Please Stop Summoning Me!

Chapter 82: Miracle Sect

Shen Yi froze on the spot, but within a few seconds he recognized the person from the voice.

“Tsk, it turned out to be him.”

Then only he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it wasn’t a Pseudo-God who came to his door to kill him, the ability of reality distortion must be very difficult to deal with.

Putting away the book of Ten Travellers, he opened the back room door and saw a silhouette sitting silently by the window in the darkness of the cafe. This silhouette seemed to be one with the darkness and had a unique sense of loneliness.

If it were to be another person, they might be scared to move on or put on a light, but Shen Yi was not afraid and sat calmly on another chair, and welcomed with a smile. “George, you’re finally here again.”

Yes, the person sitting in the darkness beside the bed was none other than George, the former Class A investigator of the Anti-Magic Bureau, now a resurrector who could no longer appear in the surface world.

Once again, his voice sounded a bit mockingly. “It’s really your blessing that I can’t go in and out of the city anymore as I please, and it’s not easy to come to the café.”

“I had thought that I would be able to see you right away, but I didn’t realize that you had actually left the place …… and you suddenly came back just now without my noticing.”

Shen Yi nodded his head in response. The Book of Ten Travelers was the most convenient and practical among the many invisible arts.

“Long time no see, George.”

George in the darkness, continued: “I have been doing two things recently. The first thing is to eradicate some heinous scum, who I could not touch when I was an investigator.”

“Haha, you know, as an investigator of the Anti-Magic Bureau, you cannot do anything without evidence. You must abide by the law and discipline.” After pausing for a while, he said with gratitude: “Thank you… for letting me get rid of those constraints.”

“The second thing is that I have recently been searching for …… the ties that I was cut off.” When he said this, his voice was low and somewhat bitter.

Shen Yi didn’t know the specifics of the “Third Blade”, and Su Ling hadn’t taken the initiative to talk to him about it.

After all, this was a matter that needs to be kept confidential.

Although Su Ling had violated quite a few matters of the Anti-Magic Bureau, just colluding with extra-worldly god and using invisible techniques to resurrect the dead was enough to cause the death penalty… But she still tries to avoid being an active traitor.

Shen Yi heard from George’s utterance that he was tracing things in the past, perhaps losing part of his memory, or it could be a similar other situation.

“That’s good.” Shen Yi said with a smile.

In the darkness, George looked at the figure not far away in a very complicated mood. It was this man who brought him back to life, but he was also bundled into an unknown “chariot”.

It was still unknown what his true purpose was, if his purpose was harmless to mankind, there was no harm in assisting him.

George skillfully pulled out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it with a lighter, and calmly smoked it.

‘Although it’s the body of a magical puppet, it has all kinds of sensations as if it were a real person, it’s worthy of that @k&s*** Byron’s technique ……’

Tiny red flames lit up in the darkness.

George blew out a smoke ring and thought of his colleagues who stopped him from smoking time and time again… Speaking of which, it’s been a while since he’s seen that little guy Su Ling.

Well, now no one was stopping him from smoking, and as the name goes this puppet’s body would not get sick.

Shen Yi couldn’t help but remind him after a long silence: “You can’t smoke in the café.”


George helplessly extinguished his cigarette, with a sigh: “I recently found out something, which is very important, but I can’t directly report it to the Anti-Magic Bureau. Please help me to pass this to Su Ling.”

Shen Yi nodded his head and did not refuse the free information. “Can”

George kept the extinguished cigarette in his mouth and muttered, “Recently a large group of believers have suddenly appeared in Beland, all claiming to believe in something like “The Lord of Miracles, the White Sun, the Savior of every man’.”

“These believers are pure ordinary people, who couldn’t be more common, and there doesn’t seem to be any mystical elements in the process, and because of this the investigator didn’t put their weight on it for the time being, and were just monitoring it normally, assuming that it was an ordinary group of folk believers.”

“It was only after careful investigation that I discovered the weirdness.”

Weirdness? What weirdness? Speaking of which, all kinds of folk belief groups in this world, even if they weren’t religions, would be focused on monitoring, right? After all, this was a world with quite a lot of evil gods.

Shen Yi thought silently, he knew that the countries of the second continent banned any other religions, and the only orthodox church allowed was the Coronation Church.

If this outrageous world were to talk about freedom of religion, all of humanity would be doomed.

George’s tone became serious and said. “All of these people’s belief in the ‘Lord of Miracles’ was short-lived and very sudden, without sufficient reason.”

“It’s like a sudden change in perception.”

Belief in a Lord of Miracles? Could cognitive alteration be the ability to distort reality?

Shen Yi recalled the Hidden Pupil’s notes he had read, at the time he also felt the recorder’s common sense seemed to be distorted.

He immediately caught a man in his head and knew for sure that this was the guy who had done the new thing.

Always messing things up ah.

Shen Yi nodded his head and said calmly. “Pseudo-Gods.”

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