Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 651

Vol 2 Chapter 636: I Order You-

Chapter 636 I order you—


Burned as always, listening to the screams that the other party was not unfamiliar with. If it was the former Heizhen, he would probably feel… very warm.

Only the moment of peace that the enemy can get after dying in the flames, now, Heizhen is actually a little tired of it.

“What’s the matter?” Ao Xiaowu dodged and came to Hei Zhen’s side, looking at Hei Zhen with a somewhat lonely expression.

“It’s okay, I just feel a little bored.”

“Boring?” This is a rare word. Ao Xiaowu felt that Heizhen would always have an inexhaustible anger, like a black powder dynamite keg that would blow up easily.

“I’ll leave it to you here.”

“it is good.”

This is the tacit understanding between her and Ao Xiaowu. As far as guarding the passage, they can do whatever they want.

In terms of combat power, they are super-level, not overlord-level guys, and they are not enough to watch at all.

And Ao Xiaowu is not the main body, even if it’s “dead”, it doesn’t matter much, anyway, if you see the enemy of the undead, he will retreat first.

Heizhen returned to her residence, the maid came up trembling as always, and asked in a low voice, “Sir, do you want to…”

“Take a shower first.”

Soaking in the bathtub, Heizhen stared absently at the empty ceiling.

A voice suddenly came from my ear: [What are you thinking about, my little cutie. 】

Heizhen’s first reaction when he heard the voice was that he was nervous and wanted to kill the opponent. But after the first note, the whole person relaxes.

In the spiritual sea, Heizhen viciously said: [Don’t approach me casually, I will kill you! 】

【Please – please don’t! 】

One paw dives into the water.

Heizhen trembled, gritted her teeth, and was afraid of being overheard by the maid waiting outside to serve her: [Wang Hao, you bastard! 】

She said so, but adjusted her posture, ignoring the paws.

【Hey, why are you so good today? 】Wang Hao stirred the water surface curiously, the blue waves rippling.

Heizhen tilted his head: [Suddenly I feel a little tired of this life of fighting and killing. 】

【Do you want to go to my world? There is no chance of killing, but it is good to be a salted fish for retirement. 】Wang Hao said so naturally.

But he didn’t know that, tears suddenly appeared in Heizhen’s eyes.

【what? 】

The flames flashed away, and the fierce woman Heizhen used flames to evaporate the tears from the corners of her eyes. That is to say, a guy like her who played with fire with perfection would not burn herself.

“Crash!” There was a sound of water.

Mont Blanc, the highest peak in France, is so sullen.

Wang Hao obviously heard that Hei Zhen’s voice and breathing were not right. He raised his hand, and a silent water shield rose in the bathroom, blocking the transmission of ordinary voices: “Are you crying?”


“I clearly heard…”

Heizhen is firm and firm: “No—”


She hugged tighter: “I said no, no!”

Tears dripped onto Wang Hao’s head, but this awkward woman refused to accept her account.

Wang Hao stroked her back lightly: “What’s wrong? I beg you to tell me.”

Heizhen couldn’t hear the word “please” the most. She was a violent and manic girl, but she couldn’t listen to Wang Hao’s request.

She choked: “No, I’m very scared these days.”

“What are you afraid of?”

“I’m afraid you are just like the guys I met before, just coveting my killing skills!” As he spoke, Hei Zhen let go of his mental perception and felt every movement in the man’s heart.

“No! If you have to say that I covet you, I will at most covet your body.”

“Pfft! Huhu! Haha! Hahahahaha!” Hei Zhen smiled from the bottom of his heart, with pride and arrogance: “I can’t compare to Sister Kelly.”

Is it true, an S-shaped stunned subconsciously put it out.

“You woman with a knife and a tofu heart…”

“Huh?” Hei Zhen didn’t understand the Chinese idiom.

“It’s okay, when you come to my world, you can learn slowly.”

Heizhen heard water vapor in his eyes. What Wang Hao underestimated, she knew very well how high the price was. She is not an ordinary person. As an overlord who has abandoned the plane of God, she has too many sins on her body.

In addition to her random killings, she accidentally saw her price before coming to the Wall of Sighs.

Wang Hao just said it, it means hundreds of millions of redemption points.

But in front of her, Wang Hao operated the system.

Heizhen saw in disbelief that the astronomical [sin value] in her heart was wiped out all at once—this meant that from this moment on, she was free, and she didn’t even need to fulfill any obligations. The council’s share of the labor contract is equivalent to the deed of prostitution.

Hei Zhen was stunned for a moment, then his whole body trembled, and even his lips trembled: “Where did you get so much redemption?”

Wang Hao shrugged: “In order to survive, I stole the blood of the nobles of Atlantis before, and I first provoked the Grand Duke Louis, and then his eldest brother, my half-brother, Aum * Ya. Tras came here to kill me. When I killed him in turn, the guy actually took refuge in Chaos. By killing him, I liberated a chaotic world at a high latitude.”

Even if Wang Hao said it lightly, Hei Zhen understood that Wang Hao redeemed her from the parliament with the merit of redeeming a world.

Suddenly, Heizhen finally couldn’t control her emotions, and tears flowed like bursting banks.

“Well, what?”

Hei Zhen held his face hard, his eyes met, and there was unparalleled excitement in those yellow eyes. She said very seriously, word by word:

“I order you–never despise me as a little girl from the countryside, I don’t understand, you can learn, but you must not despise me–”

“I order you–no matter how long you are separated or how far apart, you are not allowed to abandon me–”

“I command you–never let go of your love for me, even just a little bit–”

“I order you – uh, I can’t think of it, I’ll make it up later…”

is really a very awkward and very black chastity announcement.

The content of    is actually very humble, but it is announced in such a strong way.

looks extremely arrogant and arrogant on the outside, but inside there is only a sensitive, fragile and slender heart.

Heizhen, a very special woman, finally won the approval of Wang Hao.

Wang Hao saluted: “Yes, my Heizhen.”

Heizhen took the initiative to charge the tower for the first time in the world.

In the past, no matter how much she was willing, she was always squeamish, as if she was driven by Wang Hao to be put on the shelves.

This is really the first time to take the initiative!

Could this be the legendary Leaning Tower of Pisa set on fire! ?

Wang Hao was shocked!

For the first time, he knew that Heizhen had secretly learned from the Demon Empress and had learned so many unique secret skills.

For the first time, he knew that it would be so terrifying when a sullen guy took the initiative to attack.

He had to quickly increase the percentage of soul infusion, ordinary projection, he really couldn’t bear it!

(end of this chapter)

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