Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

v2 Chapter 496 - Admissions test

Shang Deyi is from Yuhang.

To be precise, it is a commoner of Yuhang.

Although the number of aristocratic families in the entire Qianjiang Province cannot be compared with the provinces in the Central Plains, Yuhang City brings together most of the aristocratic families in the entire Qianjiang Province.

Having lived in Yuhang City, where aristocratic families are everywhere, since childhood, Shang Deyi is very aware of the dangers to the family.

However, with his family background, he simply does not have any strength to fight against it.

Even if he can get into a good university, the resources he can obtain cannot be compared with those of the children of the aristocratic family, let alone overtaking a car in a corner.

Therefore, Shang Deyi had already given up his plan to change his destiny until he saw the recruitment advertisement of the Ounan Military Academy on the Internet.

For the children of civilians, and most importantly, Yun Ning, the principal of the Ounan Military Academy.

The champion of last year’s National Collegiate League, the gym-level peak trainer who defeated Zhao Pengfei at a young age.

At the same time, he is also the idol of all the commoners in the entire Celestial Dynasty.

Countless people hope that they can become the next Yunning, but they also know that they have no such fate at all.

And now, Yun Ning actually took the initiative to recruit and train students!

what does that mean? This means that civilians have the possibility to become the next Yunning!

Even if you can’t reach Yun Ning’s current achievements, at least there is hope, right?

Therefore, Shang Deyi rejected his parents’ suggestion to let him apply for the Industrial and Commercial University, and resolutely applied for the Ounan Military Academy.

Of course, the two are actually not in conflict. After all, the admissions of the Ounan Military Academy are not based on voluntary admissions, but require students to go to the school to participate in the admissions assessment.

In other words, Shang Deyi can still fill in the name of Technology and Business University in his volunteers.

In the beginning, Shang Deyi was afraid that he would not be able to compare with other students, and finally stood out and entered the Ounan Military Academy. But when he thought that the Ounan Military Academy only recruited civilians, he felt relieved.

As long as he doesn’t fight with others, Shang Deyi believes that he will not lose to anyone.

It only takes 3 hours by train from Yuhang City to Oucheng City, so after having breakfast at home, Shang Deyi’s lunch is settled in Zhenxing Town.

This is an inconspicuous town in the south of Qianjiang Province, but because of the existence of the Ounan Military Academy, I am afraid it will develop very rapidly in the future.

This is Shang Deyi’s evaluation of Zhenxing Town.

After lunch, Shang Deyi came to the Ounan Military Academy to prepare for the admissions exam.

At this time, the entrance of the Ounan Military Academy was already full of students who came to sign up. Looking at the crowd, Shang Deyi was worried again about whether he could be successfully admitted.

However, this worry did not last long, because Shang Deyi was soon called in by the teacher of the admissions office to take the test.

Shang Deyi originally thought that the so-called exam should be in a classroom like the college entrance examination, with countless candidates sitting in it and answering the questions quietly – after all, most of the students who come to take the exam here do not have elves and cannot participate in the battle assessment – but the reality is that beyond his imagination.

A classroom is indeed a classroom, but there are no desks and chairs, exactly nothing.

The surroundings were so empty that Shang Deyi thought whether he had gone to the wrong examination room.

But in the blink of an eye, the scenery in front of Shang Deyi changed.

He was no longer in the classroom, but appeared in a frozen wasteland.

It was snowing heavily, and the surrounding temperature had dropped to minus ten degrees, but Shang Deyi was still wearing thin summer clothes.

Just when Shang Deyi felt that he was about to freeze to death, suddenly, a wooden house appeared in front of him.

Inside the wooden house, there is a fire flickering.

There is fire in there!

This was Shang Deyi’s first reaction.

Fire can bring warmth!

This is Shang Deyi’s second reaction.

The hungry and cold Shang Deyi didn’t hesitate to push the door directly in.

There was no one in the house, but there was a burning stove.

The table was full of food, and it seemed that the owner had just left.

Looking at the food on the table, Shang Deyi swallowed hard.

How to do? Eat or not?

Eat, and become a thief by yourself.

If you don’t eat, you will starve to death.

After a fierce struggle in his brain, Shang Deyi finally decided to eat something, otherwise he would die.

But you can’t eat indiscriminately. There is rice, chicken, duck, fish, and various other dishes on the table.

It can be seen that the host is most likely preparing to entertain guests.

That being the case, I naturally couldn’t eat the main dish, because that would most likely affect the host’s banqueting guests. Therefore, it is most appropriate to eat foods of relatively low value, such as rice and steamed buns.

Because doing so will bring the least loss to the owner.

And you can also get the energy you need to survive.

As for the meal money owed to the master, it can only be repaid after the master returns.

After thinking about all this, Shang Deyi quickly ate the rice and steamed buns on the table to fill his stomach.

And at this moment, the stove in the house suddenly went out.

For a while, the cold air outside the house began to invade the house, and Shang Deyi was shivering from the cold.

No, you can’t go on like this, or you’ll freeze to death!

Shang Deyi thought to himself.

Without any hesitation, Shang Deyi directly opened the closet in the house and began to look for clothes that could shelter from the cold.

As before, there are many clothes in the wardrobe, from expensive to cheap, everything.

Without any hesitation, Shang Deyi took out the most worn-out, but very thick clothes from the wardrobe and put them on.

Then, he sat quietly in the living room, waiting for the arrival of his master.

Although this dress is very thick, because it is very worn, it looks a little leaky, and it will still make people feel very cold when wearing it.

But Shang Deyi still chose this dress. After all, taking it without telling him was too much. If he took the best one, it would be no different from a thief.

It is enough to take a piece of clothes that can keep out the cold and keep warm, and thinking about other things is beyond your duty.

Just as Shang Deyi was waiting for his master to return, suddenly the scenery in front of Shang Deyi changed again, and he appeared in a forest again.

This time, a bear was chasing him from behind. He was forced to hide in a wooden house.

There are several weapons in the wooden house, including knives, axes, and hammers…

Shang Deyi needs to choose one of these weapons for self-defense.

In the hours that followed, Shang Deyi switched between different scenes like this.

Until the end of the tenth scene, Shang Deyi returned to the classroom.

Just when Shang Deyi was a little confused, a teacher came in with clapping and said:

“Congratulations, you passed our school’s admissions test with full marks and successfully entered the Ounan Military Academy!”

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