Pokemon: An Icy Path

Chapter 16

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing on the desk. I blink my eyes slowly trying to get my bearings as I reach for the infernal device that is disturbing my sleep. Seeing that it is Grandpa that is calling, my brain wakes with a start as I press the answer button while making sure not to hit the video call option.

“Good morning Frost sweetie. I hope I didn’t wake you up.” Grandpas calm voice asks warmly.

“Not at all Grandpa. Why are you calling me so early? Did something happen with Zephyr?” I smile warmly as I reply.

“Well I am calling about your Zephyr. She is doing fantastic and was very cooperative with all the tests and I was able to get everything done ahead of time. She is eligible to fight with you again. I have also taken the liberty to update her entry in the Pokedex with her updated information. When she evolves again I will need to check her one last time, but right now she is the very picture of perfect health.”

I cheer loudly, waking up a sleeping Skadi who gives me a grumpy look. “That’s great Grandpa! Thank you for everything! Feel free to send her over, I am ready.” The smile on my face grew even larger at the news. A moment later, a pokeball with a snowflake engraved over the button appears in my hand. I quickly release Zephyr.

“Chinder!” A cheerful call comes from my big bird.

“It sounds like she arrived successfully. I will leave it to you then. Good luck on your gym battle, I will be watching!”

“Thanks Grandpa, I will make sure to win! Have a good rest of the day!”

I hang up the phone and then give Zephyr a tight hug. We cuddle for a few moments as I enjoy the feel of her silky feathers. Once I get my fill of cuddles for the moment, I go to the Pokedex app and scan Zephyr to see the updated entry.


[Fletchinder, the Frost Fire pokemon]


[Due to exposure to high amounts of ice energy during its evolution, Fletchinder’s DNA has mutated allowing it to handle Fire-type and Ice-type energy with equal ease. Its speed right after takeoff already puts it in the top speed class of all bird pokemon. The hotter the flame sac on its belly, the faster it can fly, but it takes some time to get the fire going.]


[This Fletchinder has the ability Thermal Exchange]


[Fletchinder knows the following moves: Growl, Peck, Defog, Quick Attack, Ember, Flail, Acrobatics, Steel Wing, Frost Breath, Heat Wave, Flame Charge, Ice Burn]


After reading through the new entry, I see that all the warnings are gone and the data is updated. I had already figured that due to my bloodline unlocking, I might have caused a change but I didn’t know it down at the DNA level. This means that any of her offspring will be affected as well, essentially creating a new species out of a variant. 

I file that information away for later as I believe I could get Grandpa to help me find a contact after I become famous enough to possibly breed Zephyr. This all depends on what happens after she evolves again. I check the time and see that I still have a few hours before Bea’s match so I grab my workout clothes, get dressed and head down to the gym to do a light workout. After an hour passes, I head back up to my room to shower and get ready for the day. 

I head down to the lobby and look around for a seat and I see Flannery and Bea already at a table eating breakfast. I quickly rush over to them and decide to sit next to Flannery, maybe a little closer than I should have but she doesn’t seem to mind how close I am.

“Morn’,” Flannery greets while covering a yawn.

“Morning Frost!” Bea greets in high spirits. It seems that she is ready to fight today, as she seems to almost vibrate in her seat from energy.

“Good morning to you too. Are you all set for your battle today Bea? You are the first one of the three of us, so you better show us how to win.” 

“I’m as ready as I’ll ever be! Machop and I will kick butt and walk away with that badge!”

I smile at her enthusiasm, which comes off as cute, and take the tablet to order myself some breakfast as well. “On that note, I got a call from Grandpa this morning and Zephyr is all clear. I received her back as well. I will be all set to battle in two days.”

“That’s great Frost!” Flannery smiles and then playfully bumps my shoulder. “That means we can have a rematch after you get your badge.”

“You got it!”

We spend the rest of the morning chatting with each other while we wait for Bea’s match at noon. Around eleven, we get up and head off to the gym. As we approach the gym we notice that there are two lines, one for challengers and one for spectators. We split from Bea and after about fifteen minutes we finally make it to the stands and I finally get to see the inside of the gym. The center of the gym is set up like a football stadium with an area about fifty percent larger than a football pitch. The stands are nearly twenty meters tall and filled with long benches instead of seats as they are meant for high amounts of traffic. {A.N. Added an image of what I sort of envision the gym to look like.}


The battle arena itself is mostly flat and looks to be made of hard packed soil and a number of rocks of multiple sizes scattered about. On each side of the battle arena is a psychic type pokemon that is providing a shield, for in case a pokemon move goes wild. In each corner of the arena, there is a pool of water for any pokemon that cannot function outside of water, like fish type pokemon. Around the grandstands, there are multiple televisions displaying a closer look at what is happening in the arena for those that might not be able to see clearly. 

Currently, Brock and a challenger are going over the rules of battle. The challenger doesn’t seem to be taking it seriously as he just nods. Once the rules are over, Brock starts the challenge by tossing his first pokemon, a Dwebble, and the challenger tosses his pokemon, a Ledyba of all things. Ledyba gets in close and uses tackle, but Dwebble catches it in its claws before slamming it on the arena floor with a smack down.

“Ledyba unable to fight, Challenger please select your next pokemon.”

The challenger looks stunned at how quickly his pokemon was taken out and takes a moment before recalling his Ledyba and tossing out his next pokemon, a Sweaddle. Brock allows for his opponent to move first and Sewaddle attacks with Razor Leaf but Dwebble just shrugs it off and returns fire with a Rock Blast. Sewaddle dodges two of the attacks but the other three hit the poor pokemon and knock it out as well.

“Sewaddle is unable to battle. Brock wins!”

With the announcement from the referee, a cheer erupts from the seats around us. I look over at Flannery with a wry smile on my face. I can see her holding back from laughing at the poor fool that thought he could easily win.

“Well that was underwhelming. Hopefully, Bea will be able to make it more exciting.” I say with a sigh.

“Don’t worry, Bea will give us a show, or else she is just all talk.”

We chat for a while longer, speculating about the pokemon that Brock might use. Unlike the games, it seems like he is only constrained by the type, instead of type and region. His gym is a rock type gym so that makes his choices limited to what he can use, but the right pokemon can easily counter your team. It doesn’t take long until Bea walks out from the hallway on the challenger side with a huge smile. She waves to the stands causing the crowd to cheer as she approaches the arena. 

“Welcome challenger to the Pewter City Gym. I am the Gym Leader, Brock. This will be a two on two battle, with one switch allowed. Any attack that may cause permanent harm or attacking a knocked out pokemon intentionally will automatically disqualify you from winning and you will not be allowed to take another gym challenge for a month. Do you have any questions?” Bea shakes her head and pulls out her first pokemon in preparation for the first battle. Brock throws out his first pokeball only to have another Dwebble appear.

“Go Dwebble.”

“Machop, show’em what you got!” Bea throws her pokeball causing Machop to appear who flexes while yelling out cheerily.

Slightly shorter chapter today. I wanted to put in Bea's fight but this was a good break. Most of the next chapter should be her fight and possibly Flannery's.

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