Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

v2 Chapter 442 - Mega Electric Dragon!

At this time, Yun Ning still had 3 elves that he could use, namely the dumb hippo, the electric dragon, and the fire-breathing dragon.

Among them, the fire-breathing dragon needless to say, although it can use the Sunny Sky skill to reduce the opponent’s output ability, but the water element restrains the fire element after all, Yun Ning simply estimated that in the state of the sunny day, the mosquito coil and frog emperor fired a water cannon. There is still a certain probability that the fire-breathing dragon can be directly incapacitated.

Although the probability is not high, only about one-fourth, it takes time for the fire-breathing dragon to display the sunny weather, so in fact it has to withstand two attacks, which means that the fire-breathing dragon can only **** the weather back at most, and then want to defeat the opponent, Somewhat difficult.

The second is the dumb hippo. As a water elf, the dumb hippo is naturally not afraid of water cannon skills, but first, the dumb hippo lacks a powerful explosive ability, which can easily allow the opponent to “rescue” the mosquito-repellent frog king back to the pokeball. Yun Ning still needs to stay with the hippo to restrain Guan Ruolin, so it is not convenient to use it.

There was only one choice left over there. Thinking of this, Yun Ning’s eyes narrowed slightly, and then he threw the Pokeball in his hand:

“Go, Electric Dragon!”


A flash of white light flashed, and the electric dragon appeared on the field.

“Electric dragon?”

Seeing the electric dragon appearing, Zhao Tianshun curled his lips secretly.

The Zhao family had already investigated all the information about Yun Ning, so he knew very well that the electric dragon was Yun Ning’s initial elf, and the level would not be too low.

But so what? No matter how high your level is, you can still reach the level of a gymnasium, right?

As for attribute restraint, it’s even more funny. Although the electricity system restrains the water system, it does not resist the water system.

In other words, as long as the water cannon skill of the mosquito-repellent frog emperor successfully hits, the electric dragon still has to take full damage!

And the consequence of taking full damage is death!

Thinking of this, the corners of Zhao Tianshun’s mouth twitched slightly, and he shouted at the mosquito-repellent incense frog emperor:


There are not too many words, in Zhao Tianshun’s opinion, Yun Ning is not worth the extra words.

Under his own powerful offensive, Yun Ning either took the Electric Dragon back to the Poké Ball as he did before, or he watched the Electric Dragon being bombarded by water cannons. There was no third possibility!

As for exchanging life for life, let the electric dragon forcibly exchange the mosquito coil and frog emperor?

Sorry, that’s impossible!

Because Zhao Tianshun’s Mosquito Incense Frog Emperor, in addition to the main attack ability value, the second main attack direction is special defense!

Even if Yunning’s electric dragon’s level has also risen to the gym level, using the thunder skill will only have less than half of the chance to instantly kill the mosquito-repellent incense frog emperor, not to mention that Zhao Tianshun does not believe that Yunning’s electric dragon has been promoted to the gym level.

Therefore, Zhao Tianshun was not at all worried that his mosquito-repellent incense frog emperor would fall into trouble here.

Facing the whistling water cannon skills, Yun Ning didn’t have any turbulence in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little.

That kind of feeling is like a prisoner who has been suppressed for many years and can finally let go of himself.

“It’s been three years.”

Yun Ning murmured.

It has been 3 years since the electric dragon mastered the evolution of bonds!

In the past, because I was afraid of being shot by a gun, I never dared to show the mega form of the electric dragon in front of the world, but today is different!

Zhao Tianshun’s Mosquito Incense Frog Emperor has been promoted to the gym level. If he wants to defeat him, he must show gym-level combat power.

In addition, he obtained the keystone from Ma Mingda some time ago, and the ordinary elves have also obtained the qualification of mega evolution at the gym level, so Yun Ning can worry about boldly letting the electric dragon evolve.

At that time, it is enough to infer that this is mega evolution.

Seeing that the water cannon skill was getting closer, Yun Ning raised his brows slightly, and then shouted to the electric dragon in front of him:

“mega evolution!”

As he spoke, Yun Ning pressed the keystone on his hand, making the illusion that he was indeed undergoing mega evolution.


The electric dragon screamed in the sky, and then the body was re-wrapped by the white light.


“So…that’s…the light of evolution?”

In the stands, someone has already noticed the strangeness on the electric dragon:

“How is this possible? Could the electric dragon continue to evolve? Moreover, Yun Ning even let his own electric dragon evolve in the arena. Is this because he thinks his elf didn’t die fast enough?”

“Electric dragons naturally cannot continue to evolve.”

The people around him seem to be much calmer, but the trembling hands while holding the glasses still reveal his inner restlessness:

“But it can evolve mega!”

“You mean!?”

Originally, the man’s eyes widened and he looked at the latter in disbelief:

“How is this possible!?”

Yes, how is this possible, you must know that mega evolution not only requires mega evolution stones, but also requires the strength of elves to be promoted to the gym level!

How old is Yunning this year? 21? 22? No more than 23 possible at most!

At such an age, he has already entered the threshold of the gym class, how can this not be shocking?

Similar words resounded in every corner of the stands. People never thought that they would witness the birth of a gym-level trainer.

A “quasi” gym, that’s also a gym!


On the field, Zhao Yuanzhou’s eyes widened, staring blankly at the light of evolution on the electric dragon.

As the fourth younger brother of the contemporary Zhao family head, he naturally knows what the light of evolution on the electric dragon means!

“Gym level!”

Zhao Yuanzhou’s face turned pale. At this moment, he finally realized that the Zhao family still underestimated Yunning.

The original plan, I’m afraid there will be twists and turns!

Even if Zhao Tianshun was able to defeat Yun Ning, he would have to pay a considerable price.


“This is impossible!”

Compared with Zhao Yuanzhou~www.mtlnovel.com~ Zhao Tianshun’s inner shock was much stronger.

It’s not just because the mega electric dragon has dragon-type attributes and can resist water-type skills. What’s more, Zhao Tianshun doesn’t want to believe that someone can be promoted to the gymnasium level when he is younger than himself!

When was your first elf promoted to the gym level? half year ago? Or seven months ago?

But no matter what, at this time last year, I was still an elite trainer.

And this Yun Ning, who is only a junior this year, has already reached the threshold of a gymnasium!

In an instant, Zhao Tianshun’s “invincible” genius heart cracked.


Unlike ordinary evolution, mega evolution takes a very short time.

After all, ordinary evolution is essentially transforming the body of the elf, while mega evolution just switches the form of the elf.

In addition, the electric dragon had mega evolution before, and the body had a memory, so it was easy to switch.

Just a moment later, the light of evolution on the electric dragon dissipated, and an electric dragon that regrew fluff appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

It is the Mega Electric Dragon!

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