Poison City

Book 2 Chapter 120. Gap and Links


“They did it. I think, they fucking did it.” While driving back to the precinct, Brian Sai couldn’t help but slam the steering wheel, almost making the car honk: “The Lings, they got the kid through Big Sister Zhu, and then turned around and got her killed to cover it up.”


“That’s - that’s surely a possibility.” Mick frowned while scratching his head: “It could also be the case that someone else tipped the mobs off, right? It could just be someone who’s not - not comfortable with what’s going on?”


“Then they could’ve gone to the authorities.” Brian Sai shook his head: “If the tipper really came from the South-Western District, then they have a million ways to inform the city. Hell, at the time there was a fucking hotline set up just for Big Sister Zhu.”


“But - if the tipper knew that someone in the city was corrupt and had to contact someone from the South-Eastern District - ”


“There’s not that much difference in the level of corruption in the city and community collective.” Brian Sai shook his head: “Also, there’s a reason for not tipping off any authority. Many would have the same motivation. But I’d imagine the Lings would have it as well.”


“You mean, her trade records?” Mick rubbed his nose bridge: “Yeah, but that’s - that’s even wider a net, right? As you know, her trade records would make MANY people want to see her dead.”


“True, true.” Brian Sai let out a long exhale: “I know that, I know that. But don’t you think, it was a bit too sloppy if it was any other people? If we don’t put too much thought into making it a deep conspiracy. Big Sister Zhu’s clients used to be relatively powerful people, at least wealthy ones. I’d imagine if it was them, they’d take her out in a much cleaner manner. Easily breakable encryption? Easily located origin of the message? It reeks of amateurism.”


“... and it would explain the fact that they were under investigation and being forced to move.” Mick looked out the window and sighed: “Who the hell would want to hang out with people like that?”


“I think that’s it.” Brian Sai let out a long and frustrated sigh: “Looks like we’re gonna have to inquire more information from the city. And this would inevitably draw attention to our investigation.”


“Can I ask a question?” Mick asked after thinking for a short moment.


“Sure, why? ” Brian Sai nodded while keeping his mind on the traffic.


“Is there something I should know? Something regarding these ongoing investigations?” Mick weighted his words before putting them out: “I feel like - there’s been a shift in the vibe of the entire precinct. The direction where some of the investigations are going, and the detectives hiding their discussion of certain case details away from the uniformed officers. Is there something going on? Are we - are we suspecting that there’s a leak in our precinct?”


“What? NO!” Bria Sai was nervous at first, but then immediately proclaimed: “No - it’s just - recently we have uncovered certain sensitive details. And we’re following the captain’s orders on keeping unnecessary disclosure of this information in secret.”


“And what about all the detectives sharing cases somehow?” Mick asked: “Looks like the detectives are not really handling their own cases - I mean the case with the Lings is assigned to Detective Lance and Pahaik, and Marcus - I mean Detective Cai seem to be jumping from case to case all the time.”


“Oh yeah, that’s because, these cases they seem to all share some - some common factors among them. And Marcus is most knowledgeable about para - I mean these common factors, so we are ALL looking at him for help.” Brian Sai tried his best to mask his words while driving: “I think you should talk to the captain about this. The information you just helped me, helped us get is really valuable. It helped us tie a lot of details together.”


“What? About the death of the Lings?” Mick scratched his head: “What - what kind of help would this be? Big Sister Zhu is dead already, and her past subordinates would - I assume, they would not be seeking vengeance on her behalf.”


“Yeah - yeah - but we’re thinking about other angles. There are certain - certain groups or entities that would also bring harm to them.” Brian Sai shook his head: “But - there’s still one thing that we may need to figure out.”


“What? What do you mean?”


“Don’t you feel there’s something missing with the way the events unfold? I mean to Yixiang Zhuge.” Brian Sai thought for a moment before speaking out: “Okay, let’s start from the beginning, assuming we’re correct.”




“The Lings want a kid, they couldn’t. So, they contacted Big Sister Zhu, who fetched them a kid.” Brian Sai recounted the flow of hypothetical events in his head: “But then, for some reason, perhaps for fear of their trade being exposed, they tipped off the mobs to have Big Sister Zhu killed.”


“The kid’s original parents! The PARENTS!” Mick raised his voice, almost making Brian Sai jump out of his seat.


“Yes.” Brian Sai nodded with his eyes narrowed slightly: “I wonder - I wonder who the parents were, and where they are, if they are still alive.”


“And if they’re still alive. That means they would have the intent to hurt the parents. But - but not the child himself?”


“Yeah, true.” Brian Sai shook his head, and stopped talking. This was only a random thought of his, he brought it up with the intention of distracting Mick. But Mick was too perceptive for this to work for long.


“So - whoever did this could be another motivated party…” Mick rubbed his temples as he looked outside the window.


“Yes. And VERY, VERY motivated.” Brian Sai sighed again.

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