Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

v2 Chapter 554 - rout

“Damn it, get on top, get on top! What are those water arrow turtles doing!? Wouldn’t it be possible to fight without the blessing of rainy weather!?”

Zhao Tianshun held a loudspeaker and roared angrily.

Although all his elves have been imprisoned by unknown forces and cannot move, but as the young head of the Zhao family, Zhao Tianshun is still the commander of this war.

However, Zhao Tianshun’s roar did not have much effect. With the reversal of the weather, the situation of the Zhao family on the battlefield also reversed. Under the fierce attack of the army on Yunning’s side, the Zhao family’s defense line also began to have gaps.

“Damn, what the **** is going on!?”

Zhao Tianshun looked at the sun in the sky and felt extremely anxious.

The core tactic of the Zhao family is the rainy day team, and the entire Zhao family’s army is also established based on this standard. In order to ensure that they can take advantage of the weather during the battle, the Zhao family also equipped a large number of elves specially used to ask for rain.

It can be said that with the number of Zhao family’s hands, there is basically no army in this world that can take the weather away from the Zhao family’s hands on the battlefield.

But it is such an army that has never lost control of the weather, but today it tastes like being suppressed by the enemy’s weather.

“Where’s the Rain Prayer Team!? What are they doing!? Why haven’t they been able to get the weather back!?”

Zhao Tianshun asked the messenger beside him.

“He… they are already working hard…”

The herald replied with some stumbling:

“It’s just… it’s just that no matter how hard they try, they can’t condense even a cloud of rain.”

At this time, the temperature on the battlefield has become higher and higher, and the moisture in the air is getting less and less, and the skin of many elves of the Zhao family even cracked.

If it goes on like this, let alone defeating the Yunning army, the Zhao family is afraid that a lot of elves will be killed by the **** weather!


Thinking of this, Zhao Tianshun clenched his hands tightly. It was the first time he was so aggrieved since he was born.

When he fought against Yun Ning before, although he was unable to defeat his opponent. But Zhao Tianshun knew that it was just because Yunning’s pokeball tactics were cheap. If this factor is excluded, he can at least die together with Yun Ning.

But now, he has no hope of victory at all. The Heavenly King-level elves on their own side were all imprisoned by unknown forces, not to mention, even the rainy weather, which the Zhao family depended on, was taken away by the enemy.

“What the **** is going on here!?”

At this moment, fear rose in Zhao Tianshun’s heart.

Before the war, he never imagined that such a thing would happen. It’s not just him, there is no one in the Zhao family who put Yun Ning in their eyes.

Although Yun Ning’s trainer is very talented, he reached the champion level at a young age. But war is not a competition, both sides will press all their strengths to win. How can someone like Yun Ning, who has only been famous for a few years, compare with the Zhao family who has been in business for hundreds of years! ?

However, the result was a slap in the face of the Zhao family.

Not only has Yunning formed an army that can compete with the Zhao family, but more importantly, Yunning’s army is about to defeat the Zhao family!

“No…it’s impossible! It’s not real! It’s an illusion! It’s all an illusion!”

Zhao Tianshun shook his head desperately and began to deny everything he saw.

As the heir of the Zhao family, he knows the current situation of the Zhao family better than anyone present.

Now all the forces that the entire Zhao family can mobilize have gathered on the field. Once the battle here is defeated, the Zhao family will not have any power to stop Yunning’s army!

At that time, even if Zhao Yongnian could defeat Yun Ning and return, he would not be able to turn the tide of the battle!

“Father, where the **** are you!? Come back quickly!”

Zhao Tianshun looked up at the sky, hoping that Zhao Yongnian could ride a big-billed gull from the sky to help the Zhao family get through this difficult time.

However, this was doomed to be futile. At this time, Zhao Yongnian had already been blown up to ashes with 12 champion-level elves in that nuclear explosion, and could no longer appear in this world.

“Young… young patriarch, something is bad! The southern defense line has been defeated by the enemy!”

At this time, a scout ran up to Zhao Tianshun, knelt down and said:

“Please send the reserve team immediately to plug the gap!”

“Reserve team!? Where do we have a reserve team!?”

Hearing this, Zhao Tianshun smiled miserably and said:

“Go back and tell them that we no longer have a reserve team, and let them find a way to block the enemy’s attack.”

Just now, news came that the line of defense had been defeated by the enemy, Zhao Tianshun’s reserve team had all been put into the station, and there was no extra force to send out.

“No… there is no reserve team!?”

The scout was taken aback, he naturally knew what it meant.

Once an army runs out of reserves, the army basically has no chance of victory.

After taking a deep look at Zhao Tianshun, the scout turned and ran towards the front line.

“Young patriarch, there is something wrong with this scout.”

Zhao Rui on the side said.

“I know.”

Zhao Tianshun sighed:

“When he heard that there was no reserve team~www.mtlnovel.com~ he already knew the outcome of the war, so he no longer respected me. If I guess correctly, he will definitely return when he returns. This message will be passed on to the commanders of the southern front to make them flee.”

For a family force like the Zhao family, all relationships are supported by blood and ties. Even on the battlefield, the basis for assigning personnel is a person’s blood relationship.

To put it simply, soldiers on a front are often closely related to each other by blood. The advantage of this is that it can increase the cohesion of the army when fighting, and make the soldiers at the lower level more obedient to the commander, because the commander is often the elder of these people.

And the shortcomings are also obvious. Once the battle situation is unfavorable, the commander who is the elder of the soldiers will immediately consider the life of his younger generation and choose to flee directly. The soldiers also knew that their elders would not harm themselves, so they would follow the commander directly.

It’s not that the Zhao family doesn’t know this shortcoming, but firstly, the family of the Celestial Dynasty basically has this system, and secondly, with the strength of the Zhao family in the past, they never thought that their family would fail on the battlefield, so they didn’t care too much about it. shortcoming.

But now, this shortcoming, which is usually not in the eyes of the senior executives of the Zhao family, has become a reminder of the Zhao family.

Ten minutes after the scout left, a message reached Zhao Tianshun:

“The soldiers on the southern front are starting to flee!”

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