Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

v2 Chapter 522 - prairie people go south

The second year after the “new group” attacked Bashu.

A major event that shocked the heaven happened.

Gia, a wanted criminal who was originally wanted by the Chiat family on the grassland, not only escaped the attack of the Chiat family, but also established a clan of her own.

Of course, if this is the only case, this incident is not enough to shock the entire Heavenly Dynasty.

After all, the people of the Celestial Dynasty actually don’t care so much about things on the grasslands.

But Gia’s next actions simply blinded everyone’s eyes.

She first raised troops to harass several small clans attached to the Chiat, forcing the Chiat family to start a decisive battle with herself.

Then, in the decisive battle that followed, he killed all the high-level fighting power of the Chiat family, and then led the tribe under his command to devour the entire Chiat family.

No one knows how Ji Ya managed to kill the heavenly king-level trainer of the Qiate family with gym-level strength, because all the Qiate family trainers who had contact with Ji Ya in that battle were was beheaded.

After swallowing up the Chiat family, the Chiya tribe became the strongest tribe in the entire grassland.

But this is not enough.

Jiya did not stop her steps, but continued to conquer other grassland tribes without stopping.

In the end, after just 2 months, Jiya reunited the entire grassland and became the only king on the grassland.

No one knows how Ji Ya did it. After all, the tribes on the grassland are not fools. After Ji Ya showed her determination to unify the grassland, she spontaneously formed a coalition army to fight against Ji Ya’s army.

But Gia won the battle with her army at an absolute disadvantage.

According to the memories of the survivors of the day, there seems to be a very powerful elf in Giya’s army, hiding in the army and releasing extremely powerful skills, directly destroying the front line of the coalition army.

And Jiya also seized this opportunity and issued an order to charge, annihilated the allied forces of the grassland tribes in World War I, and successfully unified the grasslands.

And she also became the only queen in the history of the grasslands.

The grasslands have been divided for hundreds of years since Tian Khan, and no one would have thought that the grasslands would be reunited in the hands of a woman.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} These countless people sighed that “the times have changed”.

Although the aristocratic families in the mainland were very disdainful of Jiya, the humble queen of the grasslands, they still sent their own messengers to attend Jiya’s enthronement ceremony in order to bring the relationship between the two parties closer.

However, what everyone did not expect was that Jiya announced a shocking news at his enthronement ceremony.

“Since ancient times, our grasslands have been independent of the alliances in the interior and have pursued a high degree of autonomy.”

Gia looked around at the messengers of the major families below and said:

“But a few years ago, an aristocratic family in the mainland actually stretched its hand into the grassland and controlled the first tribe on the grassland, the Chiat family, intending to control the entire grassland. This is intolerable for us grassland people!”

“Now, since Ben Khan has become a new Khan, naturally he can’t tolerate this kind of thing! Therefore, Ben Khan decided to mobilize the power of the entire grassland to seek justice from that family!”


The messenger below did not hold the wine glass in his hand and dropped it to the ground.

Everyone knows who Jiya is talking about. Isn’t the inland family that supports the Chiat family the Li family, one of the four major families in the Celestial Dynasty?

It’s just that everyone couldn’t believe that Jiya, a new steppe Khan, dared to declare war on the Li family!

You know, the Li family has ruled the Celestial Dynasty for hundreds of years. Although it is no longer the royal family of the Celestial Dynasty, its heritage is still not to be underestimated.

On the other hand, Jiya, although she rules the entire grassland, her rule is too short, and the power she can use is very limited. In this case, it is very difficult for Jiya to defeat the Li family.

Everyone thinks that Jiya is intimidating, or threatening the Li family to show a little “sincerity” to make up for the mistake they made in supporting the Qiate family to arrest Jiya.

Even the Li family thought so.

To this end, they also sent a huge gift-giving team to advance towards the grassland, hoping to ease the relationship between them and Jiya.

However, what everyone did not expect was that this team could not reach Jiya’s tent at all.

On the way, they met Jiya, who was leading an army south.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} Facing these enemies who gave him gifts, Gia showed no mercy, beheaded them all, and sent their heads to the Huacheng.

There is an important transportation hub between the grasslands and the mainland, and the Li family has specialized staff there. Sending the head there is equivalent to declaring war on the Li family.

Sure enough, the head of the Li family who got the news was furious and began to mobilize the power of the family to teach Ji Ya a lesson.

However, what the Li family did not expect was that when their family strength had not been mobilized, Jiya’s army arrived at Guihua City~www.mtlnovel.com~ Guihua City was the first stop on the mainland to the grasslands. It is also the first stop of the grassland going south to the mainland.

After capturing Guihua City, the army led by Jiya began to cross the Yellow River and head towards Guanzhong.

At this time, if someone rode a flying elves hovering over the Loess Plateau, they would surely see countless spectacular scenes of Kentaro and small fire horses running wild.

Judging from the number of these elves, Jiya mobilized at least 80% of all the power on the grassland.

“She’s crazy!”

The head of the Li family smashed the valuable purple clay pot on the ground:

“Isn’t it just helping the Chiat family to want her? Is it necessary to hold revenge? She is now a king after all, so she is still like a street gangster, fighting with the whole family? Does she just Have you ever thought about what kind of consequences it will bring to the grasslands after failure? At that time, the grasslands will only become fat meat for others to slaughter!”

“But…if she loses the battle, I’m afraid she will die in Guanzhong, right?”

On the side, Li Menglu said:

“I think, in Jiya’s view, compared to herself, the life of the grassland is not important at all. As the saying goes, after I die, I will not care about the flood. Instead of thinking about the future of the grassland, I might as well find a way to strengthen myself. The strength now, to ensure that they can win this war.”

“I understand the truth, but why does she have to fight this battle!?”

The head of the Li family said angrily:

“She is now the king of the grassland. Isn’t it good to stay on the grassland with peace of mind? Why do you have to come out and work hard? What is she trying to do!?”

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