor.

Actually, everyone misunderstood.

Wang Hao thinks Rachel is really pitiful. Since it basically ruled out the possibility of her being the second or fifth daughter, Wang Hao didn’t mind giving her a small hand.

It is impossible to deliver food.

It is not good to send food casually, it will expose your identity.

【Rebel】jump 【Loyalty】This kind of thing, only when you do it at a critical moment will it be effective.

Wang Hao said slowly: “Commander Josephine, have you forgotten a piece of land? That place is not very rich, at least it is more suitable for the Yandi Legion than the sea.”


Rachel was a little confused, but Daria next to her suddenly woke up: “Wait, didn’t you say…”

Wang Hao flicked his hand, and a black inverted cross the size of a slap flashed over ten meters and inserted into the floor next to Rachel.

Anyone who is an overlord can know what it is from the overbearing aura above—【Certificate of Overlord】!

Only an overlord who dominates a land abandoned by a **** can have this kind of [Certificate of Overlord] composed of at least four [Certificate of Overlord].

“This is…” Rachel turned around suddenly, her eyes full of suspicion.

“That crazy woman lost to me!” Wang Hao’s voice seemed to be sneering: “You still think that I am really so free, fighting and playing with her every once in a while, facing repeated provocations, but showing mercy again and again. Kill her and teach her how to behave?”

When he finished saying this, the Demon Empress next to him wanted to despise him: You are not only teaching how to be a man, but also how to make a man.

On the surface, Heizhen is still that crazy fighting maniac, but in fact, somewhere, he has already taken the shape of someone.

Cough, it refers to the mind!

Hei Zhen, who was unexpectedly easy to handle, was completely addicted to the love game and couldn’t extricate herself.

She didn’t care about the so-called tyrant’s rights, she gave it to Wang Hao without hesitation for half a second.

Of course, in Rachel’s view, Wang Hao is a typical lawful evil demon king.

Heizhen’s site, she has heard a little. The place was a bit barren, at least not barren land.

Wang Hao’s next sentence completely devoured Rachel: “That’s a fairly fertile piece of land, as long as enough manpower is invested to open up wasteland, according to the time flow rate three times faster than [Wall of Sighs], At most, one month will be able to sustain a wave of new grain harvest. Haha! The premise is that you can hold it!”

Rachel’s expression is very like the moon that shows the cloudy and sunny in a short period of time, which is very exciting.

But in the end, Rachel gritted her teeth, stretched out her hand, and a tongue of flame popped out of her wrist, just as she was about to take the [Certificate of Overlord] into her bag, Daria suddenly said, “I thank you for the commander-in-chief Josephine, from today onwards. From now on, I will switch to the [Abyss Legion]!”

Meow meow meow?

Wang Hao is stupid.

Little question mark, do you have many friends?

Don’t mention Wang Hao, even the Demon Empress and Rachel didn’t react.

Instead, Daria raised her chest: “Abyss, you are a [beauty collector], am I right?”

I’m not!

I do not have!

Don’t talk nonsense!

Wang Hao answered in his heart, and directly denied Sanlian.

“You don’t have to deny it! All the beautiful beauties around you are in love with you, and I can’t see the way they look at you. So, as the saint of Diego Kingdom, I wonder if your Excellency is interested? “Daria’s whole body burst into a soft white light. The blond priestess miraculously turned younger.

If she looked like a twenty-seven- or eight-year-old young mature woman before, she’s just twenty at most.

That holy face, that dignified and perfect demeanor… Round appearance, 88 points, 90 points is probably no problem. If someone is a real Demon Lord, it will probably be very interesting!

Wang Hao under the visor, his face collapsed, because Aixi, who was eavesdropping in the side hall, and Sun Shangying and Ao Xiaowu, who shared the same body in this world, laughed and twitched at the same time.

“Demon King, just recognize it!”

“Mr. Wang, how are you?”

“Hehe, is this going to add another sister?”

Here, Rachel looked at her good sister and felt what [despair] was.

She looked at Wang Hao again, and her eyes became very fierce and expressive, and it was estimated that she wanted to eat Wang Hao’s heart.

This is what Darya is messing around with, Wang Hao is simply falling out of his crotch, not flying but also flying.

However, the conscience of heaven and earth, Wang Hao doesn’t feel anything about this **** saint!

You old girl, which native girl from the ravine?

I don’t know!

Even if she is a saint, isn’t my black Joan of Arc fragrant?

Question Now, someone’s Demon King character can’t be collapsed!

Wang Hao moved!

The terrifying demon king from the abyss, stood up slowly, supported by a gentle wave of black water, and came to the two women.

There was a hint of teasing in the icy eyes of the Black Demon King.

“Holy maiden? I don’t like it! It’s you… Rachel Josephine! I’m very interested in you! This [Land Forsaken by God] is a small gift from me.” Wang Hao bit the bullet. Read the villain manifesto.

Rachel is cold in every sense. Dai Ruiya’s eyes darkened. She wanted to send it for Rachel, but no one wanted it! Now this **** has publicly stated that he wants to attack the female boss. This kind of development really makes my scalp tingle when I think about it.

But Rachel had to accept this ‘gift’!

Rachel’s teeth rattled, she wanted to send a bunch of harsh words to Wang Hao, but she couldn’t let it out.

Thousands of words, finally condensed into one word.


She ran away with her **** on fire.

Wang Hao is very sure that there are a lot of people today, and someone will soon pass this information to that [traitor brother].

At the entrance of the hall, watching Rachel and his party leave their sight, the Demon Empress came up and contacted her spiritually: “This time, the long-term problem of the Yan Emperor Legion has been solved. But the short-term problem has not been solved. According to inference, that guy should start Bar?”

“Well. If there is infinite time on the opposite side, you can let the rift between me and Rachel continue to expand. Unfortunately, the time on the opposite side is not infinite.”

(end of this chapter)

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