Poison City

Book 2 Chapter 215. Track is Back


“You did what?” Marcus came out of the show just to run into the trio of Kevin, Keryn and Mick.


“Please don’t be mad. I insisted we need to check out the Kshiti Temple, and they were gracious enough to accompany me.” Kevin immediately stepped forward: “Something’s really off with that temple, I couldn't really tell why. So I suggested we go.”


“But at least they’re safe! They’re here!” Elvin tried to help Kevin and the rest of the trio.


“And we weren’t followed. We made sure of that.” Keryn nodded: “And Marcus, I think you’re gonna wanna know what we found.”


“... fine. But please be careful.” Marcus shook his head. He was frustrated at first but in his heart of hearts there was no way for him to stop them from looking into things connected to the whole situation. “Alright, what’d you find?”


“The temple is empty, well, basically empty - only one person was watching over the temple. But he’s sleeping in one of the side rooms.” Keryn sat down and picked up a small cup of tea on the coffee table: “And - I think the really bad news should be left to Kevin.”


“Kshiti Temple is one of the biggest temples in the South-Eastern District, it has more than a dozen small prayer places and they own a lot of spare land. They also have at least three elders and some famous scholars backing them. They also donate thousands of talismans to people who cannot afford it every month.” Kevin read from his note: “So, what we’re looking at is one giant, powerful temple with hundreds of people working for them. Thousands if we count the volunteers and contractors. And even they are having trouble dealing with whatever’s going on - so. I’m worried.”


“What did they do to deal with it?” Marcus asked.


“They set up a protection array using ropes, talismans and - and this strange configuration that will redirect unclean energy into the wall, or the ground below.” Kevin sighed, finished his tea and then poured himself another: “This is fucking ridiculous, all of this and no one is watching the temple itself? What if someone tampered with the setup? Something must have happened.”


“And - you’re sure no one’s there to observe you? Or put some kind of spell on you?” Marcus asked again.


“Pretty sure. I’m on alert the whole time.” Keryn shrugged.


“I also checked, the people living around seem kinda scared. ” Mick sighed: “Some of them have their windows blockaded and some have placed Bagua Mirrors on their windows and doors.”


Marcus sat down by the coffee table and picked up an unused tea cup: “Okay. Did you happen to check whether there are people living there?”


“No, we haven't checked. We came back as soon as possible because everything’s just creep us the fuck out.” Keryn shrugged.


“Okay - okay. This is - this is actually kinda timely.” Marcus laid back on the sofa: “Hey, I’ve got some really bad news for you guys. But hey, thank you for the investigation. It actually gives what I’m about to say a lot of context.”


“Wait, what are you talking about?” Mick was stunned for a moment.


“Yeah, I told you I was there to seek guidance and wisdom. So I went to the Temple of Forgetfulness.” Marcus rubbed his temples: “And - Master Liaoran, the one and only monk there for the longest time. He gave me some knowledge about - the history of the city. And a plan to - to kick off the cure and solution to everything.”


Marcus then proceeded to summarize and retell everyone everything he heard from Master Liaoran - including the master’s role in the city before everything, the initial source of conflict between the city and the South-Eastern District, and their plan.


“Tomorrow evening?” Mick opened his eyes wide.


“Yes. Tomorrow evening, and even then our chances of success would be low.” Marcus sighed: “Now - I don’t want to ask too much of you. But I would really need your help when - when we act.”


“I’m in.” Kevin raised his hand.


“What - are you sure?” Keryn narrowed her eyes at Kevin: “Don’t take this the wrong way, Kevin, but you’re a civilian.”


“None taken. But still, I am at least a half decent shot, I know about rituals, talismans and the paranormal.” Kevin counted with his fingers: “And - I know computer stuff. If you get in the data center, do you even know what to do without me?”


“Yes. But Mick can do that as well. And he’s actually a certified shooter.” Keryn shook her head: “We can’t just bring a civilian into action.”


“That’s not gonna matter right now.” Kevin shrugged.


“Wait! - wait a second.” Elvin raised his hand: “Before you make any decisions, you might want to hear what I recorded off the radio.” He clicked the button on the screen, then out played a recording, with the tone of a public service announcement.


“This is a public safety alert. All residents of Poison City, please be on alert for these fugitives that are on the loose: Marcus Cai, male, 31 years of age, average build; Black hair, brown eyes. Kevin Loo, 25 years of age, slim build; Black hair, brown eyes. Keryn Lance - ”


“Okay, okay, we got it.” Keryn stopped Elvin’s broadcast: “So they have put us in the wanted list already?”


Before anyone else could say anything, someone knocked on the door. Marcus and Keryn jumped before Kevin, Elvin and Mick.


“Don’t be alarmed. It’s me.” It was a familiar voice, it was the voice of a mature woman, who proceeded to open the door with her own keys.


“You’re the landlord?” Keryn asked as she lowered her hands, only by a little.


“Yes.” The woman came in and locked the door behind her. Her clothes looked slightly torn and dirty, as if she just came from a fight: “Gloria just went on an investigation. I thought I’d check on you. I could have called the landline first, but I was nowhere near a phone … Oh - and catch, asshole.” She tossed a small item at Marcus before finishing her sentence.


Marcus caught it - it was the wooden plaque from Luo Zhuge.


“Don’t leave foul and unlucky things at my shop next time, got it?” The woman’s sharp gaze left Marcus embarrassed and temporarily out of words.


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