Pokemon: An Icy Path

Chapter 6

Today is the first day of July, meaning it is the day that I am finally able to start my journey to become an ice type trainer. I am currently standing outside Grandpa’s lab with Gary and to my surprise, Ash. I haven’t interacted with Ash since I have been here so this is the first time I am actually seeing him. He doesn’t look like I remember him from the anime. He stands about five foot eight with a lean build. He had messy black hair and pale red eyes. His outfit is a pair of jeans with a red vest and a black shirt with white sleeves underneath. He also wears his signature red and white hat. I furrow my brows thinking about what he looks like until it clicks. He looks more like Red. I guess not being stuck as a ten year old forever gives you a bit of a glow up. 

As we wait for Grandpa to come out with our gear I think back about what has happened over the past year. From what I could gather from the news, Team Rocket has started their activities in public, no longer hiding themselves which means cannon is quickly approaching. I’m glad that I convinced Grandpa to let me take those martial arts courses. Besides the news of Team Rocket, my Vulpix, Skadi, is just the sweetest and softest girl. Ever since she hatched, we have been attached at the hip and go everywhere together. Due to the small amount of ice she generates, I hug her to go to sleep as it helps me keep cool and comfortable. 

The only other major change has been my wardrobe, much to my dismay. I have found that covering my torso with anything drastically reduces the amount of ice elemental energy I produce myself. Wearing even a simple loose t-shirt makes me feel like I am suffocating. I have the same issue with anything covering my arms and legs except for my hands or feet. Layers are another issue. If there is only one layer of fabric, my aura can still barely pass through it, if I wear a second layer it is blocked completely. 

When I found this out I stressed over it for days before I gave up. I mean come on, in the anime any of the known Aura users always seemed to wear normal clothing and armor, but me? I have to go around practically naked! My top is either a bikini top or a front tied crop top and my bottoms are either bikini bottoms or just a pair of low rise daisy dukes! I mean the style works, but it doesn’t help the feeling of running around nearly naked. On the plus side though, I can carry more changes of clothes for the same weight. I don’t need to wear the same three outfits like everyone else. 

While I’m mentally begrudging my wardrobe options, Grandpa comes out the door to his lab, carrying a tray with three covers on it. I could instantly tell which one was mine as I could feel the ice energy coming from Skadi’s pokeball. 

“Welcome Gary, Ash and Frost. It is my pleasure to present you with your starting kit and starter pokemon These pokemon will be your greatest friend and ally for your travels ahead. Each of you have a different pokemon that has been specially bred for this occasion. Under these covers, there is your starter, a brand new pokedex, ten additional pokeballs and two potions to start your journey off right. You should use your pokedex to scan any pokemon you encounter even if you do not catch it as they send information back to our research labs. Now, without any further prattling from this old man, please take the items provided with your name on them.”

The three of us approach Grandpa and I can now see the three piles with our names in front of them. I look at my pile and notice every pokeball has a small blue snowflake engraved on it just above the release button. I cock an eyebrow at that and glance towards Grandpa who just gives me a warm smile.  I give him a small smile in return and start putting away my stuff into the bag on my thigh. When I reach for the pokedex, I notice it isn’t like the one in the anime at all. It looks just like a modern smartphone, with all the same features. As a technology savvy girl, I squeal internally at the prospect of having something familiar again. I place the phone in a easy to reach spot so I can play with it later when on the road and finally grabbed Skadi’s pokeball. No sooner do I grab it and it pops open with a flash of light and I am attacked by a fur missile.

“Vul! Vulpix!” Skadi cuddles into me like a cat. I couldn’t sleep with her last night as I had nearly every night since she hatched so she was extremely happy to see me again. 

“I missed you too sweetheart!” I gently pet her and give her a light hug. I know that I likely won’t keep her in her pokeball unless required. She is too much of a cutie to hide away from the world. As I am pampering Skadi I notice two more flashes out of the corner of my eye and I check to see what pokemon were given to the other two. Ash, as I expected, got the most broken pokemon to ever live, Pikachu, and Gary got an Eevee. I was surprised to see an additional fluff monster as I could have sworn he had a Squirtle in the anime. 

Once we had collected our things and were united with our pokemon, Grandpa started to tell us about the league and what was expected of us. It was already information that I had gathered but I am still thankful that Grandpa took the time to explain it. After he finished he wished us good luck on our journey, dismissing us with a kind smile.

“Thank you for everything Grandpa! I will become one of the greatest ice trainers in the world.” I gave Grandpa a hug and quickly ran after Gary and Ash as they headed toward route one and Viridian City. As I approach them, I notice that they are going in different directions already competing with each other on who can get to the city first. 

“Boys will be boys.” I sigh to myself as I watch them disappear into the woods. I shrug and decide to pick my own path. I wasn’t in a hurry currently as I wanted to brush up on my survival skills while walking slowly towards the city. If you walked briskly you could reach the city in a few hours, while if you took your time it would take most of the day. Honestly, a few hours are not going to make a difference. 

While I was walking, I could hear the songs of various types of bird pokemon. Unlike land based pokemon, flying types tend to move around as they see fit and settle in their non-native regions. With Skadi walking alongside me, as well as my martial arts training, I wasn’t scared of anything attacking me and getting hurt. I pulled out my Pokedex phone and started to play around with it. I did find the Pokedex app, which was registered with all my information already. Taking a moment, I scanned Skadi to see what it says about her.


[Vulpix, the fox pokemon.]

[After long years in the ever-snow capped mountains of Alola, this Vulpix has gained power over ice. It looks like snow that has come to life, and the breath it exhales is as low as –58 degrees. In hot weather, this Pokémon makes ice shards with its six tails and sprays them around to cool itself off. If you carelessly approach it because it’s cute, the boss of the pack, Ninetales, will appear and freeze you.]

[This Vulpix is female and of the shiny variant]

[Vulpix has the ability Snow Cloak]

[Vulpix currently knows the following moves: Powdered Snow, Tail whip, Howl, Moon Blast]


“Well aren’t you a powerful girl, Skadi. You are already living up to your namesake.” I smile at her after reading everything the Pokedex provided to me. Skadi nodded and barked happily at my praise. She was such a smart and cute girl. 

I dismissed the Pokedex and got looking through other things on my phone. I found Pokegram, which I am guessing is the Pokemon worlds equivalent of Insta, Poketube, a Pokemart app where you could order supplies to be picked up at the Pokemart, and a map showing the region and where I am. There are other features but those are the main ones that interested me. 

I quickly opened Pokegram and started to register myself. After thinking for a while and trying a few names I came up with, I finally settled on the username of Fully_Frost. I was about to go through my process to finish setting up my profile when Skadi growled slightly to alert me and I quickly looked up and glanced around. In front of me on a branch of a tree sat a Fletchling that was singing its little heart out. I opened the Pokedex again and quickly scanned the Fletching.


[Fletchling, the tiny robin pokemon]

[These friendly Pokémon send signals to one another with beautiful chirps and tail-feather movements. Despite the beauty of its lilting voice, it’s merciless to intruders that enter its territory. Its body is always warm. Trainers who live in cold areas apparently sleep with it in their bed. Fletchling can be found in both rural and urban areas. They once had a huge territorial dispute with Squawkabilly. Fights broke out all over town.]

[This Fletchling is female]


“What do you say Skadi? Shall we try to catch it?” I look towards Skadi who is still watching the little bird and she nods slightly at my question. Her fluffy tails swishing back and forth in joy at the thought of battle. I take a deep breath as this is going to be my first battle ever. I understand the process of battle from the games and from my courses, but this is the real thing.

“Skadi, use Moon Blast!”

Skadi begins to release a pinkish energy that starts to form a ball in front of her and then sent it flying at the Fletchling that was unaware of the incoming attack. Fletchling gets hit by the attack and tumbles off the branch before catching itself in the air just above the ground. It glares at Skadi and launches a puff of flame back at her.

“Quickly dodge and use powdered snow!”

Skadi attempts to follow my directions and jumps to the side but one of her tails gets singed and she yelps slightly in pain. Luckily she still follows my commands as the temperature around her starts to cool down and a flurry of snow appears before being sent towards the Fletchling. Seeing the snow approaching, Fletchling starts to flap its wings and a pale light shows but the attack from Skadi hits before it’s ready and causes Fletchling to fall to the ground and struggle to get back up. I noticed that its wings seemed to have some blue coloring on them which caused it to fall. I see it trying to use ember to clear what I assume is ice off its wings. 

“Skadi, powdered snow again! Keep it grounded!”

Skadi sends another snow flurry again and this time it just seems to stagger Fletchling but I do notice some more ice build up on its wings. I take this chance to grab one of my pokeballs and clicking on the button to change it back to regular size I then toss the pokeball at Fletchling. The pokeball flies accurately and hits the tiny bird pokemon on the back and quickly sucks it in.

I hold my breath in anticipation as I watch the ball shake once, twice and then I hear a click sound registering that the pokemon has been caught. I let out my breath in relief before walking over and picking up the pokeball with my new little companion. As I picked up the pokeball I heard the system again, which startled me. I hadn’t heard it for a year and almost forgot about it again. Is this going to become a common thing where it only rewards me once a year? 


[Congratulations host on catching your first pokemon. You are awarded one gacha spin.]


[Congratulations host on catching a pokemon. You are awarded a gacha spin.]


Or maybe not?

So it's the first battle scene. I feel like I could have done better, but I'm still learning. Hopefully by the time I get to the gym battle I can make it more interesting.

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