Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

v2 Chapter 549 - Reverse, reverse!

It is something that all emperors will do to remove the obstacles to succeeding to the throne for future generations. Even if Ma Mingda has not been restored today, he still has to consider this matter.

After all, he is not too young, even if he can successfully restore, I am afraid that he will not be an emperor for a few years. At that time, Yun Ning, a courtier who is not of the same mind as himself, but also has great talent and strength, will become the biggest threat to the new king.

Of course, what really made Ma Mingda sentence Yun Ning to death was Yun Ning’s talent and strength.

After all, loyalty can be faked, and real politicians will not believe in such illusory things as loyalty. To them, anything beyond their control is a threat.

And Yun Ning’s strength and talent have already reached this level.

“For the stability of the new dynasty, I can only ask you to die.”

Ma Mingda said silently in her heart.


Oucheng City, Ounan Military Academy.

“So, is it finally our turn to play?”

After listening to what Yun Ning said, Zhou Liancheng geared up and said:

“I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time. The ‘new team’ has played for so many years, and we have watched the drama for so many years. Now that I can finally play in person and perform well, I can’t wait. “

“Okay, seeing that you are so active, those who don’t know think you are a certain champion of heaven.”

Chen Hao on the side poured cold water on Zhou Liancheng:

“We are still only gym-level strength. Although it is not bad compared to the average person, it is still not enough when facing a behemoth like the Zhao family. After going to the battlefield in the future, you will have to grow old. Follow behind Aning honestly, don’t run around! Otherwise, you won’t know how you died.”

“I know, I know~ It’s really disappointing, you won’t even let me pretend!”

Zhou Liancheng said with a dissatisfied expression.

“Okay, don’t make trouble for the two of you, and start mobilizing quickly.”

Yun Ning pressed his hand and said to Chen Hao and Zhou Liancheng:

“The war is about to begin, and we must reorganize the students to better deal with the coming battle.”


The two nodded, and then began to listen to Yun Ning make detailed arrangements.


The war came quickly. After the alliance meeting that day was over, the Celestial families held a meeting.

At this meeting, the major families seriously discussed the evidence provided by the Ma Mingda family, and finally came to a conclusion:

These evidences are all forged, and their purpose is to frame the children of major families.

As for why the Ma Mingda family did this, the aristocratic families did not say.

Of course, there may also be disdain to say.

Because in their opinion, the Maminda family will soon become dead. There is no need to talk too much in the face of the dead.

Therefore, on the second day after the end of the aristocratic family meeting, the aristocratic families of the Celestial Dynasty, led by the four major families, issued a joint statement.

In this statement, the families expressed their dissatisfaction with the behavior of the chairman of the alliance, Ma Mingda, who framed the children of the family, and stated that they would use force to seek justice from Ma Mingda.

Don’t get me wrong, this statement is not for Ma Mingda’s family, but for the common people all over the world.

Its purpose was just to find an excuse to send troops.

On the day the statement was issued, aristocratic families all over the country began to mobilize their clansmen, preparing to gather a large army, set off to the imperial capital, and use force to ask for a “report”.

Facing the “aggressiveness” of the aristocratic families, Ma Mingda’s family is not to be outdone. After the family issued that statement, Maminda followed suit and issued a statement.

In the statement, Maminda denounced what the family had done in previous wars. Not only that, he also counted up for more than 2,000 years and found various arguments to prove that the family was the biggest cancer of the Celestial Empire. If the commoners of the Celestial Dynasty want to live a good life, they must wipe out all the aristocratic families.

At the end of the statement, Ma Mingda even issued the slogan “Ultra-civilians unite throughout the day and wipe out all the families”.


“Reverse, reverse!”

Looking at the statement issued by Ma Mingda, Zhao Yongnian’s hand holding the statement had blue veins, and then threw the statement on the ground with a “pop”, roaring:

“The ‘new group’ was just dealt with, but another Maminda came here! Why can’t these pariahs keep quiet and stay at the bottom of the society, but always want to climb up!? Now, at least you have to abide by the rules, right? As a result, one by one always thinking that one generation will climb to the top of the society, it’s just a fool’s dream!”

Zhao Rui on the side picked up the statement and said to Zhao Yongnian:

“Patriarch, what should we do next!?”

“What should I do? Of course I’m heading north!”

Zhao Yongnian said angrily:

“The ‘New Team’ has just been settled, and the hearts of those pariahs are even thinking about the good of the ‘New Team’. Now Ma Mingda has directly used the slogan of the ‘New Team’, and maybe he will gain the hearts of a batch of pariahs! We must Destroy those pariahs before they take refuge in Maminda, otherwise we will suffer even greater losses than when facing the ‘new group’!”

“Sustaining greater losses than against the ‘new team’? How is this possible!?”

Hearing Zhao Yongnian’s words, Zhao Rui said with a shocked expression:

“The ‘new group’ still has a head-level trainer~www.mtlnovel.com~What is there in the Ma Mingda series? Their strongest are 2 champion-level trainers, right? And we have them here. There are 4 of them, twice as many as the opponent, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to bear a greater loss than when facing the ‘new team’, right?”

“What do you know!? Although Ma Mingda is not strong, he has a righteousness!”

Zhao Yongnian snorted coldly and said:

“No matter how strong the ‘new group’ is, it is just rebellious. But Ma Mingda is different, he is the chairman of the alliance! In name, he is the supreme leader of the Celestial Dynasty! Those who were afraid of joining the ‘new group’ were afraid of being rebellious. Untouchables, it is very likely that they will take the initiative to seek refuge in Ma Mingda! After all, from a legal perspective, we are the real rebels at this time!”

“It turned out to be like this…”

Hearing this, Zhao Rui muttered to himself.

“It seems that the power we gave the alliance was too much.”

Zhao Yongnian sighed and said:

“That’s why Ma Mingda, the careerist, is given the opportunity to rebel. After this turmoil is quelled, we must form a new order to manage the huge country of the Celestial Dynasty. In the new order, we must not only ensure that The rights and interests of the aristocratic families should also limit the power in the hands of the alliance. In other words, we can even directly ban the central government such as the alliance, and let the major families manage their own territory.”

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