Pokemon: An Icy Path

Chapter 32(R-18?)

I suddenly snap out of haze as I taste a hot liquid in my mouth and hear a whimper of pain in my ear. I swallow what is in my mouth, which feels like magma burning its way down, and pull back to look at Flannery. She gives me a pouty look that is completely adorable on her but I tear my eyes away from her face as I notice a new bit of red that isn’t her normal color. I notice a small red bead of liquid slowly traveling down her clavicle, leaving a trail behind it.  My eyes widen in horror as I realized I hurt her.

“Are you alright babe?” I ask worriedly. I feel a slight bit of panic building as another small bead of liquid follows the first.

Flannery gives me a look before reaching up and petting my hair gently. I push my head into her hot hand gently and close my eyes slightly, enjoying the feeling. “I’m fine. I don’t mind at all, if anything the pain turns me on. You just startled me a little.” She smiles at my current reaction and giggles slightly. “You are just like a cat, only missing a pair of ears, a tail and a purr. Though I have no complaints about this tail at all.” She grabs my ass hard, making me catch my breath.

“Good to know,” I reply back, sighing a little and relaxing under her touch. “I’m not a cat though… but let’s see if I can make you purr.” I give her ass a small soft but loud smack which elicits a moan from her as my other hand dives between our legs to attack her clit for round two. We spend the next few hours thoroughly exploring each other's bodies until there is no part untouched by lips, tongues or fingers. We finally fall asleep sometime before dawn, but it doesn’t matter to the two of us, wrapped up in each other.

I wake up a few hours later, suddenly feeling like I am going to catch on fire from how hot I am. My breath is coming out in hot gasps that produce a bit of steam as I try to pull in the cooler air of the room. White, blue and crimson hair clings to my sweat covered body as I gently try to slip out of Flannery’s grasp and not wake her up. Her face is buried in my neck as she lightly licks and nibbles on it in her sleep, while her hands are wrapped around my hips. One of my legs is slightly twined with hers, keeping our bodies practically glued together. My lungs get filled with her perfect scent, that I have become addicted to over the course of last night, giving me a pleasant heady feeling again that is soon drowned out by the ungodly burning feeling of my body.

“Babe.” I whisper into her ear softly, trying to gently wake her up so I can escape. She just clings to me more, nuzzling further into my neck where I can feel her lips smile against my skin. “Babe, please wake up.” I work at untangling our legs, which unfortunately is harder than I thought as my legs are asleep and feel like dead weights. Eventually, my movement seems to wake her up.

“Good morning, beautiful.” Flannery says as she kisses my neck again.

“Good morning babe, could you please let me get up?” I ask with a bit of pleading tone leaking into my voice. I feel like I am starting to overheat and can’t seem to catch my breath.

She finally notices my state and looks alarmed. “Frost! Are you okay?”

“Hot. Super hot, boiling. Need cold.” I gasp as she frees me from her clutches. I roll off the bed, to the cold floor but it doesn’t seem to help much as the spot I lay on quickly heats up. Suddenly I feel a blast of icy cold brush against my body, giving me the ability to think again.

“Pix!” Skadi barks in concern. “Thanks girl, I needed that…”

“Here, let me get the shower going.” Flannery rushes towards the bathroom only to stumble as her legs are likely asleep as well.

“Hehe, I did a good job last night if you can’t stand.” I tease her playfully as I crawl towards the bathroom myself, but I’m trying to stay cool. My legs work perfectly fine thank you. Sadly, my playful mood dissipates in the rising heat of my body. Soon I am left sweating and panting as I make my way across the room. Flannery soon returns and rushes over to me once she sees my condition.

“Come on Frost, just a bit further.” She half carries, half drags me into the bathroom where the shower is currently going. I vaguely notice that her hands no longer feel hot to me but the thought quickly melts away. Flannery gets me into the shower before setting me back down where I can sit in the falling water. As soon as she moves out of the way of the water, the room is instantly filled with steam  as it splashes against me. The water makes a sizzling noise, similar to how it sounds when water hits a super hot pan as beads of water just slide off my skin. 

Flannery backs away at the sudden cloud of steam, but my hand reaches out and grabs hers before she can get away too far. The heat in my body seems to stop rising but it does not get any cooler either as the temperature spikes in the room. I glance at my sexy flame that is holding my hand with a slightly worried look on her face and I crack a tiny smile.

“Looks like we are in another steamy situation.”

  She gives me a flat look. “Really?”

I just give her a cheeky smile, trying to play off just how much I am affected currently. It feels like my insides are melting and the heat from it can’t escape my body fast enough. I see Skadi looking at me with a worried look as well, not sure of what to do. I give my little fox a smile before I close my eyes and start going through the steps of my cultivation. Trying to concentrate enough to slip into meditation is a real issue when all you can feel is a flame seemingly trying to burn you from the inside out. 

Eventually, after what seems like forever and a day, I am able to view my inner world where my cultivation sits. The hollow snowflake that is my cultivation now has a pale blue flame that sits in the very center of it. As I sense the flame and snowflake, they don’t have any conflicts and seem to echo each other. What is causing a conflict though is this bright blue flame that orbits my pale blue flame. 

Where my flame gives a feeling of freezing cold, the little comet that is orbiting gives off the polar opposite feel. I can feel the heat through my internal senses and when I try to ‘touch’ the little spark it feels like it would incinerate me. I back off from the flame and start watching everything that is happening, trying to figure out what to do next.

As I watch the flames, I notice that my bigger flame would occasionally send a small mote towards the little comet orbiting it. I watch in curiosity as the mote wraps around the little flame, like it is trying to engulf it, only for the mote to dissipate a moment later as the spark moves. The cycle continues again and again until I notice that the mote is only shot off when the spark is in a certain spot. I watch a little longer to make sure if my observation is correct before coming up with something to try.

The next time the mote splits from my flame, I try to will it to move in my direction. I see the mote shudder for a moment and stop before heading back on its course. As it reaches the orbit where the spark should be the mote dissipates and I feel a small spike in the heat of my body. Undeterred I try again, this time instead of having the mote move towards me, I try to have it follow the path of the spark. Again the mote shudders but instead of stopping it flies in an arc until it passes in front of the spark and disappears again in a little puff of heat.

Emboldened by my success in moving it, I keep trying to move the mote to match the sparks’ orbit. Each failure increases the heat in my body, causing me to fail more often resulting in a frustrating negative feedback loop. I feel a dull squeeze from somewhere in my hazy mind and stop my attempts, waiting to see if my body will cool down again. Suddenly I feel a refreshing breeze sweep through my body that clears my mind again. I make note to spoil Skadi rotten after this ordeal.

With my mind clear to think properly again, I try once more and this time the mote hits the spark. The two move along together in the sparks orbit as the pale blue of my inner flame slowly encases the maverick spark until it is fully covered and turns into a shell of ice. No sooner does the shell appear does the built up heat suddenly flows out of my body through my arm and into the hand I have clasped. My hand is suddenly gripped by a powerful force, breaking me out of my inner world to a sight I would never expect.

Flannery is kneeling beside me encased in bright red flames. My heart leaps into my throat as I hear her screaming in pain, but as I look over her I see that she actually isn’t getting hurt by the flame. If anything, the flame seems to be…fixing?... her? Maybe refining is a better term? Her crimson hair slowly shifts in color to match the look of a burning flame, while at the same time getting a metal-like sheen to it. The minor imperfections on her skin, along with all her body hair, are burnt away, leaving behind a healthy copper colored skin. It only looks like she has been in the sun, her nipples are still the same pink color I note as my mind wanders trying to figure out what is happening. Her toned muscles become slightly more prominent, turning her sexy six pack into a mouth watering eight pack. 

One major change I do notice, that does not match any of the rest of her changes, is a new set of tattoos. A set on the edge of her ears and one just above her clit. On her ears are bright blue snowflakes, in the same shape to my own internal snowflake, they are small enough that you normally would not notice them but as I am paying attention to her as she ‘burns’ they stand out to me against her skin. The one on her pelvis, between her v-lines and just above her clit is a symbol I never thought I would see in this world. Back on earth, I had seen this type of tattoo in doujins I liked to read late at night but they were just that, fantasy. On her skin, in ink the same color as my eyes, is a stylized womb tattoo made from a phoenix with it’s wings forming the outside of it. The center of the tattoo has what has become the mark that symbolizes me, a snowflake.

Here is my second chapter for today! Any guesses on what is happening to Flannery?

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