Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.113 Desire

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Gary just stared in surprise before wordlessly stepping to the side to allow his Dad to come in.

Once inside, Blue looked at Gary's Wartortle and gave a small smile. "You raised him well." He said, the Wartortle's chest puffing out in pride despite being confused about who this was.

"Thanks," Gary said unsure of what was going on. "Why are you here?"

He meant to sound polite but it came out a bit accusatory.

"I mean, you're usually busy with being the Viridian Gym Leader," Gary said trying to backtrack while Blue shook his head showing that he knew what his son meant.

"I meant to come to see you off on your journey," Blue admitted surprising Gary. "I lost track of time to find someone else to do the same for their son, but I haven't been able to track him down yet. But then Dad called and said you were going to be on the SS. Anne, so I figured I could pay the long overdue visit."

He then looked at Gary with a smile.

"I saw your battle with Ash, you did pretty well," Blue said not saying how he felt a huge wave of nostalgia from that fight remembering the battles with his rival.

"It was a tie," Gary said with a frown before blinking as Blue chuckled.

"You got my personality at that age," Green muttered with a smirk. "It doesn't matter if you won or lose if you can learn from that battle to improve yourself."

Blue then placed a hand on Gary's shoulder.

"You're already well on your way to becoming a strong trainer, just don't forget that one lesson Dad and I taught you."

"To treat my Pokemon like family," Gary said remembering that lesson that Blue made sure he would learn before starting his journey.

"Exactly," Blue said giving a nod, remembering how he failed to do that at one point which had cost him the biggest battle of his life before he learned to do that he smiled and placed a hand on his son's shoulder. "Come on let's get something to eat."


"Alright, Raticate!" Austin cheered with the tawny-colored rat standing across from an unconscious Machoke. He managed to catch it with an Attract before firing a barrage of Thunderbolts at it, winning Raticate the fight.

Raticate looked extremely pleased as the trainer recalled his Machoke and gave a nod of congrats to Austin, walking off afterward. Once he was left with his thoughts, Austin couldn't help but wonder how he seemed to be winning so easily these days.

Then the battles with the Gym Leaders, AJ, Gary, and Paul came to mind making reminding him that he still had a lot to learn in terms of battling. That's not to say that these trainers were weak, they just didn't seem to have the same drive he did at this point.

Still, Austin would be lying if he said he wasn't having any fun on this ship as it was going a lot better than he thought it would, but he was still on edge even though the edge had greatly lessened when he saw Steven stone and the elite 4 on the ship maybe Team Rocket wouldn't attack the shop. He would probably remain on guard until they were off the ship tomorrow because he knew Team Rocket was here, it was just a feeling though.

"Cate?" Raticate looked up at him in concern as Austin has been drifting off a lot more lately.

"Hmm? I'm fine thanks." Austin said with a smile despite how Raticate saw right through it.

Pikachu looked as if he agreed with her. "Chu." He said still sitting on his shoulder.

Austin just stepped back and watched Krabby holding his own against a Vulpix and smiled.

This was going pretty well as the small battles were just a warm-up for the tournament tonight.


Outside Yellow gave a nod while she continued to fish once more, nearly nodding off a few times while Dody only was with her as Kitty was asleep inside of her Pokeball.

She still hasn't caught anything and Kris left earlier to check out more of the ship-the Johto native invited Yellow but the blonde declined as she wanted to continue fishing-.

Yellow blinked as she felt a tug and pulled, giving a frown as whatever it was seemed to be stuck in place.

Taking a deep breath, Yellow pulled harder feeling the line about to break before it came loose and whatever it was shot out of the water, landing on the deck with a thud.

It was a Tentacool and she looked at it as the blue jellyfish-like Pokemon with red orbs on its head tried to back away from her.

"Hey, it's okay," Yellow said with a smile at the Tentacool that looked at her with distrust. "Sorry about that, I didn't think I would catch anything let alone you."

"Tenta. Cool Tenta." Tentacool got out trying to slither to the edge but looked at Yellow to see she wasn't attempting to stop it. Instead, she was reaching into her bag and pulled out some Pokemon food.

"Want some?" Yellow asked with the Tentacool looking hesitant. "I promise it's good."

As if to prove her point, Dody took a piece and bit into it happily.

Slowly, Tentacool slithered its way towards Yellow and used one of its tentacles to swipe some food and ate it, sighing in contentment as it was pretty delicious-.

Tentacool stiffened up when Yellow placed a hand on its head before it felt a calming presence and the Pokemon looked up at the blonde in surprise.

Yellow smiled at the Tentacool as she saw it was a girl and was being hunted a few days ago by a Sharpedo. "You're pretty tough." She said with a smile that made the Tentacool look away a bit embarrassed.

Most trainers just look down on Tentacools due to how common they are, calling them the Zubats of the water. So to hear someone call her 'tough' felt pretty good.

"So do you want help getting back into the water?" Yellow asked with a friendly smile that made the Tentacool hesitate before looking at Dody and asking him about the girl.

Dody smiled widely and regaled Tentacool about the adventures that he had with Yellow and the other Pokemon on the team and that made Tentacool curious as she's only seen the Ocean her whole life. She had dreams of seeing the world but was too focused on survival to do so.

However, if she was with a Trainer, she would be able to see the world with ease.

So she slithered towards Yellow and bowed her head. The action caught Yellow off guard as she placed a hand on Dody's head to make sure and smiled brightly.

"You want to come with us?" Yellow asked grabbing an empty Pokeball out of her pack.

So with care, Yellow lightly tapped the Tentacool's head as the Water/Poison type was sucked into the ball not putting up a fight.


Green sighed in contentment, sunbathing right now wearing a black bathing suit while reading a book. She stole more than enough money from the unsuspecting passengers of this ship and decided to spend the last few days relaxing. It was mostly to make sure she doesn't draw any attention as some people noticed stuff missing and reported it to the Captain so she had to lay low.

Still, it's not like they would know it was her as she only stole and pickpocketed with a disguise thanks to Ditty so she should have no issues whatsoever… That is if Ash does keep quiet.

Truth be told she can't help but be nervous because that was one person who saw through her tricks and knew she was a thief. Heck, when she did run into him she was prepared to disappear into the crowd and used Ditty to disguise herself for the whole trip to avoid being ratted out. But then he chose not to report her.

Why would he do that? Does he have something in mind?

At first, Green was expecting there to be blackmail-like conditions but he did nothing but be 'friendly' with her, it just weirded her out. Nobody is that friendly.

There had to have been a catch.

Then there was the fact that both he and this Gary were from Pallet Town, the same as her.

If she hasn't been taken from her home that day, she would've started a Journey on the same day as them. Was there a chance she would've gotten to know them? Would she have been the same way she was before she was kidnapped? So carefree?

The more she thought about it the more she began to scowl as her grip tightened on the book she was reading.

It wasn't fair.

She wanted to still be that little girl, to be with her parents. To have started a journey in Pallet like everyone else. Instead, she was kidnapped and forced to survive. The only good thing that came from that was meeting Silver and Jiggly who were both like family to her.

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