Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 696

Vol 2 Chapter 680: Give My Heart

Chapter 680 Give My Heart

Anti-king is a bit embarrassing!

To be reasonable, if you can just win, who will give you so many fancy things.

Because of his lack of confidence in the water battle, the anti-king has never dared to directly attack the water area guarded by Wang Hao.

What an interstellar joke, you even killed the king of Atlantis, Orm, with a golden dung fork in your hand, who dares to fight with you in water?

So the anti-king has been attacking on land, after all, there are the most monsters on land. Relatively speaking, both the Air Force and the Navy are only a fraction.

But at this time, a new space channel was suddenly connected to the anti-king side, and the grouting operation of the ‘direct’ defense area of the Abyss Legion began.

Hundreds of thousands of tons of mud poured into this world.

The Swamp Demon King has a good idea, similar to what someone did in the Northwest Road, trying to gain a tactical and strategic advantage by changing the terrain.

If Wang did nothing and let the other party grouting, then the deep water would become shallow, and the dignified Atlantis navy would only be able to play in the mud.

What is the difference between this and ‘promoting’ to the Great Mongolian Navy?

Wang Hao has a really evil smile this time.

Too naive, Sao Nian!

Whose territory is this? Will you cheat like this?

A maelstrom opened.

The maelstrom with a diameter of more than one kilometer, like a huge black hole, slowly rotates clockwise at a flow rate of half a meter per second.

As long as it is a slightly stronger aquatic creature, it is not a problem to break free from the suction of this vortex.

This does not include mud.

The mud that had just been poured into this world was purposefully guided away from the world of the Wall of Sighs and plunged into the void, becoming a floating, meaningless residue in the void.

Wang Hao couldn’t stop sneering: “Stupid Que, Earth, Water, Fire and Wind are the foundation of this final fortress. You fill up all the water. Then this large plane used for decisive battles is meaningless.”

Of course, if one plan fails, another plan is created.

In the huge portal, a peculiar army of clay figurines began to appear.

The small clay figurines are similar to the most trashy zombies.

Slow action, weak attack, and not necessarily high vitality.

is a normal adult human who can easily kill with a big hammer.

The figure of the clay figurine reaches a certain point, and it is difficult to handle.

For example, these sticky things like melted chocolate in front of you, each of which is the size of a car. Ordinary sharp and blunt weapons can’t hurt them.

The way to deal with them is similar to cleaning up the rock giants – find their elemental core and destroy it.

seems easy, but it is actually very difficult.

Elements are enough to sense, and if you have the ability to directly sense its core, take a bamboo pole and poke it non-stop, basically one move every second, without panting.

If the element induction is not enough, it will be troublesome. A more reliable way is to send a strong enough guy like a male Naga to cut him in half with a single move. Then look at which half of the opponent’s mud gathers, and through screening, step by step to find its core.

This process is not without danger. The clay figurine has no fixed shape. It can turn into a lump of mud and sneak up to ambush the enemy. Once it grabs the prey, it can instantly make the prey unable to breathe like a mudslide and suffocate to death in the mud.

This is definitely a scary thing… it should have been!

Since Wang Hao sent a group of sand sculpture players, the style of painting has completely changed.

A Naga player whose strength value is close to 100 must be chop chop chop.

But there are always times when they miss, once they are entangled, and the system shows on the retina that the player XXX fails to judge the strength, those guys give up their struggle.

All kinds of ways to die have come out.

The standard way to die is: throw your weapon in the direction of the water with a bang. People can hang, but equipment cannot be lost. Even if the murlocs with bad brains can’t be picked up by logistics, at least they can be cheaper for their own people.

The death method of the sand sculpture is: “I will kill you!”, and then choked to death in advance.

The most beautiful way to die in the audience belongs to [MT Little White Superman] children’s shoes.

After realizing that he couldn’t escape, this guy turned his face to the sky forty-five degrees, raised his chin slightly, as if a firm tear had slipped down his face, he raised his right hand and gave a thumbs up.

When he slowly sank into the depths of the mud, leaving only one head, he said the classic line of Anoswa San Miguel——


This guy really came back, he took out the core of the clay figurine that drowned him, whipped the corpse, ground it and then raised your father’s mud.

As the most handsome cub in the audience, what this guy did happened to be captured by a high-level live broadcast. For a time, the live broadcast room of Biu station was filled with 666.

Mud Demon King’s style of play is a bit disgusting: an endless stream of clay figurines occupies the entire waterfront, pulling out nearly a kilometer wide, stretching from the portal to the front of the first city wall.

This method of killing you even if you can’t kill you has successfully completed a feat that the anti-king has never done before – the division of the battlefield!

It effectively cuts the land and water battlefield apart.

At least make the amphibious abyssal trolls unable to directly support the land battlefield.

It seems that a big crab like Basatan can’t be stopped by the clay figurine army, but it can effectively stop ordinary shield crabs.

“Smart!” Wang Hao couldn’t help but admire each other.

To break through the wall of sighs, there is no need to blow up the entire line. If you can open up the land passage and let the anti-king and his followers withdraw, that is victory. No matter how strong your underwater military is, you can only stare blankly.

Not to mention, this style of play makes Wang Haotun’s Atlantis Sea Beast feel a little wasted.

After all, among the seven kingdoms of Atlantis, the crab people from the country, Zebel, and the saltwater country can go ashore. A large number of octopuses, megalodons, mosasaurs and the like are basically incapable of water (please ignore those who jump a few times on the shore).

At this time, after blocking the guardian navy, the anti-king began to throw a large number of demonized monsters into the battlefield using giants as raw materials.

These giant demons caused serious losses to the Guardian’s regular army.

The soldiers of the ordinary Yandi Legion simply cannot reach the vital points of these giant monsters, which are generally five or six meters high.

【Pedicure Magic】It’s just a joke here.

The skin of the feet is thicker than the tires, at least 40cm thick, and there is no magic weapon or a guy with natural power.

Just as all the melee units of the Guardians (except the Stone Giant) were losing ground, a strange force appeared.

These Atlanteans stand on the second towering city wall, one by one like the brave people who are about to bungee jump. However, they don’t have long rubber bands tied around their ankles.

Instead, there are two missile-like cylinders around the waist, and a set of brown shorts and white leggings.

They punched their right chest and roared loudly with the aura of [devoting a heart to the future of mankind]:

“For the sake of victory, show your morals—”

(end of this chapter)

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