Please Stop Summoning Me!

Chapter 64: The Miracle White

As Shen Yi read this, he immediately realized that Mr. “Miracle” White had a big problem.

He was likely to be the mastermind behind the secret manipulation of the Hidden Pupil, Mr. “Miracle” White ….. Well, that’s “White of Miracle”, isn’t it?

Unable to suppress his curiosity, he turned over the notes and continued to read.

“Mr. White has great ideas, but they are unrealistic and exaggerated for us.”

“Following Mr. White’s instructions, we began to collect the ‘Necessary Cause’ for Him to come, and yes, as long as the great and generous Him comes, he will definitely lead us to an unprecedented path.”

“Some people have expressed their vigilance and don’t want Him to come, but they don’t understand, no, well, what we’re doing is absolutely right, there’s nothing wrong with contacting an Extraterrestrial god, there’s nothing wrong… it’s common sense in the inner world.”

“I’ve been feeling a little weird lately. I don’t know what’s going on, but when I eat vegetables and fruits, I always feel nauseous.”

“Maybe I need to take a trip to the hospital.”

“There seems to be some change in my body, but that should be normal. Mr. White said the collection of the Necessary Cause was almost complete and he wanted to make the next move, but I just don’t know what that would be.”

“There was always a servant next to Mr.White, reverently called him his master, a blind boy who was under the age of ten and spoke only to Mr. White…… He seems to foresee the future.”

“Something is calling me, maybe I should join him in his attempt to find what is calling me. Maybe everyone thinks the same way. No one in the Hidden Pupils will object Mr. White.”

Upon here, the notes came to a sudden halt, and the amount of information was enormous.

Shen Yi was absolutely certain that Mr. “Miracle” White was the mastermind behind the hidden pupils.

But he always found it strange that the note-taker seemed to lack clarity and common sense.

Another point worth noting was that Mr. “Miracle” White seems to have found a young man similar to “Prophet” as his servant.

Predicting the future. It’s a terrible power.

It was just not known what this “Miracle White” is trying to do, what was his purpose of collecting the necessary causes by allowing people to observe the events in the inner world, and what he wanted to do with it?

He fell into deep silence, and after some exploration, not only did the mysteries he faced not decrease, but also added a few more.

“What did it say?” Chris on the side, couldn’t help but finally asked curiously.

Shen Yi smiled slightly, reached out and passed the black notebook to Chris.

“See for yourself.”

As Chris began to read it, her expression became strange.

“The person who recorded the notes should be a member of the Hidden Pupil Organization, the observer, but he has become a bit strange.”

Shen Yi answered as if he had mastered everything.

“Yes, exactly.”

Chris cheered up, it seemed she had guessed correctly and kept up with Shen Yi.

“The ‘common sense’ of note-takers is so problematic that they find it normal to come into contact with an extraterrestrial god, even a fan of the table world knows it’s a huge taboo and they still thinks that physical mutations are a normal phenomenon, they clearly have fallen into madness.”

‘In fact, the extra-worldly god is not so threatening’… Shen Yi silently thought in his heart, but did not say it out loud.

With a smile, he complimented the other party.

“Not Bad.”

Chris rummaged around some more for a while but found nothing useful.

Someone seemed to have taken the key things from here, except this note, which was left in the dark, and hadn’t been taken in advance.

The gains weren’t great, but they were crucial in identifying those suspected to be behind the scenes.

“Chris, from now on, do things for me.” Shen Yi suddenly said.

He liked Chris pretty much now, not physically, but she seemed so content that she could be excited with a few more words of praise.

It’s easy to fool.

“Oh, yes! It’s my pleasure!”

It took a few seconds for her to react, apparently flattered by the unexpected invitation.

‘Should I kneel down and swear…… Exactly how to do it better now…… Either way, I’m too excited right now to celebrate the great fire…… I didn’t think I’d really become his subordinate.’

At this moment, Chris was really very, very happy.

The excitement on her face couldn’t be restrained at all, and one could see her chest undulating up and down.

If she got so excited, she couldn’t sleep for the next few days.

Just like an ordinary boss hugging the thighs of the Top 500 world leaders. If his body and willpower are not good, he might faint from excitement on the spot.

‘Will he let me kneel down to call him master every time I see him…… It would be a great shame, but many forces have been so retro and orderly….. But it’s not like it’s no good, uh, no good, no shame.’

Chris’ mind acted frantically. She still remembered that people from the Corona Church even wanted to kiss the shoes of the Pope and saints.

As she was in her thoughts, she once again heard his calm voice: “Help me investigate the cause of an old man’s death. The old man selling candy near the slums just passed away recently.”

He wisely subcontracted Byron’s information directly to Su Ling for investigation and then subcontracted Su Ling’s plea to Chris.

Suddenly, he felt that he already had the potential to become a leader.

“Yes, I understand.”

Chris nodded earnestly, knowing that this was Mr. Shen’s test for her, and only when she completed it would she be considered his vassal.

She would definitely complete this task and investigate the matter of the old man’s death thoroughly.

Although there were few people in the firm, she has been mingling among the Finishers since she was a child, knowing the lower and middle levels of Beland’s inner world like the back of her hand.

So far, all the people Shen Yi knew about the middle and lower levels of the Beland world were far less knowledgeable than Chris.

Chris’s nickname was “The Matchmaker”.

She knew who she could ask to complete Mr. Shen’s task, and the only cost was to spend some money, up to hundreds of thousands of euros, rather than cozying up to the enormous benefits and future possibilities that Mr. Shen could bring.

The little money was nothing.

Shen Yi could never have imagined that the task he subcontracted to Chris would immediately be subcontracted to another Finisher.

Subcontract at each level.

“Well, let’s get out of here.” he said.

As they proceeded, he heard a rumbling sound, like a dam breaking its banks.

Chris’s eyes widened, as he exclaimed, “The river is pouring in!”

Shen Yi immediately realized that the “Miracle White” had created a simple trap while using an invisible technique to block the connection between the Thames and this place.

As long as the invisible technique loses its effect at the right time, the river would rush in frantically, destroying all enemies and evidence.

Shen Yi quickly thought it was a predictable timing trap for “Miracle White”…probably so, after all, his servant had the power of a “prophet.”

He could use atomization to escape from the mud through the gap. The key problem was how to save her.

“Chris, hold me tight.”

With no time wasting, he immediately took off the old cross color from his neck and put it on her neck.

The raging waters of the Thames had come in from outside!

While he closed his eyes, relaxed, relaxed, continued to relax his body.

The power of the colorless city strengthens the body’s strength and protection.

As long as he was in an almost unconscious state, he could use this energy for himself and resist the impact of the river.

A more terrifying killing atmosphere surged up than the previous few times, and Shen Yi’s expression burst into a powerful aura of an extra-worldly god.

Even Chris, who was protected by the color, was knocked out, and the color cross let out a deep mournful cry.

A large amount of river directly impacted on the two.

— — 

On shore. 

With a deep sigh, Shen Yi re-dried his clothes by the power of atomization …… It’s life’s trick.

He waited for Chris, who passed out by the river, to wake up.

Chris lay quietly on the ground. Because of the protection of the mysterious relic, there was not a single drop of water on her long golden sand hair.

He had already removed the old cross from her, and it would have cost dearly if ordinary people had worn it too much, it was best not to carry it on for more than half an hour.

Even if a disaster expert wore an old-colored cross for two hours, he would fall into madness. It can be said that the price was very high… This is what Yare told others.

After a while, Chris slowly woke up.

She felt as if she had had an endless dream. In the dream, the surroundings were all water with no gaps, which made her a little desperate.

In a trance, she saw a hand gently pulling herself out of the overflowing water.

“You finally woke up.” Shen Yi smiled calmly.

Lying on the grass by the river, Chris looked on in surprise at the mysterious man, wearing a gold mask and looking down at her in the moonlight.

He looked down at her like a chess player of the age, his eyes behind the golden mask were deep and indifferent.

Shen Yi stared at Chris on the ground, and found that she was staring at him blankly, as if she was still a little confused.

“Well?” He continued to ask.

Chris immediately sat up and looked respectfully up at the man beside her.

“I’m fine, thank you for saving me ……”


Shen nodded quietly and said: “You can go. Remember to be safe. Maybe you have been completely watched by him.”

Chris trembled all over, and naturally knew who Mr. Shen was talking about. It was the Mr. “Miracle” White mentioned on the black note.

Such a powerful man was definitely not something she could fight against, and she could only rely on the unfathomable Mr. Shen.

“Yes, I understand.”

She staggered to her feet, and with a nod, she left.

As the girl’s back wandered away, Shen Yi suddenly felt a sharp turn of events.

He found that everything around him was shaking, the ground and the river were shaking, and the grass under his feet was being rattled by invisible forces.

It was the first time he hadn’t felt the call in a cafe.

Of course, only he could feel the vibration, the fading away Chris was unaware of it.

The summoning appeared.

Now Shen Yi has long been experienced in a hundred battles, not the slightest panic, calmly smiling.

He said to himself, “It is not yet twelve o’clock, so this time, it should be that one.”

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