Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

v2 Chapter 449 - 1st round clash


Hearing this voice, Zhao Yuanzhou was overjoyed, he knew that this was Guan Tianhua’s arrival.

In other words, this is the end of Yunning.

Zhao Yuanzhou was sure that Guan Tianhua would not be able to help but kill Yun Ning. The reason for this is very simple.

You not only arrested their son, but also wanted to convict them. Will Guan Tianhua let you go?


It was inconvenient for the Zhao family to jump out and target Yun Ning directly, because that would directly tear up his face with Ma Mingda, so Guan Tianhua was willing to jump out and kill Yun Ning.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuanzhou turned to look at Yun Ning, trying to find the look of fear on the other’s face.

But to his disappointment, instead of a trace of fear on Yun Ning’s face, there was a faint smile on the corner of Yun Ning’s mouth.

“Hmph, pretending.”

Zhao Yuanzhou snorted coldly, he felt that Yun Ning was either frightened or stupid, or he deliberately pretended to be calm.

The purpose is to hide the fear in his heart.

However, what Zhao Yuanzhou did not expect was that Yun Ning was in a really good mood at this time.

What he is most afraid of is that Guan Tianhua hides in the dark and waits for an opportunity to sneak attack on himself or his relatives and friends.

But now that Guan Tianhua has entered the venue in person, things will be easier to handle.

You go from a dark place to a bright place, then everything has to be done according to the rules.

Otherwise you are blatantly challenging the authority of the Alliance.

Although the alliance is essentially a tool of the noble family, its superficial prestige still needs to be maintained.

Otherwise, everyone will know that the alliance is just a tool, then in the future, when there is a conflict, the civilians will no longer point their finger at the alliance, but directly at the family.

There is no more buffer between the aristocratic family and the commoners, which is what the aristocratic family does not want to see.

Therefore, to maintain the prestige of the alliance is to safeguard the interests of the family to a certain extent. Yun Ning believed that Guan Tianhua would not dare to publicly trample the laws of the alliance, so he could only sit down and talk to himself.

And when it comes to talking guns, why have you ever been afraid of anyone?

Yun Ning didn’t know why Guan Tianhua would choose to end the game and see the king directly. Maybe he was anxious when his only son was arrested, or maybe he felt that he didn’t deserve to be called a “king” and was not qualified to let him face it, as long as he was a tiger , he would kneel down tremblingly and beg his forgiveness.

But in any case, things have gone in the direction they expected, which is a good thing.

Guan Tianhua came very quickly, it only took a few breaths from appearing in the sky to landing over the stadium.

Although an elves like armored birds are not known for their speed, they are after all heavenly king-level elves, and their flying speed is not slow.

Soon, the armored bird appeared above the stadium carrying Guan Tianhua.

At this time, the fire-breathing dragon was still hovering in the air.


The armored bird roared angrily, and then released bursts of coercion, trying to use this method to make this daring fire-breathing dragon roll down the sky.

I don’t have any eyesight, don’t you know that this seat is a heavenly king-level elf?

When the king-level elves appeared, no other elves were allowed to appear in this airspace!


However, what the armored bird did not expect was that the fire-breathing dragon was not frightened because the opponent was a Heavenly King-level elf, but turned around and looked at the armored bird with interest.

What’s the matter, little brother, you screamed so terribly when you came here, are you not feeling well?


The armored bird widened its eyes and looked at the fire-breathing dragon in disbelief. It did not expect that the other party would dare to speak to him like this.

In the past, which elf saw that it was not respectfully standing by and waiting for it to fly by? It is the first time I have seen someone like the fire-breathing dragon who not only refused to give way but also dared to speak back.

No, it must be taught a lesson, so that it knows that the majesty of the Heavenly King does not allow blasphemy!

The armored bird thought so in his heart, and then he flapped his wings and performed a slash at the opponent.


The fire-breathing dragon looked disdainfully at the air-breaking slash sent by the opponent, opened his mouth, and blocked the air-breaking slash with a jet of flame.


An explosion sounded, and the armored bird’s air slash was intercepted by the fire-breathing dragon’s jet flame.


Guan Tianhua stood on the armored bird and glanced at the fire-breathing dragon a little surprised.

He was able to stop a slash from his own armored bird. It seems that this fire-breathing dragon is somewhat unusual.

Although the armored bird itself is not good at attacking ability, and the slashing is also a special attack skill, but you must know that your armored bird is a king-level elves, even if it is a skill that you are not good at, it is not something ordinary elves can do. resisted.

But this fire-breathing dragon can easily resist it, which means that the level of this fire-breathing dragon is not low, at least it is at the peak of the elite level, and it may even be at the gym level.

After seeing Yun Ning arrest Guan Ruolin, Guan Tianhua set off and flew towards Yuhang City, so he did not see the battle between Yun Ning and Zhao Tianshun, and naturally he did not know that Yun Ning was already a Daoist Facts about gym-level trainers.

on the ground.

Yun Ning called out to the fire-breathing dragon and let it return to his side.

The conflict just now was the first round of confrontation between Yun Ning and Guan Tianhua. If the fire-breathing dragon was defeated or escaped just now, Yun Ning would be overwhelmed by the opponent in terms of momentum.

Fortunately, the fire-breathing dragon did not let himself down, and successfully blocked the armored bird’s slash, so that he would not lose to the opponent in terms of momentum.


Hearing Yun Ning’s call~www.mtlnovel.com~ the fire-breathing dragon glanced at the armored bird disdainfully, and then slowly landed beside Yun Ning.

Although the opponent is a Heavenly King-level elf, because he restrains the opponent in terms of attributes, coupled with its special body structure, it is sure to kill the opponent in a head-to-head battle, so the fire-breathing dragon did not take the armored bird seriously. .


Seeing the fire-breathing dragon’s expression, the armored bird was extremely angry, and wanted to go down and compete with the opponent, but was stopped by Guan Tianhua.

He knew that he had already lost the first round, and it was pointless to pursue further investigations.

Rather than being led by the nose, it’s better to go straight to the point.

Thinking of this, Guan Tianhua glanced at Guan Ruolin, who was bound by Duo Hippo’s super power, with a distressed expression on his face, and said coldly to Yun Ning:

“You are Yun Ning?”

His tone was very frivolous, as if he was talking to his subordinates.

Not only that, at this time Guan Tianhua was still standing on the armored bird, looking down at Yun Ning in a condescending manner, instead of choosing to have an equal dialogue with Yun Ning.

The meaning of it couldn’t be more obvious: You, Yun Ning, are not qualified to be on an equal footing with me.

My words are orders to you, and you must obey me.

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