Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 92

Chapter 92: The Demon Empress Of Eternal Tribulation

Chapter 92 The Demon Empress of Eternal Tribulation

“The only woman who will be associated with Ptolemy XIII, a pharaoh who has no sense of existence, is you.”

Medusa’s face froze suddenly, and she was so shocked that she forgot to hide her inner shake.

She is like a fish out of water, breathing the air with big mouths, the sturdy snake peak swaying.

After finally calming down, she finally raised her head: “Can you make me stay more comfortable? I’ll say it all.”

Wang Hao’s spiritual thought, Medusa was temporarily released from the bondage, for the first time in so many days, she was able to coil her tail and do it well.

She pondered the words: “If my memory didn’t deceive me, I am indeed the Cleopatra. But I don’t know if the [Egyptian Queen] I am talking about is the same existence.”


“I have two memories, one seems to be a previous life, from birth to death, I watched with the eyes of a third party, with the help of the Roman emperor Caesar, killed my brother and husband Ptolemy XIII , and then in order to protect Egypt, he served his successor Antony, and was finally forced to death by Octavian.”

Up until this paragraph, what Cleopatra said was no different from the history that Wang Hao knew.

Cleopatra’s ancestry was Greek, and her ancestor was Ptolemy, one of the four generals under Alexander the Great of Macedonia. After Alexander returned to heaven, Ptolemy and the other three generals divided up the Alexander Empire. Ptolemy gained most of Egypt and established the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt.

Her Greek language was so pure, it was understandable.

The Ptolemaic Dynasty emphasized pure blood, and until the end of the Dynasty, it had been pursuing inbreeding.

So there is a relationship that seems a little scary to modern people.

As a pharaoh who fascinated two Roman emperors (consuls), she is proficient in nine languages, her beauty and talent are absolutely unparalleled in the world, and even almost turned the dignified Roman Empire into a province of Egypt, and was thus swept away by Rome. The imperial people regard it as the most terrifying witch.

Wang Hao was extremely vigilant in his heart, and said coldly: “Then what? I don’t think Medusa will have the chance to become the mother of the Roman Empire.”

The jade face of the Demon Empress turned gloomy in an instant: “This is the most terrifying – the curse!”


“On that day, on my 16th birthday, I was preparing to marry Ptolemy XIII according to tradition. Suddenly a violent sandstorm hit the entire palace. In the chaos, my brother and I were both swept into the air, scene by scene.’ The image of the past’ was presented to both of us. No, not just the image, but the feeling of reappearance.”

While the Demon Empress was speaking, the memory in her mind actually leaked out.


This is a special space in the Demon King’s Armor [Silent Abyss]. This is not only an independent space, but also an independent spiritual world called [Abyss].

When the demon queen’s memories were too strong, those memories were directly presented to Wang Hao in a similar video.

Maybe that is another parallel world.

That scene is simply heartbreaking!

The two who were about to get married and fell in love with each other suddenly knew their future. Whether Cleopatra believed it or not, Ptolemy XIII clearly did.

In the picture, the face that was smiling before today was extremely frightened at first, and then filled with anger called hatred.

The Demon Empress still explained in her sweet-smelling voice: “My brother and I are both cursed! We fell into the vortex of fate and were exiled to this **** place together. He, who claims to be a descendant of the sun, can no longer rest in peace. Step into a place where the sun shines, without the use of the dark sun, and his body will spontaneously burn. And I… become the Medusa in Greek mythology, killed by heroes, feared and spurned by mortals.”

“Why Medusa?” Wang Hao was a little curious.

“Because in the ‘history’, after Antony killed himself, Octavian caught me. I was too old to touch Octavian’s heart. And Octavian just wanted to take me back to Rome, in the Roman Forum You, cut me alive in front of all the Romans and sacrificed it to the Roman gods! My most loyal maid brought me a poisonous snake secretly. I took the initiative to let the poisonous snake bite on my breast and poison myself to death. .”

“When the entire Roman Empire cursed me, the collective resentment generated completely demonized the thread of my destiny, and the monster that led to my reincarnation must be related to snakes.”

The Demon Empress (Medusa) gritted her teeth: “It’s ridiculous! The evil spirit who turned me into Medusa and sent me here actually said that this is my last [place of redemption]. If I find a way to redeem my soul here, I can get rid of this eternal cycle of calamity. Otherwise, I will be thrown into the land abandoned by God again and again, and be beheaded by big heroes again and again in the role of a monster or an anti-hero. Therefore, I am not afraid at all. Your a thousand cuts.”

These words with supreme indignation made Wang Hao horrified.

No wonder Medusa endured the torture he used without saying a word.

Compared with the curse of thousands of people in the entire Roman Empire, and being forced to reincarnate forever, a thousand cuts are nothing.

“Oh? That Ptolemy XIII…” Wang Hao asked.

The Demon Empress smiled contemptuously: “He who prides himself on being noble is actually a ridiculous clown and a ninth-class dark magician! If there is no Anubis guard, he is nothing.”

“Guards?” Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

“The real Anubis is a righteous god! How can he be so weak. He is just the chief guard of the royal guard. He sacrificed his life and soul, and inherited some superficial powers of Anubis, the **** of death.” , The Demon Empress changed the conversation: “He is loyal to the Ptolemaic royal family. As long as you can completely destroy my brother’s soul box, Lord Jason, I can make him change his allegiance to you.”

“Yes…but not necessary!”

When the first half of the sentence was uttered, the Demon Empress felt a little joy in her heart, but who knew that the incomparably cold rejection in the second half of the sentence drowned her heart, and she suddenly smiled bitterly: “Don’t you want to trust me? This is also the natural result, who called I’m Medusa the Gorgon.”

Wang Hao turned around and left.

Suddenly the voice of the Demon Empress came again: “After sensing my brother’s malice towards you, I freed that female archer. Is she… still alive?”

“Alive!” With the final reply, Wang Hao’s will disappeared into this dark space.

The Demon Empress folded up and lay down by herself. She hadn’t tried to get a good night’s sleep for a long time, and suddenly she felt that she could sleep for a long time this time.

No one saw that, a smile appeared on her sleeping face.

No one knew that outside the city of Quicksand, a group of orcs were desperate.

“That mysterious guy just ran away? Impossible! We sent so many decoys…”

(end of this chapter)

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