Please Sign: Your Runaway Wife Has Been Captured

Chapter 97

Chapter 97 Entanglement

In the afternoon, Bluegreen-Clad went online as he promised, but Landscape Painter did not come back.

Han Meimei: Oh, no. I spent so much effort in hiring this trainer. He’s so unreliable.

Despite those complaints, they continued to gain levels by themselves. Under diligent supervision of Han Meimei, the four of them reached level 105 within a week.

In order to commemorate this important moment, Han Meimei finally agreed to let them log off early today.

Zheng Xiaoguang logged off and then routinely received a call from Bluegreen-Clad before going to sleep.

“Is everything okay? Are you tired recently?” asked Bluegreen-Clad.

“It’s fine.” Zheng Xiaoguang hurriedly explained. “I just… miss you a little.”

“I’m sorry. I’ve been a little busy recently and can’t go to R City to accompany you.”

“That’s alright.” Zheng Xiaoguang took a deep breath and continued, “You have to make money. I understand it.”

Suddenly, Bluegreen-Clad fell silent. She hurriedly added, “I’m really okay with it. Isn’t this what a long-distance relationship is like? I really don’t blame you.”

In the meantime, she thought, “Many people have successful long-distance relationships. If they can make it, I can make it too.”

To her surprise, Bluegreen-Clad sighed, “Sigh. I should’ve married you earlier.”

He had talked about marriage a lot recently, but Zheng Xiaoguang still did not get quite used to it. She flushed and stuttered, “Urg…”

Upon noticing her shyness, Bluegreen-Clad chuckled and said, “I miss you too, Xiaoguang. The day after tomorrow is Saturday. I’ll go to your city to spend some quality time with you, okay? ”

“Huh?” She was a little surprised as she did not understand why he suddenly changed his mind.

“I really want to see you.”

At this moment, Zheng Xiaoguang felt that they were the sweetest words that she had ever heard.

As an old saying goes, over-indulgence in joy will cause sadness. The next day when Zheng Xiaoguang gleefully went to work, she was captured by Yang Sisi.

When they ran into each other in front of the ladies’ room, Yang Sisi glared at her and asked, “What did you do last weekend? Tell me.”

Zheng Xiaoguang, who was waiting to use the toilet, pretended that she could not wait any longer to go pissing while saying, “Sigh, I told you before. I hung out with my friends.”

“Which of your friends? Tell me! I know all your friends.” Yang Sisi refused to let her go.

Zheng Xiaoguang said while anxiously looking at the ladies’ room behind Yang Sisi, “You really don’t know those friends.”

“Do you mean your friends in the game?” Yang Sisi squinted her eyes. “You kept playing the game for the entire weekend. Why did you lie?”

“Urg, she knows it,” Zheng Xiaoguang thought embarrassedly.

“Well, I did play the game.” Zheng Xiaoguang looked ingratiatingly at Yang Sisi. “You must know the rebirth program. I’m eager to gain levels now.”

Yang Sisi flew into a rage. “Oh, you! Do you really understand what’s the most important thing for you now? I heard that Xiangyang asked you out last weekend, but you still chose to play the game at home!”

“Erm, hehe.” Zheng Xiaoguang tried to muddle through with a smirk.

Nevertheless, Yang Sisi still refused to back down. “I was really confused. Xiangyang told me that he intended to chase after you before I went on a business travel. But when I came back, you two didn’t seem to have made any progress. I asked Xiangyang if he changed his mind and he told me that it was you that turned him down!”

Yang Sisi failed to finish complaining in one breath and glared at Zheng Xiaoguang when she continued, “Are you really stupid? Will that stupid game marry you in the future?”

Zheng Xiaoguang thought to herself, “Shiny Sky won’t marry me, but Bluegreen-Clad will.” Nevertheless, she dared not to voice her thought in front of Yang Sisi at this moment.

She carefully weighed the words. “Uhm, I’m really grateful for your help, but we’re not suitable for each other.”

With these words, she shuffled toward the ladies’ room. Yang Sisi seized her and asked, “Why did you say that you two aren’t suitable for each other? I think that you’re well-matched! Both of you are only children and have stable jobs and incomes. Besides, Xiangyang is quite a cute guy and has a house and a car. If you marry him, you won’t have to worry about anything in the future. I really don’t understand why you don’t like him?”

Zheng Xiaoguang remained silent as she sighed inwardly, “Oh, no, she speaks of this again.

“Yeah, what else can I ask for? I’m going to be a leftover lady very soon. The other people just don’t think that I have a right to choose.

“They often say, ‘You’re not young anymore. Do you want to become a spinster? Aren’t you afraid that people will laugh at you?’

“Or, they’ll say, ‘Can you be realistic? Marriage is not only about feelings. Feelings are unreliable. Even if you find someone you love, you’ll get tired of him soon. What will you do at that time?’

“They’ll even say, ‘Look at the other girls in this residential area. Who’s still single like you? You can’t be picky since the guys are picky too. Do you think that you deserve a super good guy or something? ‘

“They keep reminding me that I have no time and no chance to be picky. In their view, I should not turn down any guy as long as he likes me. If I say that I’m not satisfied with something about the guy, they’ll retort confidently and give me lots of reasons.”

Upon seeing the somber face of Zheng Xiaoguang, Yang Sisi was somewhat worried. “What do you think, Xiaoguang?”

Beyond her expectations, Zheng Xiaoguang took this chance to run into the ladies’ room.

As she moved too fast, Yang Sisi failed to seize her. She complained. “Ah! You naughty girl!”

After this incident, Zheng Xiaoguang kept avoiding Yang Sisi until they knocked off in the evening.

She thought that Yang Sisi would come to find her and leave together with her. To her surprise, Yang Sisi was required by her supervisor to work overtime. Zheng Xiaoguang felt really grateful for the supervisor although she thought that she should not be so mean to her friend.

She “reluctantly” said goodbye to Yang Sisi, hurriedly packed her things and left the company. The moment she walked out of her company, a car parked in front of her beeped at her. She thought that she was probably blocking the way and moved aside. Surprisingly, the car did not move at all.

The driver rolled down the window and revealed his face. It was Tong Xiangyang.

“Erm, do you come here to find me?” She looked confusedly at him. Since being rejected by her, he had not appeared in front of her for a long time. She did not understand why he suddenly came to his company?

Tong Xiangyang turned to look at her and said smilingly, “Didn’t Yang Sisi tell you? I’ll invite you for dinner today. ”

“Oh, Yang Sisi did seem to have something to say to me, but she didn’t have a chance to do so since she was suddenly called away by her supervisor to work overtime. Did she plan to tell me this?” thought Zheng Xiaoguang.

“But I don’t want to have dinner together with Tong Xiangyang.”

She frowned and said, “I’m sorry. I really have to go home now.”

“Why are you going home in such a hurry?” Tong Xiangyang asked casually, “Are you going to play the game?”

‘Well, now everyone knows that I play the game after work.” With this in mind, she felt too lazy to make up an excuse.

She took a deep breath and answered, “Yes, is there anything wrong about it?”

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