Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

v2 Chapter 462 - Regardless of the weather

Although the big-mouthed gull fell abruptly, making the surrounding audience feel a little caught off guard, but as both sides of the battle, Yun Ning and Zhao Pengfei had long expected this result, so they did not show special expressions.

Zhao Pengfei silently took out Gull’s Poké Ball, took back his weather hand, and handed it over to the staff next to him, asking them to take Gull down for treatment.

Although the rain characteristics of the big-billed gull are very important to the rainy team, this does not mean that without the big-billed gull Zhao Pengfei, there is no ability to **** the weather. After all, when Yunning challenged Zhao Lingjie for the first time in Qianjiang Taoist Hall, Zhao Lingjie used to pray for rain manually, and still firmly controlled the weather in his own hands.

Therefore, Zhao Pengfei could still maintain a relatively peaceful attitude towards the defeat of the Big-billed Gull, and then put his hand into his pocket and took out the second Poké Ball.

At this time, Yun Ning also took out his Poke Ball and took back the fire-breathing dragon that still had the power to fight.

The reason Yun Ning did this is very simple. Although the fire-breathing dragon still has fighting ability, it has not much physical strength left. In this case, it would be very unwise to leave it on the field. After all, the opponent The second sprite can be selected in a targeted manner. In this case, if the fire-breathing dragon continues to stay on the field, it is very likely to become the opponent’s target.

But it is different when you take it back. On the one hand, the fire-breathing dragon can get a certain degree of rest, and on the other hand, it can avoid the opponent’s target. Of course, the important thing is that the fire-breathing dragon’s mission has been completed. Even if he takes it back, the sunny day it created will not disappear.

What’s more, according to the rules of the Gym Challenge, I was originally qualified to replace the elves, and I had the right to not use it, and it would be invalid after expiration.

Zhao Pengfei was a little surprised by Yun Ning’s move, but then he calmed down again. After all, it is a very normal thing to change the elves in the gym competition. In his career, he often encounters this kind of thing. Therefore, Zhao Pengfei did not express any opinion on Yunning’s behavior, but threw the Poke Ball in his hand directly:

“Go, Gotha Duck!”

A white light flashed, and a blue duck appeared on the field. If Yun Ning is not mistaken, this Goda duck should be the one who took Zhao Lingjie away with his super powers.

And at the moment when the Gotha Duck appeared, the weather over the venue changed again.

I saw that the artificial sun, which was finally created by the fire-breathing dragon, seemed to have escaped into the void, and the originally strong sunlight became much milder.

“This is… it has nothing to do with the weather!?”

At this moment, Yun Ning still doesn’t understand the characteristics of this Gotha duck.

It is the irrelevant weather that can make all weather invalid!

It is precisely because of this characteristic that the moment the Gotha Duck appeared, the original sunny weather effect became nothing.

Of course, what needs to be explained is that the effect of unrelated weather can only take effect when the elves are present. Its essence is to prevent the weather from affecting the elves in the field, rather than changing the weather. Therefore, when the Gotha Duck leaves the field, Sunny days will still come back.

But that’s enough, isn’t it?

Originally, the sunny day would have a certain suppressing effect on the performance of Goda Duck, and it would have a certain bonus effect on Yunning’s side. Now that the effect of the weather has been erased, it is already the best result for Zhao Pengfei.

“It seems that this should be Zhao Pengfei’s method to deal with other weather teams.”

Yun Ning knew in his heart that, as a senior Rainy Team player, the Zhao family couldn’t put their treasures on the elf of the Big Mouth Gull. In this case, the other party would definitely have a way to deal with the loss of the weather.

“But so what?”

Yun Ning sneered in his heart:

“The reason why I released fire-breathing dragons to **** the weather is just so that you can’t enjoy the bonus of rainy days. As for whether I can enjoy the bonus of sunny days, it doesn’t matter.”

Thinking of this, Yun Ning threw his second Poké Ball:

“Go, Lucario!”


A burst of blue light flashed, and a werewolf with a long sword appeared in the arena.

Since the Shield Sword Monster and Lucario tend to be integrated, the Shield Sword Monster can already be put into Lucario’s Poké Ball in the form of a sword, and it doesn’t look like Lucario’s personal items. what a difference.

Yun Ning now has 5 elves. Except for the sword monster with a strong shield, which cannot be seen in front of the world, there are still 4 remaining. Zhao Pengfei can use a total of 6 elves, so Yun Ning must carefully calculate the physical strength of his elves.

And Lucario is the best vanguard of Yunning. After all, although the durability of the electric dragon and the dumb hippo is stronger than that of Lucario, only Lucario can use Healing Fluctuations. As long as Zhao Pengfei The elves cannot kill Lucario in seconds, and Lucario can continuously repair the damage he takes, thus saving the physical strength of other elves in Yunning.

Naturally, Zhao Pengfei didn’t know Yun Ning’s inner thoughts, but he also knew that Yun Ning’s Lucario had the ability to breastfeed. But even so, Zhao Pengfei still didn’t put Lucario in his eyes. After all, when Yun Ning and Zhao Tianshun fought against each other a few months ago, Lucario was only at the elite level. Zhao Pengfei did not believe that Lucario could be promoted to the gymnasium level in such a short period of time. My own Gotha duck confrontation.

Therefore, Zhao Pengfei just glanced at Lucario and the sword in his hand~www.mtlnovel.com~ and shouted to Gotha Duck:

“Use Surf!”


Godard Duck nodded, then waved his hands, controlled the water in the field, and rushed towards Lucario’s location.

After all, this is the Qianjiang Provincial Gym, so naturally it is impossible for all the battlefields to be dry land like the Qianjiang University College League. Now Yunning and Zhao Pengfei are basically equal to the land and waters of the battlefield, so the Gota duck can only come up to the ground. Use your surfing skills.

And at this time, Yun Ning also clearly saw the picture book information of Goda duck.

Level 57, Leftovers!

“The level is 7 levels worse, but my side is 2-on-1, so the disadvantage in level can be erased to a certain extent. The real trouble is the leftovers. Damn it! Why are there two protracted battles at the beginning, Zhao Pengfei is Is it a turtle?”

Yun Ning quickly analyzed the current situation in his mind. Although Goda Duck’s racial value exceeded the 500 mark, its racial value distribution was very even, and it was not an elves known for their violence. Therefore, it is difficult for the opponent to kill Lucario quickly, that is to say, as long as his Lucario does not wave, there is basically no danger of overturning.

What really disgusted Yun Ning was that this Gotha duck actually had leftovers on it! In this case, Lucario from his own family was afraid that it would take a lot of energy to kill this Gotha duck.

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