Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 607

Vol 2 Chapter 593: 180 Degree Turn

Chapter 593 180-degree turn

“Then the ‘Aluminium Man’ is here again?” When Wang Hao heard the news of Rachel’s coming, Dan was in pain. No one would feel bad for such a direct female boss on the stall.

If you have real talent and practical learning, then it will be better. The problem is that this girl doesn’t necessarily win Wang Hao a few streets, and she can’t even see the taillights of the car?

Whatever she does with this strength is hard and reckless, not Wang Haochui, this girl goes to a hot movie in Tokyo, what is it [Counterattack: XX Female Boss].

In the hands of the painters of the C prefix exhibition, I am afraid it will be even worse, the model worker must be you!

A variety of miserable series pullovers.

Cough! far away!

The only thing that surprised Wang Hao was that Rachel actually asked someone to tell her in advance, saying that she hoped that Huanyu Neon would come too.

This operation is a bit confusing.

“Beep!” The crimson metal boots slammed on the granite floor. This clanging sound is easy to imagine that the visitor will fight with a certain demon king in a few minutes, killing most of the camp. All burnt to ashes.

The indigenous Naga holding the lost kingdom version of the fine trident, the [Naga Sea Guard] they formed is now Wang Hao’s third personal soldier after the [Abyss Guard] and [The Hades Guard].

After all, the demon queen’s subordinates, who were transformed into black-skinned guards by the way of soul-piercing, were a bit weak in combat power, more like servants, but the undead subordinates who could be beaten by the scorpion king. Due to the image and personality, a sea guard has become a necessity.

After Redfin Naga Cynthia was promoted to a hero a while ago, Wang Hao asked her to choose a group of top-notch Naga from among the Naga who had come to take refuge in.

Loyalty, Wang Hao originally thought that he would cultivate it slowly, but after killing Louis a while ago, he could feel the loyalty of the Nagas rising steadily. When I ask, I know that Naga worships the strong, and the one with the biggest fist is the boss. It’s that simple.

Being stared at by a large group of elite naga with a race level of 6, which is roughly equal to level 100, even Rachel’s personal follower is a little nervous.

This is not a sand sculpture player with skins. Many players have the physique of Naga and cannot exert that kind of combat power.

The tendon flesh that the male Naga has trained after the war, and the water bodies that linger on the body are naturally able to overcome the fire element. You don’t need to ask, you know that once you start, the Knights of Yandi will not be able to please.

This is not even close to the council hall, almost every ten steps, there will be a female Naga Tidecaller standing there. These elites who can attack and defend well and can play magic will have a headache for anyone.

But Rachel couldn’t seem to see it, her eyes seemed to pass through the barrier of space, and locked on the figure on the throne of black water from beginning to end.

The door    opened and Rachel stepped in.

Unusually, she didn’t say anything, just walked straight to Wang Hao like this.

Wang Hao…of course he sits on the water chair and doesn’t move – nonsense, nominally he is low Rachel, but in fact it is not! Everyone is righteous, and they are on an equal footing. Why should they be accustomed to you?

Watching Rachel come over, Wang Hao sat uneasily, leaning to the left, resting on the armrest with his left elbow, his left thumb on his helmet, and his index finger and **** on the left temple of the helmet.

Emperor-level calm eyes stared at the fiery red figure in front of him.

I want to be healthy, what do you want to do?

To the surprise of everyone on both sides, Rachel didn’t stop when she came to the steps of the Blackwater Throne. She walked up the 9th steps step by step.

Huh Huh! ?


Even Ashe and the Demon Empress, who were standing beside Wang Hao, didn’t know if they should stop her from approaching. After all, under normal circumstances, this would be considered quite rude.

Wang Hao had a divine sense, and all the Scorpion Princes who wanted to shoot, as well as Anubis, were all restrained.

Rachel came over like this, slowly stretched out her hands, and even put her hands on the corner of the armrest of the Blackwater Throne, leaned her upper body forward, and looked down, approaching Wang Hao’s handsome face. s face.

Meow meow meow? Girl, which one are you playing?

Well, look at each other, who is afraid of who! ?

Isn’t    just staring?

If you have the ability to release [Death Gaze], come and hit me along the network cable?

I stare! I’ll stare again!

Wang Hao didn’t even change his movements, he just glared back.

Of course, from the perspective of Ashe, the demon queen and Rachel’s subordinates, Rachel’s actions at the moment are somewhat indecent.

When Rachel’s fiery eyes were less than 20cm away from Wang Hao’s visor, this arrogant woman finally spoke, and she said:

“Jason Momoa! I can’t believe you.”

Wang Hao really wanted to laugh, his movements remained the same, and his words were sarcastic: “What a coincidence, so do I. It seems that we have finally found the first common ground.”

Rachel’s eyes are still blazing: “But I recognize your strength!”

Wang Hao didn’t speak, the subtext was obvious – but I don’t approve of you!

The atmosphere suddenly became very depressed, and under the steps, Rachel’s younger brothers were all very nervous. Judging from the turbulent momentum and strength, I always felt that the two sides were about to fight in the next second.

Entei knights didn’t hold their right hands on the hilt, but their left hand clenched the scabbard, betrayed their nervous hearts.

After ten seconds, Wang Hao said slowly: “I don’t need anyone’s approval.”

I am who I am!

This domineering answer made Wang Hao’s men applaud.

That’s right, this is the Jason Momoa we know and are familiar with!

The abyss can appear to be calm, and it can pretend to be dormant, but no one should underestimate the power of the abyss!

This is the absolute confidence Wang Hao has cultivated for his subordinates after he has destroyed so many powerful enemies!

Suddenly, a **** turned.

Rachel laughed!

is not the kind of smile with thousands of pears blooming, nor is it the kind of shyness when the little flowers bloom, her smile is more like the blooming peony, grand and majestic.

“Very good! I will now appoint you as the deputy commander. Then, please prepare 20,000 tons of convenient food for me as soon as possible.”

When Wang Hao slowly put a question mark in his heart, Rachel’s showy operation came——

“Also, in the name of the commander-in-chief, I ordered Phantom Feather Neon and her winged people, as well as Dak Garrud, to be assigned to you.”

The Phantom Feather’s neon mouth under the steps is so big that it can almost fit into a small apple.

She brought her clansmen over to the Abyss Legion for a meal. Strictly speaking, it was illegal. In the eyes of many people, this was a way of publicly attacking Rachel. After all, the winged people should directly obey Rachel.

Rachel has legalized this situation!

This is intriguing.

Moreover, Heizhen was assigned to Wang Hao by her.

In a sense, Rachel is the little brother who has already obtained Wang Hao and officially gave it to him.

(end of this chapter)

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