Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

v2 Chapter 538 - rout

Whether it’s the aristocratic family army in the alliance, or the civilian army in the “new group”, it is of great use to Yunning.

Continuing to consume like this for no reason is very unfavorable to Yun Ning’s future plans.

Therefore, after simply letting the dumb hippo scan the battlefield with his superpowers, Yun Ning made a decision in his heart.

“Go, kill that ever-changing monster.”

Yun Ning took out a Poké Ball from his pocket and summoned the Shield Sword Monster.

Today’s Shield Sword Monster is already a master-level elf. Although it has followed Lucario in the form of a sword all the year round, it does not mean that it does not have the ability to fight alone.

Especially now, there is no elf who is more suitable for assassinating local “generals” among thousands of troops than ghost-type sword monsters with strong shields.


Hearing Yun Ning’s order, the Shield Sword Monster nodded, and then escaped into the shadow under Yun Ning.

It is not only the Geng ghosts that can escape into the shadows. Ghost-type elves like the Shield Sword Monster who can learn the “shadow sneak attack” skill can also escape into the shadows and kill the enemy.

The Shield Sword Monster moves very fast. This is a battlefield, and there are people and elves everywhere. Naturally, there are shadows left after they are illuminated.

The Shield Sword Monster quickly shuttled through these shadows, and soon came to the Variety Monster.


Just when “He Dong” was still using the loudspeaker to direct the battle, the sword monster with a strong shield suddenly appeared behind it, a cold light flashed, and “He Dong” fell to the ground.

After losing his head, “He Dong” collapsed to the ground quickly, and changed back to the prototype of the ever-changing monster in an instant.

If an elves like Variety only lost a part of their body, perhaps the remaining part could continue to survive. But as the nerve center of human beings, the illusion head consumes most of the body of the Variety Monster. In addition, the sword of the sword monster with a strong shield also contains a special kendo, so there is no possibility for the ever-changing monster to survive.

Seeing that the target was dead, the Sword Monster with a Shield Shield stopped staying there, hid his body in the shadows again, and returned to Yun Ning’s side.


After taking the Sword Monster with a strong shield back to the Poké Ball, Yun Ning took out a loudspeaker from his backpack and shouted loudly:

“The leader is dead! The right guardian has also run away! Brothers, run! We are defeated!”

Now that the two sides are fighting, no one pays attention to where the voice came from. But after hearing this sentence, everyone instinctively looked towards the headquarters in the rear of the “new group”.

I saw that the Right Protector, who was standing there and directing his people to fight, had indeed disappeared, and thinking that he and others had not seen the leader before departure, many people believed what Yun Ning said.

The “New Group” was originally a rabble made up of a large number of civilians. Before they came to the “New Group”, they did not know each other, and they had not undergone special military training. , all relying on the “new group” leader’s undefeated prestige to resist the four great family patriarchs. Now that even the spiritual pillar in his heart has collapsed, the collapse of the “new group” army is also expected.

Countless members of the “new group”, after seeing that the right protector had indeed abandoned the formation and fled, took out the Poké Ball, took back their Pokémon, and then turned around and started to flee.

What’s more, he even left the elf who was fighting on the front line directly, turned around and ran towards the dense forest behind him.

The sky is also the battlefield of flying elves now, and it is basically impossible to escape on a flying elves. In contrast, the chances of escaping into the jungle are higher. After all, the jungle can help block the view.

And the Alliance Army was also in a hurry by this sudden change. The children of the aristocratic family did not expect that the “new group” army that had fought back and forth with them the moment before would be defeated in an instant.

However, the children of the aristocratic family are obviously not fools. As the so-called beat down dogs, since the “new group” army has escaped, it is natural to miss this good opportunity to chase and kill, so they have issued orders to let their elves quickly solve the opponents in front of them and chase after them. Kill those fleeing “new group” army.

The hearts of these aristocratic children are also filled with anger. In the past, when they saw these commoner children, most of them raised their heads and looked at people through their nostrils. As a result, these commoner children who were looked down upon by him in the past can actually fight back and forth with him. How can these arrogant and arrogant children of aristocratic families accept it?

Now that they have finally defeated these untouchables, all the children of these noble families have tried their best to eat milk, and are ready to do their best to kill more untouchables, in order to deter other untouchables, so that they will not dare to revolt against themselves.

All of a sudden, the entire battlefield has become a slaughterhouse. The individual soldiers of the original “new group” are not as good as the alliance army, and they can only deal with them by numbers. After the children of the aristocratic family stared at it, there was no reason to survive, and they were all killed by the elves of the children of the aristocratic family.

“Looks like we don’t have a chance to take action anymore.”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhao Yongnian said with emotion. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

“Although I don’t know if the leader of the ‘new group’ is really dead, it is indeed a good thing for us to be able to avoid confrontation with him.”

Li Deyou on the side said:

“Otherwise, I’m afraid no more than half of us will survive.”

Liu Zhize also nodded:

“Yeah, the leader of the ‘new group’ is really too powerful. Even if the four of us join forces, we can’t compete with him.”

“Up to now, you still have the heart to care about this?”

Zhu Hongguang frowned and said:

“Didn’t you smell it? The air in the whole Bashu is filled with blood now! In this battle, I don’t know how many people will die from this world forever.”

“So what? They brought it all on their own.”

Hearing Zhu Hongguang’s words, Zhao Yongnian sneered and said:

“The reason why we are in our current position is because of the efforts of our ancestors from generation to generation! It’s ridiculous that these commoners are trying to be equal to us, or even surpass us in a generation! Our family has dozens of generations. If you work hard, why should you lose to these grass-roots pariahs!? Since there is unreasonable greed, they will naturally have to pay the price. Now that the ‘new group’ has lost the battle, they will naturally apologize for their sins.”

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