Please Sign: Your Runaway Wife Has Been Captured

Chapter 80

Chapter 80 A Surprise Party


Zheng Xiaoguang failed to stop Blooming Pear Tree. When they reached A City, it was 5:00 pm and it was getting dark.

Shortly afterwards, they came to Bluegreen-Clad’s house. Blooming Pear Tree got out of his car first, and Zheng Xiaoguang quickly caught up with him. When Blooming Pear Tree pushed the door open, she what stunned by what she saw.

It looked like a classic love scene of a TV drama.

The living room was lit by flashing lights. Colorful balloons were floating on the ceiling. Many places of the house were decorated with pink ribbons. Even Xunxun had a pink bow tie around its neck.

Two rows of people standing on both sides of the door greeted her with a chorus of “Welcome, first lady of the gang. Happy Chinese Saint Valentine’s Day!”

Zheng Xiaoguang was stunned and thought, “What? Where’s Bluegreen-Clad? Who can tell me what is going on here?”

Upon seeing the confused look on her face, a short-haired girl, who stood right next to her, came up to her and greeted her cordially. “You must be Flowing Light. I’m Han Meimei.”

After that, a few more people went over there and introduced themselves to Zheng Xiaoguang.

“Hi, I’m Beating War Drums in Spring Breeze.”

“I’m One-inch Monk.”

“Hi, first lady. I’m Nine-Tailed Red Fox~”

After greeting everyone, Zheng Xiaoguang hesitantly asked, “Do you come here for the gang party?”

Han Meimei took her arm and said, “Yes, this is our gang party, but we’ve come here for a more important thing, which is to give you a special Chinese Saint Valentine’s Day.”

She turned to the two rows of people and continued, “We come here to help our gang boss, don’t we?”

The crowd all said in unison: “Yes!”

Zheng Xiaoguang looked at them and then saw Bluegreen-Clad standing at the other end of the passageway between the two rows of people.

In fact, she had lied to Blooming Pear Tree and never really planned to stop him from taking her to meet Bluegreen-Clad. Deep down inside her heart, she wanted to meet Bluegreen-Clad again.

He looked handsome as always. He wore a white T-shirt and a pair of casual pants. He walked toward her with a bunch of her favorite champagne roses in hand.

He treated her as a princess.

Zheng Xiaoguang’s heart began to race, and she suddenly realized something. “Bluegreen-Clad must’ve planned everything beforehand. He secretly brought these members of the League of Strong Families here to give me a surprise party and managed to persuade my big brother Blooming Pear Tree to delude me and drag me here.”

Bluegreen-Clad stopped in front of her and handed the roses to her while asking, “Would you like to be my girlfriend in real life, Xiaoguang?”

Zheng Xiaoguang looked at him and felt as if she were in a dream. She guessed that Bluegreen-Clad had arranged these things but she could not figure out why he did this.

Han Meimei smiled and released Zheng Xiaoguang’s arm. She went to join the crowd behind Bluegreen-Clad and cheered together with them. “Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!”

Bluegreen-Clad whispered to Zheng Xiaoguang, “If you refuse me, I’ll be humiliated in front of everyone.”

Zheng Xiaoguang received his roses to express agreement without thinking too much. She thought this might be because of his gentle smile or the enthusiastic cheers of the crowd.

Bluegreen-Clad hugged her around her waist to pull her closer to him.

She whispered to him, “How did you buy my brother over?”

As Blooming Pear Tree remained calm all the time, she thought, “My big brother must’ve worked together with Bluegreen-Clad to delude me. He even lied to me that he was going to beat Bluegreen-Clad up.”

Upon hearing her question, Bluegreen-Clad just blinked at her and whispered, “I’ll tell you later.”

He turned around and said to the crowd, “I have one important thing to announce. Now that Flowing Light has promised to be my girlfriend, she’ll be the only first lady of the League of Strong Families.”

The gang members fired their confetti cannon and burst into cheer. “Congratulations, gang boss and the first lady. Wish you a long-lasting relationship and an early birth of a healthy baby!”

Upon hearing that, Zheng Xiaoguang flushed with embarrassment and thought, “What? This is not a wedding party. Why do they wish us an early birth of a healthy baby?”

Bluegreen-Clad did not feel awkward at all. He naturally held her hand. He said, “Thank you all for coming here to join this party. You can come to me to get your travel reimbursement. And all the entertainment expenses here are also borne by me. Just enjoy yourself and have fun.”

“Yeah! Thanks boss. You’re so generous,” said some gang member.

“Thank you, boss. Thank you, first lady!” Someone echoed.

“Our boss really adores our first lady. Net-love can be sweet too. I believe in love again~”

Bluegreen-Clad remained calm in the face of their undisguised admiration. After a while, he turned to look at Zheng Xiaoguang and said, “You go to play first. I’ll go to the kitchen to see how everything is prepared?”

Zheng Xiaoguang stared at him in surprise and asked, “Are you saying that you cook for us today?”

In the meantime, she thought worriedly, “Will everyone be sent to a hospital after eating the food prepared by Bluegreen-Clad?”

Bluegreen-Clad chuckled and said, “Don’t worry. It’s a buffet prepared by Li Lei.”

The big-screen TV in the living room became a karaoke TV now, the gang members cuddled up together on the two sofa sets in the room and sang karaoke.

The female doctor Nine-Tailed Red Fox was less than 160 centimeters tall, but she was very cute and lovely.

When everyone was modestly declining to sing the first song, she stood up and said, “I’ll sing the first song. I want to sing ‘I have to love’ for our first lady. Who’s going to sing together with me?”

The tall boy whose game name was Beating War Drums in Spring Breeze stood up and said, “I’ll sing together with you!”

When the music began, Han Meimei walked up to Zheng Xiaoguang and asked, “You’ve been offline for quite a few days. Tell me the truth, Xiaoguang. Is it because you were busy dating our gang boss?”

Zheng Xiaoguang blushed with embarrassment and said, “No…”

“Hehe, I didn’t expect you two to become a real couple so soon,” Han Meimei smiled and patted Zheng Xiaoguang on the shoulder. “Bluegreen-Clad really adores you. To throw this surprise party, he promised not only to cover all the expenses but also to give each of us an action figure of a character in the game. Well, even if he did not promise to give us these things, we would still love to help him.”

Zheng Xiaoguang’s face became redder. She said bashfully, “Thank you.”

Han Meimei blinked at her and said, “You know what. Son of Heaven is here too. Li Lei and Never Deeply Attached have taken turns to persuade him to come back over the past few days. Fortunately, he finally straightened out his thinking and decided to come to the party. He even said that he wanted to apologize to you in person.”

At this moment, Nine-Tailed Red Fox had finished singing the song.

Nevertheless, Beating War Drums in Spring Breeze refused to give the microphone to anyone else. “Haha, this is a nice party. I want to confess to Nine-tailed here. Nine-tailed, will you marry me?” said Beating War Drums in Spring Breeze.

“Huh? Do you want to borrow this party from our gang boss and make it a gift for Nine-tailed? How can you do that, Spring Breeze?”

“Sister Nine-tailed, don’t promise him anything. This confession cannot count. Let him prepared a gift for you by himself the next time.”

Beating War Drums in Spring Breeze anxiously scratched his head and ears and said, “No, it’s not like that. It has taken me a long time to pluck up my courage to confess to Nine-tailed in person. I really like you, Nine-tailed. Can you promise me?”

Everyone was laughing and playing excitedly. At the same time, Bluegreen-Clad and the other guys finished preparing the food and walked out of the kitchen while carrying the dishes.

Han Meimei pulled Zheng Xiaoguang up and asked her to help the guys together with herself. Zheng Xiaoguang was surprised when she saw the last guy leaving the kitchen.

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