Poison City

Chapter 16. Tales


“I thought you’d need more time and process for this kind of thing.” Sitch asked, while on a bus sitting beside Marcus, wearing a colorful hat with decorative feathers and a pair of sunglasses with a bright blue frame, while checking the bandages on his hands. 


“There usually is more protocol to follow. But believe it or not, right now yours is a less prioritized case.” Marcus shrugged: “And - when are you going to start talking? And why the docks?”


“It’s not any docks, it’s the docks on Mud River.” Sitch poked the back of his left hand with his right index finger and gasped in pain: “You know what’s been going on there?”


“Some low level controlled substance trafficking activities, trafficking of controlled and restricted vegetation, seeds and livestocks.” Marcus nodded and answered: “Also the occasional shipping of dirty money. Yeah, we know quite a lot about it.”


“That’s not all of it.” Sitch shook his head: “That has been going on forever, everybody knows it’s going on. And the community collective know about it. Hell, many of the council members have their hands in it. But recently something new has started - something more - well - more malicious, as it seems.”


“Okay, more malicious how? Are you saying they have been using the ships to traffic snatched kids? How did that get past anyone? And why can’t you tell me that at the precinct?”


“They have people on the inside, and I mean both the collective and the police.” Sitch sighed: “At least, that’s what I’ve been told - and that’s how I know you are not one of them. If you were, you’d let me go by now, or, you’d have killed me on the spot instead of arresting me and bringing me in.”


“Okay - what happened to you in the interrogation room?” Marcus thought for a short moment, then asked: “Did they place something on you? To make sure you won’t be alive to talk in case you get apprehended?”


“No, they did not put anything on me. They took my hair and some of my blood, to locate me when needed.” Sitch shivered as if he was just blown in the face by a gust of cold wind: “And it was with these they were able to unleash that - that thing on me.”


“What thing?” Marcus frowed: “Are you talking about - some kind of spirit?”


“So you know? You know? You saw it?” Sitch looked to Marcus as if he just turned into a knight in shiny armor, his hand extended towards Marcus, trying to hold his arm but immediately retreated as he was met with Marcus’ warning looks: “Of course you know - how would you know how to get rid of them if you don’t - ”


“That was my guess. And no, I don’t have any idea what it is.” Marcus shook his head: “Kevin would be the one who knows. And I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t see anything. So why don’t you explain to me?”


“You don’t know? You couldn’t see it? Then how could you - ” Sitch seemed utterly surprised, but then he shook his head: “Nevermind - the thing is, they promised me that if we ever get in trouble like this, they’ll get us out. And - and we’re actually doing something for the greater good, if you could understand? ”


“Greater good?”


“Yes!” Sitch scratched his head then looked up: “Haven’t you noticed? Haven’t you heard? Terrible things started happening all around the city - horrible, unspeakable things - and it’s only due to a curse that lies deep under, beneath us all. The only way to calm it, is to offer sacrifice - young blood, fresh flesh, as the ultimate sacrifice. I know that anything good I can say about myself would mean nothing to you right now, but believe this - I will be the final body on the pile.”


Marcus stared into Sitch’s eyes, and after a long moment of silence, he asked: “Then why did you talk to us?”


“It’s because - they just tried to kill me, with that - that spirit, that monster.” Sitch shivered once again and answered with a trembling voice: “That thing - I’ve seen it kill, the poor man shriveled and dried up, like a deflated bag. I - I could still hear his screaming and crying - and all the begging for a quick end …”


“That’s okay. ” Seeing that Sitch started choking up and was barely able to speak, Marcus interrupted him: “I get it. What more can you tell me about this ‘curse’?”


“I - I actually don’t know too much about it. ” Sitch wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his right forearm: “But I have seen it - well, at least from a distance. It’s - it’s in the Mud River, all those crying, cursing souls. Anyway, the curse has somehow become active, and it started consuming innocent people. And they told me, if I want to help prevent the entire city from falling into suffering and horror, I would have to help them find the sacrifices. ”


“Who are ‘they’ ?” Even having heard this reasoning a few times, Marcus still had to fight the urge to punch Sitch in the face or rip his throat out: “Do you have names? Or do you know how to identify them?”


“I - I do - don’t have any names.” Sitch stuttered, sensing the anger from Marcus: “Which - which is why I am taking you to see for yourself. They have a meeting at the docks tonight - and I can take you there, maybe you can identify some of them, or remember what they look like…”


“You are a native to the South-Eastern District right?” Marcus asked: “Can you tell if any of them are from the district as well?”


“Ye - yes.” Sitch immediately nodded: “Around half of them are, but there are also some from the other two districts - you’d be surprised, there are people from the whole city involved in the whole thing. And - and, can I ask you one thing? Just one small favor?”




“When you deal with them, and when you have gotten them under control, can I have my hair and my blood back? I know this is a long shot, but - ” Sitch tried to sound relaxed and nonchalant, but his arms were still trembling: “One of them should have it, the leader of our group, a guy who likes wearing a mask.”


“I’ll see what I can do.” Marcus sighed and nodded, then he stopped talking and sank into his own thoughts.


In front of Marcus, sat a father and his son. The young boy seemed barely eleven or twelve, and was reading a thick paperback picture book, even compared to the size of Marcus’ hands. Thus, the boy’s father had one hand on the back of the book to help him hold it in place.


“Legend of the Burnt Queen and the One-armed Knight”, a fable, a fairytale and a heart-warming love story commonly told across the whole Poison City. Marcus once had a book of similar size, if not thicker and bigger. But it was lost somewhere at the center of Lake Aqiu, almost 15 years ago.


“You like that story? Or do you just like the book?” Sitch asked Marcus, since he noticed that Marcus’ sight lingered on the well printed classic-looking cover for quite a while.


“Nothing, none of your business.” Marcus shook his head.


“Can’t I just be a bit curious?” Sitch shrugged: “You know, for a cop in the South-Western District, you seem quite familiar with ours. Maybe even too familiar.”


“Mind your own business. You’d better think about how you’re gonna tell the DA when we’re back. ” Marcus scoffed: “Just because your case will be handled by us, doesn’t mean you’re gonna get an easy charge and sentence. You just won’t end up hanging by the street.”


“One thing at a time.” Sitch sighed and looked up, his eyes peeking through the top of his sunglasses: “Now, I’m just more worried about being alive… And - listen, whatever you have with you, whether you intended to save me or not, I must still thank you.”


“Okay, that reminds me.” Marcus nodded with a frown on his head: “Tell me more, about this - this ‘evil spirit’ that attacked you.”

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