Please Sign: Your Runaway Wife Has Been Captured

Chapter 68

Chapter 68 Falling-out

Venus had felt anxious for quite a long time.

Because of the marriage wreckers, players on Watery South, especially married girls, had recently begun to look at Bluegreen-Clad and Flowing Light with admiration. As for Venus, she was gradually forgotten by the players, since she refused to compete in the reality show of Shiny Sky

Bluegreen Belt had once asked her, “Why didn’t you go to the reality show? If you had competed in it, the title “Beauty Queen of Shiny Sky” and even our gang boss Bluegreen-Clad would have been yours now.”

Upon hearing that, Venus felt headache. She had never expected an online beauty contest to ask contestants to join some reality show and provide true information concerning themselves. The moment she received the invitation, she knew that she could not join the competition. This was not because she had photoshopped her photo excessively or submitted a photo of another girl. The reason was that she did not want to let everyone know that she was not a rich girl.

She was poor and had to worry about her credit card bills every month. She spent a lot of money on the game and pretended to be a rich girl in the virtual world, because she enjoyed the feeling of being loved and envied by the other players. She also intend to hook up with a really rich guy in the game, who would adore her and make her feel like a princess.

Therefore, she could not let others know who she really was and worked hard to prevaricate Saori.

When she felt helpless, Never Deeply Attached came back. She pretended that she had been wrong by the friends of Son of Heaven and successfully gained Never Deeply Attached’s sympathy.

She said, “Since Flowing Light married into the League of Strong Families, Bluegreen-Clad has become a totally different person. To satisfy his petty wife, he even kicked Son of Heaven out of his regular team. As Flowing Light is always able to get Bluegreen-Clad to do whatever she wants, I’m afraid that she’ll control the entire gang sooner or later.”

Upon hearing that, Never Deeply Attached felt indignant and said that he would have a serious talk with Bluegreen-Clad and explain everything to him. That was why Never Deeply Attached showed such a strong bias against Flowing Light today.

Once Venus’ plan had been successfully carried out, Flowing Light would have taken all the blame for her and even gotten angry at Bluegreen-Clad. Venus had always been waiting for such a chance to get close to her gang boss.

Beyond her expectations, Flowing Light did not flare up, and Bluegreen-Clad even managed to shift everyone’s attention to her by asking whether she was determined to marry Son of Heaven.

Under such circumstances, she had no choice but to promise Son of Heaven that she would marry him.

Son of Heaven was delighted upon hearing that, but Venus just felt dejected.

In recent days, Son of Heaven had performed well in his company. Because of a bulk order he got, the sales and marketing department accomplished its monthly goals ahead of schedule. He got a 10,000 yuan bonus and was promoted to the manager of the sales and marketing department by his boss. His basic salary doubled, and he would be able to deduct a percentage of the net profit of the entire department in the future.

He immediately used the money to buy Venus a famous brand bag and then secured a loan to purchase a car. He excitedly discussed his future plans with Venus. He said that he would pay off the car loan and save enough money for a down payment on an apartment within 3 years. He said that he was going to secure another loan to buy an apartment three years later.

Venus was well aware that Son of Heaven was planning to make their virtual relationship real when he said that he would come to the city where she lived to meet her after picking up his car.

Usually, a girl would feel lucky if she met a man who had a well paying job and really adored her.

Nevertheless, Venus still could not get over Bluegreen-Clad. She always wondered, “As Bluegreen-Clad has such an attractive voice, he must be a handsome man. I deserve a handsome man, but Son of Heaven and Flowing Light just keep standing in my way!” This idea tormented her so much that she could not feel happy about receiving an expensive bag from Son of Heaven.

She admitted that Son of Heaven treated her well, but she thought that Bluegreen-Clad treated Flowing Light very well too. She thought enviously, “Every time Baby520 and Little Girl verbally abused Flowing Light, Bluegreen-Clad would come out to protect her. He also gave her eight-star equipment, fashionable clothes and even a flying mount in the game. Perhaps, he has even sent her a gift in real life, which is much more expensive than this 10,000 yuan bag.

“No, I can’t give up. Flowing Light can’t compete with me. If it had not been for her big brother, the gang boss of the Matchless, she would’ve never gotten this chance to become the wife of Bluegreen-Clad in the game!”

When she promised to marry Son of Heaven under the pressure of Bluegreen-Clad, she thought to herself, “That’s alright. As long as Son of Heaven and I can return to the regular team of Bluegreen-Clad, I’ll have plenty of opportunities to plot against Flowing Light.

To her surprise, Bluegreen-Clad suddenly asked Son of Heaven and her to start their own regular team after they got married.

She did not want to start a new team together with Son of Heaven. The reason she agreed to marry Son of Heaven was that she wanted to use him to get close to Bluegreen-Clad. She put on an act and tried to gain Never Deeply Attached and Son of Heaven’s sympathy. Beyond her expectations, Bluegreen-Clad exposed her secrets at this moment. He told everyone that it was she who posted a thread on the forum to insult Flowing Light. She was surprised and bewildered as she could not figure out how Bluegreen-Clad had discovered her secrets. In the meantime, she comforted herself by thinking, “That’s alright. Son of Heaven will speak for me…” Shortly afterwards, when Bluegreen-Clad told everyone that she had used her alternate account “Evely” to frame Flowing Light, she was astonished.

She sighed inwardly, “It looks like Bluegreen-Clad knows everything. Perhaps, he discovered my secrets a long time ago. He probably has also discovered that it was I who bought out the materials that Son of Heaven needed

“This is really ridiculous. I always believe that my plans are perfect, but Bluegreen-Clad probably discovered all my secrets and considered me a bad girl a long time ago. It’s really stupid of me to believe that I’ll be able to get him once I drive Flowing Light away.

“It turns out that the stupidest person is me.”

Venus looked at the screen with a blank expression and replied to none of Son of Heaven’s messages. It seemed that he found it really hard to face the reality. She pressed the button hard to quit the game.

The moment she turned off her computer, her cellphone rang. She glanced at the number of the incoming call and impatiently rejected it. Nevertheless, this person just kept calling her after being repeatedly rejected by her.

Finally, she answered the phone. It was Son of Heaven. “Why didn’t you answer my call?” asked he.

“What do you want to say?” Venus replied coldly.

Son of Heaven was discouraged by her cold attitude. He paused for a moment and asked, “Do you still like Bluegreen-Clad? Is that why you used your alternate account to buy out the materials that I needed?”

Upon hearing that, Venus thought grumpily, “Yes, I just despise you, Son of Heaven. I’d rather waste my money on those materials than give you the chance to make a Yellow Spring Sword. Now that Bluegreen-Clad has exposed all my secrets, what do you want me to say? Bluegreen-Clad likes only Flowing Light. He always helps her. What can I say now?”

She twitched her mouth and asked, “Haven’t you known all my secrets? What do you want me to say?”

Son of Heaven roared like a wounded beast. “I love you so much. How can you lie to me?”

“What? Did you say that you love me?” Venus said sneeringly. “You’re just a poor salesman. What can you give me? Will you buy me a limited edition fashionable outfit which costs 1,000 yuan, or a top-notch 10-star Celestial God Outfit? You won’t. You’ll say that it’s a waste of money. Do you really think that a poor guy like is eligible to love me?”

“Didn’t I buy you an expensive bag?” Son of Heaven retorted.

Venus snorted coldly and said, “Huh? You still have the nerve to mention that thing. You just bought me a 10,000 yuan bag. You kept pestering me for nearly half a day because of that bag. Do you think that you can get me by buying me a bag? Look at yourself in the mirror. Do you think that it’s possible?”

Son of Heaven took a deep breath and asked, “You never liked me, did you?”

“No, never.” Venus answered while showing no mercy.

Son of Heaven found it hard to believe what he had just heard and asked again, “You don’t like me at all, do you?”

“Not at all!” Venus replied affirmatively. “If it had not been for Bluegreen-Clad, I would’ve never given a damn about you. Stop calling me. I don’t want to see you again!”

With these words, Venus pressed the button hard to hang up on Son of Heaven and then smashed her cellphone to the ground.

Son of Heaven called her again only to find out that her cellphone was power off. He had always remembered Venus as a kind and nice girl and had never expected her to utter such hurtful words.

He went back to the game. The group had been dismissed, but he could still read their chat history.

[Group] Bluegreen-Clad: Lies can’t last. It’s time to let go of the past, Son of Heaven.

Upon seeing that, he thought, “Yes, Venus keeps lying to me all the time. She despises me, since I’m not so rich as Bluegreen-Clad.”

[Private Chat] Son of Heaven: You know what, Bluegreen-Clad. Compared to you, I did much more for Venus, but she just doesn’t like me.

While saying this, he thought dejectedly, “I used to suspect that it was Venus who framed Flowing Light again and again, but I really liked her. I even decided to stay by her side and give her time to get over Bluegreen-Clad. However, she never planned to give me a chance.”

[Private Chat] Son of Heaven: Is it true that only a wealthy man is eligible to love someone? And a poor guy like me just can’t love anyone.

[Private Chat] Son of Heaven: No, I shouldn’t have asked you this question. A rich guy like you won’t understand my pain.

[Private Chat] Bluegreen-Clad: You need to calm down now, Son of Heaven.

[Private Chat] Son of Heaven: No, I don’t need that. I have already thought it through. I’ll reincarnate① this game character and then quit this game.


① To reincarnate (a game character): A player can reincarnate his or her game character by submitting a suicide request to the reincarnation NPC. If the player doesn’t cancel the suicide request within 3 days, the game character’s data will be deleted and cannot be retrieved. Deleting a game character in this way will not affect the other characters under the same account.

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