Poison City

Book 2 Chapter 149. Hiding Again (Part 1.)


“You ready? One - two - THREE!”


Marcus hopped into the back seat with the gun in his left hand, just as Gloria fully pushed herself into the driver’s seat. Marcus’ feet left the gas pedal for only a short moment before Gloria’s took over. She pulled the seatbelt over with one hand and fastened it. Marcus pushed open the sunroof and reached his upper body out.


“Bang!” The jeep ran over a spot pot hole and its entire body bounced from the ground. Marcus had to stand firm and hold onto the edge of the sunroof to avoid being thrown off his balance or worse, drop the gun.


“Stay steady on the course!” Marcus raised his voice as he looked back to locate the truck that was following them.


It was a black truck with mud stains on its head and the bumper. Two men in sweatshirts and had tattoos on their arms were in the front seats, the one on the passenger’s seat appeared to have a gun in his hand as well, and he was reaching out of the window.


“Bang, bang!” The man opened fire. But he was a really bad shot. The bullet barely grazed the jeep.


Marcus held the gun Gloria found in the glove compartment firmly in his hands. This gun was just a touch smaller in frame than the normal PCPD standard issue officer pistol, it had a smaller magazine, but used the same kind of bullet.


Riding the shakes of the jeep, Marcus fixed his eyes on the truck behind him, as well as the two men in it. The windshield of the trunk gave off a strange glow when shone upon by sunlight, indicating that it was tempered glass. The hood of the truck and its bumper looked reinforced as well. But he needed to be sure.


Deep breath in, deep breath out. Marcus took advantage of a single moment where the jeep was in mid air and fired three shots. Two at the windshield of the truck and one at the hood.


Two round, heavily cracked white marks appeared on the window, and a smell dent was left on the hood. This caused the truck driver to brake in a moment of panic and bought them some space between the vehicles. But not enough to completely get rid of their pursuers. Just as Marcus suspected, the truck was reinforced.


“Have you got rid of them?” When Marcus retreated back into the jeep, Gloria asked.


“No.” Marcus grunted: “The fucking jeep’s reinforced. They have tempered glass windshield and a hardened hood. The only hope we can have is shooting them while they shoot or shooting their fucking tires.”


“Okay, check my phone. Check your phone and see if you can call someone.” Gloria shook her head while still had her eyes on the road.


Marcus picked up Gloria’s phone, the signal symbol flashed on the screen. The shortest bar was flashing on and off. He checked his own phone, it was showing something similar. He called Kevin, a connection attempt seemed to be made from his phone, before he was hit with the “the number you called is not available” message. He tried a few more times, the same thing happened.


Using Gloria’s phone, Marcus tried to call the emergency number. It was the same thing.


Marcus looked back through the rear glass window. Right now the truck was quite some way behind the jeep, from their position they could barely see the front plate of the truck. But to Marcus’ worry, the truck was gradually gaining on them.


“Do you know where we can find the road? A road outta this area?” Marcus looked around, for now he could not see the other vehicles that went the other way.


“Not really, no.” Gloria shook her head: “I just kinda know there’s a road on our left, somewhere - ”


“Then go left while you can.” Marcus checked under and behind the back seats, hoping to find some more weapons or tools he could use. But he was sorely disappointed. He scooped over to the passenger’s seat and checked the glove compartment, inside he found only a spare magazine.


The jeep started moving leftward, with Gloria slowly and carefully turning the steering wheel and drove through grass, bushes and more uneven ground. There were more trees on their left, and the land appeared to be going higher in elevation.


“Road! Holy fuck!” Gloria took another look at her left and turned the steering wheel to the right.


The jeep swerved right, barely escaped the fate of shooting into the air above the road. They were now driving along the elevated land on the right side of a road, on which they saw the other vehicles from the camp before, driving in the same direction.


“I’ll look ahead! ” Marcus scooped into the backseats again and looked out from the open sunroof.


The elevation went down straight forward, and he could see a little bit of the road at a distance. And he could see the divider between the road in their direction and the incoming traffic.


“Okay - we may need some maneuver here - there’s a lower point we can get onto the road, but you’ll need to turn right immediately to avoid crashing into the divider, okay?” Marcus lowered his body back into the jeep. “I’ll try to force them out of our way.”


“Okay. Do what you have to do. How much distance is that?”


“I guess one minute or two at this speed.” Marcus looked back at the truck, it was close enough to them that he could see the front plate now. It was still too far for him to get a clear shot at the tires.


“I see the road now! Ready?” Gloria yelled as the jeep sped through the space between two trees.


“Ready!” Marcus lowered the left side back window and checked his seatbelt.


Gloria floored the gas pedal while spinning the steering wheel to the left then right. The jeep swerved then drifted towards from the uneven terrain and onto the road, from an elevation of about a quarter of an adult man’s height. Marcus opened fire on a few cars blocking their way, forcing the potential shooters from them to duck behind the windows and their drivers to slow down or change lanes


The left rear tire of the jeep made contact with the front right tire of a black SUV, bashing it to the left as the jeep crashed into the road. It was not a smooth landing, but the jeep made it onto the road.


Gloria made another hard left lane change, as the truck before them hit the brakes and tried to block their way. Marcus unbuckled, hopped right, lowered the right rear window and opened three shots at the driver of the truck just as its driver lowered his window. The windshield and the window were coated with a splash of red from the inside.


Hope you have a happy Year of The Dragon!

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