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Chapter 118

Chapter 118 To Get Married for Life

A month later, Bluegreen-Clad’s sister Lu Mingyue came to the wedding of Zheng Xiaoguang and Bluegreen-Clad.

This tall and pretty girl still wore her brown hair long and wavy. She spoke calmly to Zheng Xiaoguang and Bluegreen-Clad. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you, sister.” Zheng Xiaoguang expressed her gratitude politely.

Lu Mingyue raised her eyebrows and asked, “Haven’t you told your wife who I am, Mingxuan?”

Bluegreen-Clad said smilingly, “She’s Slightly Defected Moon, Xiaoguang. She spoke well of our relationship in front of my parents to help us getting their approval.”

Zheng Xiaoguang was surprised and thought,”Oh~ No wonder Bluegreen-Clad’s mother treated me so nicely when we first met.”

She felt grateful and said, “Thank you. It’s very kind of you, sister.”

Lu Mingyue patted Zheng Xiaoguang on the shoulder in a cool way and said, “If you want to thank me, stop spreading rumors about my relationship with your big brother. We’re just friends, understand?”

“Uhm~ I see.” Zheng Xiaoguang replied and could not help but sigh. She was disappointed to know that they were just friends. At this moment, she spotted Blooming Pear Tree in the crowd and said, “Hey, big brother. I’m here.”

Blooming Pear Tree immediately walked up to Zheng Xiaoguang, who was dressed in a white trailing wedding dress. He could not help but exclaim, “I’ve never expected you to get married so soon.”

Bluegreen-Clad picked up a glass of champagne and handed it to Blooming Pear Tree while saying, “I have to thank you for this.”

Blooming Pear Tree received the champagne and asked Bluegreen-Clad. “Can I talk to my sister in private for a moment?”

“Of course.” Bluegreen-Clad was very considerate. “I’ll go to receive my friends in the front. You can talk here.”

When Bluegreen-Clad and his sister walked away, Blooming Pear Tree took out a small box from his pocket and said, “Here is my wedding present for you.”

Zheng Xiaoguang received the box and opened it with care. It turned out to be a delicate brooch.

“It’s beautiful. I like it very much.” Zheng Xiaoguang looked at Blooming Pear Tree and said. “Is this why you sent Bluegreen-Clad away?”

Blooming Pear Tree shook his head and said, “Of course not. Someone asked me to bring a present for you when he knew that you were getting married.”

Zheng Xiaoguang immediately knew who that someone was.

“I don’t want his present.”

She said this not because she still held a grudge against him or failed to get over him. She just wanted say goodbye to her past.

Blooming Pear Tree said smilingly, “Well, I knew that you would say so. I threw it away on my way here.”

“Erm…” Zheng Xiaoguang was rendered speechless. She suddenly remembered what Mingyue had said to her just now and asked her big brother, “Do you still miss Miss Rose, big brother?”

Blooming Pear Tree had never expected Zheng Xiaoguang to suddenly mention this thing at this moment. After a long silence, he looked up at the blue sky and sighed, “I still can’t forget about her. Maybe I can’t forget her in my whole life.”

Zheng Xiaoguang said, “If so, you should get her back.”

Blooming Pear Tree gulped down his champagne and smiled bleakly, “I wish I could, but now I even don’t know where she is.”

The newly-wed couple and their families exchanged pleasantries with their guests for quite a long time before the host of the wedding finally announced the beginning of the wedding ceremony.

It was a western-style wedding ceremony. Bluegreen-Clad stood beside a priest at one end of the aisle when Zheng Xiaoguang’s father walked her down the aisle on the red carpet with elegant background music.

It took them 30 seconds to walk down the aisle. When she stopped in front of Bluegreen-Clad, her father gave her hand to Bluegreen-Clad reluctantly and solemnly while saying, “Take good care of her.”

Bluegreen-Clad took Zheng Xiaoguang’s hand and answered earnestly, “I will.”

After that, he walked hand in hand with Zheng Xiaoguang toward the priest and the crowd erupted in cheers. They stopped in front of the priest, and the priest said while holding a Bible, “Today, we’re gathered here under the gaze of God in front of this group of people to witness the holy wedding of the bride and groom to witness. Now, they’re going to be united in this holy wedding. If anyone has a legitimate reason to prove that their union is not legal, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

After a silence of 3 seconds, he continued as no one raised an objection. “Mr. Lu, do you take Miss Zheng Xiaoguang to be your lawfully wedded wife to live together under the guidance of God? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor her and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others?”

Bluegreen-Clad smiled gently and replied, “I do.”

The priest turned to look at Zheng Xiaoguang and asked, “Miss. Zheng Xiaoguang, do you take Mr. Lu Mingxuan to be your lawfully wedded husband to live together under the guidance of God? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor him and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others?”

Zheng Xiaoguang answered softly, “I do.”

“Now exchange the wedding rings,” said the priest.

The best man Li Lei and the bridesmaid Han Meimei, who had been standing by all this while, immediately brought the rings to Zheng Xiaoguang and Bluegreen-Clad.

The moment Zheng Xiaoguang watched Bluegreen-Clad solemnly put a ring on her ring finger through her white veil, she was flying with joy.

Bluegreen-Clad held out his hand to her and said, “It’s your turn.”

Upon hearing that, she finally realized what she should do at this moment and hurriedly picked up the ring. She put it on his ring finger to announce that he belonged to her from now on.

The priest placed his hand on the Bible and said, “With the legal rights conferred by law, I now declare that you are officially married. Groom, you can kiss your wife now.”

Bluegreen-Clad reached out his hands to lift up Zheng Xiaoguang’s white veil. When he saw her pink cheeks, he chuckled and lowered his head to kiss her on her red lips.

With blessings from everyone, she became his wife. She thought that it was really great.

At this moment, Lu Mingyue was looking at them in a daze from a distance. A tall man walked up to her and touched her arm while asking, “What’re you doing here alone?”

She tilted her head to look at the man’s face while asking somewhat sarcastically, “Why do you, a super busy man, have time to attend my brother’s wedding?”

The man seemed to have failed to understand her sarcasm and replied flatly, “What did you say? We’re becoming a family sooner all later. Your brother is my brother. No matter how busy I am, I have to attend this wedding.”

“Really?” Lu Mingyue smiled noncommittally. “I thought that you came here to urge me to give you the report forms.”

The man sighed. “Speaking of the report forms, I’m afraid that you really have to work hard to finish them today, Mingyue.”

“Well, this is his real purpose,” thought Lu Mingyue.

Despite that, she still did not want to talk about work at such a special moment, so she changed the subject and asked, “Don’t you think that this wedding is really nice?”

The man misinterpreted her words and thought that she was looking forward to getting married. He deliberately belittled this wedding. “Although it’s your brother’s wedding, I have to say that it’s just so-so. Please rest assured. When we get married, I’ll give you a perfect wedding. Don’t be anxious. ”

Lu Mingyue remained silent and did not look at the man’s face again.

She was not anxious to marry him at all. They had been engaged for 19 years, but she somehow was still not sure whether she wanted to marry him.

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