Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.115 Vs Gold

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"It is," Kris said with an eye-roll at how Gold asked that, it was well known that items were used, how do you think some people fought with Quick Claws or Silk Scarfs that their Pokemon had?

"That would've been good to know a minute ago." Gold muttered but quickly got back into the fight. "Double Slap."

"Ice Beam," Austin said as Squirtle prepared the ice attack. "Hold it… Hit the ground in front of him."

"Wha?!" Gold asked when Squirtle fired the beam hitting the ground before Politaro stepped there causing him to slip.

Squirtle took advantage of that with another Rapid Spin, knocking Politaro out.

Squirtle laughed and posed as if he was being cheered by the Squirtle Squad, leaving Pikachu to sigh but have a smile on his face.

"Nice job Squirtle." Austin returned him while Gold sighed and did the same with Politaro, but he had a grin on his face.

"Have to say you are strong Ash, but it's time for me to get serious." Gold said looking to his shoulder with Ataro jumping off and landing on his tail hand with a grin.

Knowing that was Pokemon Gold considered his Starter, Austin took over. "Bulbasaur take the field!" He said the Plant Pokemon crying happy to be in a battle after that mess with Surge.

"You have all three Kanto Starters?" Kris asked in disbelief as she knew how rare they were. "How?!"

She needs that kind of luck if she wants to catch every Pokemon out there.

"Luck," Austin answered a bit evasively but he chuckled. "I don't care if they're rare or not, they're a member of my family."

"Saur." Bulbasaur grinned at that while Gold laughed.

"Well said, now let's see whose family is stronger." He said getting into this. "Ataro use Swift!"

Knowing that it was unavoidable, Austin tensed. "Counter with Razor Leaf."

Leaves met Stars as they kept each other at bay right as Bulbasaur used Vine Whip to launch himself over them.

"Leech Seed!"

"Double Team to dodge." Ataro grinned as copies appeared with Bulbasaur going through one. "Now Swagger!"

Ataro quickly got in Bulbasaur's face glowing white as he made some faces, annoying the Plant Pokemon but the energy began to mess with his head as he stumbled, glowing red in the process.

"Saur," Bulbasaur muttered stumbling around, not sure which was up anymore despite the increase in strength.

"Endure," Austin said that was the only move that they could risk while Bulbasaur focused.

Ataro however quickly intervened with a Focus Punch, knocking Bulbasaur back before jumping as he glowed.

Recognizing the attack as Aerial Ace gave how Aipom could learn that, Austin panicked as he took back over. "Vine Whip, send it in an arc."

Thankfully Bulbasaur comprehended that and followed the directions, knocking Ataro out of the air before the Aerial Ace could connect. Bulbasaur then shook his head, able to see again.


"Now use Energy Ball and eat it."

"Wait what?" Gold was caught off guard when they did that and Bulbasaur exploded with the energy surrounding him. "This doesn't look good, Ataro be careful-."

"Take Down."

It happened in a split second, Gold, Kris, and Ataro had no chance to see it when Bulbasaur became a blur, slamming into Ataro sending him flying right out of the field, unconscious.

"Whoa." Gold whispered before looking at Austin while he picked Ataro up. "If I get a grass type can I use that?"

Austin chuckled. "I don't mind." He said while chuckling knowing that Gold might get a Sunflora someday.

"Nice job Bulbasaur." He said with the Kanto Grass Starter looking pretty happy with himself.

As he returned the Grass Starter, he saw Ataro shake his head and climbed back onto Gold's shoulder as the kid laughed. "Man that was intense, you're pretty tough."

"Don't count yourself out you were pretty good yourself," Austin said with a grin.

He didn't think he would battle Gold, but it was pretty fun, especially seeing how strong he was already. Once he becomes a trainer he will be someone to watch out for.

"Heh, thanks." Gold said with a laugh. "Hey when I become a trainer watch out, I'll be looking for a rematch."

That made Austin's grin get bigger while Kris sighed. "Boys." She muttered under her breath.


Misty laughed as she was washing Starmie's jewel out, looking like she was enjoying herself in the process. Rudy watched with a smile, his Electabuzz just giving him a smirk. "Buzz." He teased Rudy giving a jump, his face going red as despite not understanding he knew what his Pokemon was doing.

"B-Be quiet." He hissed in embarrassment with Electabuzz giving a chortle.

"What did he say?" Misty asked curiously looking up.

"Oh, nothing in particular." Rudy said quickly, not wanting to get into it, giving a glare when Electabuzz snickered at his embarrassment.

Misty shrugged before sighing. "This was a pretty fun week." She commented with Rudy giving a nod.

"It has been," He said in agreement happy to have gotten to know her.

Rudy was also a bit sad because chances are after this he probably wouldn't see her again considering she lived in Kanto aspiring to be the Cerulean City Gym Leader while he has his responsibilities as the Gym Leader of Trovita Island.

Fate can be pretty cruel to the heart.

Still, he can't say this was boring.

"So they're going to be having a dance on this final dinner in the ballroom," Rudy spoke up sounding nervous. "Any chance I can bother you for one?"

Misty looked surprised but smiled. "Sure, I love dancing."

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