Please Sign: Your Runaway Wife Has Been Captured

Chapter 92

Chapter 92 Date Me Please

“Who the hell is this?” Zheng Xiaoguang sighed inwardly.

“Hello.” She impatiently picked up her cellphone and received the call without checking who was calling. Just like some guy who got grumpy when being suddenly stopped by his girlfriend from playing a game, Zheng Xiaoguang was very displeased with being interrupted.

The next moment, she heard Tong Xiangyang’s voice. “Xiaoguang, are you still hanging out with your friends?”

Zheng Xiaoguang did not notice that Tong Xiangyang started to call her Xiaoguang now. She just wanted to finish this talk as soon as possible. “Why do you call me?”

“Nothing. I’ve just left Zhang Jing’s home. I want to meet you,” replied Tong Xiangyang.

“Why do you want to meet me?” She frowned as she wondered, “I remember that we’re not that close. Did I get him wrong?”

“I’m alone and kind of bored. I just want to hang out together with you. Didn’t you say that you were going to hang out with your friends tonight? Can I join you?” said Tong Xiangyang.

“Well, I’m hanging out with my friends now. But I think that I’d better not tell him that we’re playing an online game together.” With this in mind, she hurriedly said, “Ah, yes. I did say that. But we changed our plan, as my friends were called away unexpectedly. I’m at home now. I’m so tired today. I’m going to sleep very soon.”

She also deliberately yawned to show that what she said was credible.

Tong Xiangyang checked the time. He did not quite believe that Zheng Xiaoguang would feel sleepy before 8 pm. Despite that, he still said, “Is it? So have a good rest tonight. What about tomorrow…”

“Okay, okay.” Although she did not hear what he said clearly, she still interjected and then hurriedly hung up on him.

“My dear teammates, I’m coming!” she thought excitedly.

Now that no one on her team had high levels, it was hard for them to slay monsters. Zheng Xiaoguang had to work hard to take care of her teammates’ health. When she was busy running around and adding blood for them, her cellphone screen flickered. She got a text message.

She was afraid that it was something about work and swiftly checked the message. It was from Tong Xiangyang, and he invited her to watch a movie together. She thought in surprise,”What? Does he want to date me?

“Why does he suddenly ask me to watch a movie? Did Yang Sisi manage to change his attitude toward me within such a short period of time? Wow… she’s really efficient.”

Zheng Xiaoguang softly sighed. “I would’ve readily accepted such an invitation if I had received it before meeting Bluegreen-Clad. Given the average age of first marriage here in R City, I’m marrying later than most of the girls in the city. I shouldn’t be so picky. Tong Xiangyang is almost the same age as I am, and he’s a good guy with a good background. I should feel lucky, if he wants to marry me.

“But now it’s different. I’m in love with Bluegreen-Clad. And we’re going to spend the weekend together. So, I can only refuse Tong Xiangyang.”

Therefore, she quickly replied to the message from Tong Xiangyang. “I’m sorry. I have an appointment tomorrow.”

After that, she tossed aside her cellphone and continued to gain levels.

The next moment, her cellphone screen flickered again. She had lost her patience and slowly picked up her cellphone after slaying this wave of monsters. It was Tong Xiangyang again.

“Do you have time the day after tomorrow?”

She quickly edited the text message and sent it back. “I’m sorry. I have an appointment the day after tomorrow. I’m really sleepy. I’m going to sleep.”

She wanted to stop Tong Xiangyang from texting her again by saying this.

To her surprise, Tong Xiangyang just refused to give up. “When do you have time recently?”

“Well, I’d better pretend to be asleep.” With this in mind, she put her cellphone aside and continued to play the game. When she shifted her gaze to her computer screen, she was surprised to find out that Han Meimei was slain.

“Oh, no. I was busy texting just now and forgot to add blood for her.” She thought as she hurriedly rushed over and resurrected Han Meimei.

[Team] Flowing Light: I’m really sorry. I was answering a text message just now and didn’t see that you needed my help~

[Captain] Han Meimei: It’s okay. But do you think that it’s too slow to gain levels by ourselves? If we don’t hurry up, we’ll be bullied by the Sacred Temple all the time!

Since the gang war against the Sacred Temple, Han Meimei had felt depressed. Last night, she had told everyone, “I’ve never been abused like this since I began to play Shiny Sky. If I can’t get back at the Sacred Temple, I won’t be able to eat well and sleep well. ”

Upon hearing that, Li Lei who adored his girlfriend very much suggested. “How about we take turns to issue a Ghost Recruiting Order tonight, boss? Let’s play the team instance together. In this way, we’ll reach level 85 after one hour.”

A Ghost Recruiting Order was a charging prop provided by the game operator, which could significantly increase the level-gaining speed. The game operator only allowed a player to use this kind of prop for a limited number of times during a week. Fortunately, none of them had used any Ghost Recruiting Order by far.

Bluegreen-Clad readily accepted Li Lei’s suggestion as he was also worried that his gang would be harassed by the Sacred Temple if they could not gain levels fast. Now that nearly all high-level players on Watery South were busy recreating their characters, the Sacred Temple was clearly up to something. Given this, they had to gain levels fast.

They all used blue equipment, and monsters in an instance opened by a Ghost Recruiting Order were weak in terms of both offensive physical force and defensive physical force. Nevertheless, they still found it quite hard to slay monsters here. As no one else except the team member could enter such an instance, they did not get harassed by any member of the Sacred Temple during the whole process. As such, they had quickly reached level 85 last night.

Today, they finally put on their level-85 purple suit and were not fragile anymore in the face of monsters. They could even complete some weekly missions.

Despite that, Han Meimei still felt that they did not gain levels fast enough.

[Captain] Han Meimei: Let’s find a trainer!

A trainer was different from a substitute player, although both of them helped others to gain levels. A player had to give his or her account name and password to a substitute player, who would gain levels for his or her client by using the client’s ID. A trainer was a high-level player who helped low-level players to gain levels by teaming up with them. A player did not have to give a trainer his or her account name and password.

After recreating their characters, the players, who had gotten used to the feeling of slaying monsters within a few seconds, usually did not have enough patience to complete low-level missions. Some high-level players found this business opportunity and chose to work as trainers. Right after the system launched its rebirth program, they advertised on the Public Chat channel, telling everyone that they could team up with low-level players and help them gain levels fast. They usually charged their clients on an hourly basis.

Most trainers were level-110 players, and his or her equipment had at least seven star level. Although it was a pity that they missed the chance of becoming the first batch of reborn players, they could earn a large sum of money by working as trainers. On all the servers of Shiny Sky, there were players who chose to work as trainers.

[Captain] Han Meimei: It’ll be much more efficient if we hire a trainer. Even when we’re busy, we can still gain levels as long as we get online and team up with our trainer.

[Team] Bluegreen-Clad: It’s up to you.

[Team] Li Lei: Okay, if this is what you want, honey.

Only Zheng Xiaoguang expressed a different opinion.

[Team] Flowing Light: But it’s not easy to hire a trainer now, is it?

As the rebirth program had just been launched, trainers were getting snatched up. As they had never booked a trainer in advance, they probably could not find a trainer at this moment. Besides, all the high-level players they knew had started their rebirth process.

[Captain] Han Meimei: I’ll send out a message on the Public Chat channel.

[Public Chat] Han Meimei: A team of level-85 reborn players is looking for a trainer. We want a trainer who has lots of free time and works efficiently.

Their luck was not bad. Han Meimei kept sending out this message for just a dozen minites and then she added a trainer to their team.

[Team] Landscape Painter is invited by Team Captain Han Meimei to join the team.

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