Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.123 Volt Tackle

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" Pikachu, are you alright? " Austin exclaimed in worry as Pikachu got up from the stones.

' That speed is a problem, what should I do ? '

" Arcanine, use flamethrower !"

" Thunderbolt ! "

The two attacks met in the middle as a bright light engulfed the battlefield

"Use flare blitz."

Arcanine used its sense of smell to launch itself at the disoriented Pikachu causing Austin to panic as he yelled.

"Pikachu, use discharge ."

"Endure it and use Earthquake on Pikachu, face-first," Ken commanded.

Just as the trainer expected, Arcanine was able to bear through the power of discharge as it raised his paws to execute Earthquake. 

"Get on with it, boy. Your Pikachu is weak," Ken sneered. "Take him back and send something that could stand against Arcanine for a change."

Austin gritted his teeth before taking a deep breath.

He needed to calm down and not let his opponents' words get to him.

In anger, you always make foolish decisions.

" Quick Attack! "

Ken snorted as Pikachu formed a distance between itself and Arcanine who brought its paws towards the ground.

The entire battlefield shook with the Earthquake attack but Pikachu was completely fine as he executed a perfect Magnetic Rise.

"Pikachu-?" Austin called out. "I trust you buddy, but can you continue?"

Pikachu didn't reply as it looked towards the clouds. Even its trainer had doubts about its ability to defeat this fire type. He would not stand this. He left his colony so that it could see the world when he found himself at Oak's lab captured, he had been angry when he was given to his trainer but now he knew that his partner was unlike any human had encountered before. After his battle in Vermilion Gym, he had set a goal of becoming the strongest of its kind, and no one would stop it.

Pikachu's side glanced at Austin with a glance and a nod.

An idea popped into Austin's head as he signaled something to Pikachu with his hands.

Pikachu immediately covered the entire terrain in a dome of electricity.

This was a move, he had been working on with Pikachu after the Vermilion Gym.

With Electric Terrain set up, Austin and Pikachu waited for the perfect opportunity to strike as the clouds parted.

" Discharge ! "

"Arcanine, use eruption "

Arcanine tried to open its jaws but Pikachu's attack landed first.

Discharges of electricity spread throughout its body showed that it was paralyzed.

" Flash clone! "

" Pika! Pika! Pika! Pika! "

Thousands of copies of Pikachu swirled around Arcanine confusing it as it tried to find Pikachu with its sense of smell but it couldn't

" Eruption !" Ken stressed, hoping that his most powerful move would take out the electric mouse Pokémon.

Arcanine's Maine was engulfed by flame as a wave of flames engulfed the entire battlefield.

The heat from those flames caused Austin to gulp as he ordered," Ion tail! "

The ground beneath Arcanine broke as Pikachu shot up with the iron tail and electro ball combo.

Hitting the " legendary " Pokemon's snout, Pikachu grinned as he released a point-blank thunderbolt.

"Arcanine, get up and use flare blitz!" Ken yelled.

It didn't matter. The moment the smoke cleared away, as Arcanine slowly began to get himself up, the first thing he saw was blinding white paws which he realized were Pikachu's paws with three small shining claws at the front, as they came slamming down on Arcanine's face, shattering his jaw as he fell towards onto the ground with a yelp, only for another strike at his abdomen, literally pushing him up into the air, followed by a third, supremely powerful strike that sent him flying, unconscious.

Austin's sweat dropped at Pikachu's brick break combo as Pikachu flexed his non-existent muscles.

" And Arcanine is unable to battle. Pikachu is the winner."

Pikachu looked at Austin and raised his paw in a thumb's up


Back in the stands, Cynthia observed the entire match, her mind in deep thought. Despite the initial battle with Ninetales and then the match between Squirtle and Typhlosion had shifted the balance between victory and defeat but when Arcanine came out, the tide of the battlefield was shifted for a few moments.

Then the unbelievable happened. Pikachu had defeated Arcanine

Despite her rather indecisive nature, Cynthia Shirona had two major pursuits, one was to push her pokémon to the limit, all the while caring for them better than she cared for herself, and the second, to study the mysteries surrounding the legendaries and the pseudo-legendaries. Her four-year experience with Gible, now Garchomp had given her priceless experience about a lot of things, one of which, was knowledge about the sheer might and existence of those the world knew as the pseudo-legendaries.

Despite not even possessing the power of a Pseudo legendary, Arcanine was given the title of legendary Pokémon hence she had done a lot of research on the Arcanine species and she knew very well that an Arcanine wasn't a Pokémon that was to be messed with lightly and yet here she had witnessed the defeat of an Arcanine by a small Pikachu.

You keep getting more and more interesting, Ash Ketchum.

She glanced back at, who had his next pokémon ready at hand. This was going to be a rather interesting battle, she decided.

Now only if I had ice cream.


" And Ken's Arcanine falls, with this Ash Ketchum is the winner and will proceed to the next round."

The referee's words shocked Ken who couldn't believe it. Even after all of that training he still lost.

No, No, No, he couldn't lose to a trainer who didn't even have half of his experience.

Ken's fingers caressed his next Pokeball, which was, in all likelihood, the most powerful of all his pokémon at the moment. A pokémon that was, in a manner of speaking, fire-incarnate. "Destroy that Pikachu " Ken yelled, throwing the Pokeball out into the battlefield, "go… Magmar!"

" Ken, please step down from the podium. You have lost and any further act of battling will be taken as an act of violence. Your trainer license may also be terminated." The referee called out as the audience whispered to themselves.

Didn't the battle just end?

Anger at his loses cause Ken to be blindsided by his action.

Austin meanwhile was on edge as the pokémon that stood on the battlefield was unlike Paul's Magmar.

At first sight, it seemed like a congregation of lava, shaped into a pokémon, what with the way its body was patterned with flames all over, along with the flares on its head and tail. Its mouth was extended outward to give a beak-like appearance, though its outer body structure didn't seem to give an indication of Magmar being a close-combat type.

"Teleport and use cross chop!"

Appearing behind Pikachu, Magmar delayed a few seconds before his arms glowed white and it crossed its arms to form an "X". It then hits Pikachu with its crossed arms.

But the delay of a few seconds was enough for Pikachu to launch a counterattack as it released a lot of electricity using Discharge.

With the previous Electric Terrain now gone, Pikachu and Magmar stared at each other.

" Teleport," Ken commanded, as Magmar instantly teleported from his position, appearing high up in the sky, much to the audience's screams.

"Use Lava plume on the ground," Ken ordered as Magmar belched flames from his position, onto the ground below, as the entire region simmered with the rising temperature, making it uncomfortable for Pikachu.

Austin's eyes narrowed as he saw his opponent converting the battlefield into a field-type advantage.

' Two can play that game. '

" Electric Terrain ."

Releasing a wave of electricity that covered the entire battlefield in a dome of Electricity.

" Use Fire Blitz!" Ken yelled in horror.

" Electric Impact! "

From above Magmar shot like a rocket towards Pikachu who pawed the ground causing Austin to wonder if something was wrong with Pikachu.

Suddenly the yellow electric discharges over Pikachu's cheeks began to turn white as dark thunderclouds formed around Pikachu and engulfed Pikachu.

Austin was confused at the turn of events when Pikachu was covered in dark thunder clouds and the black ball of thunder clouds looked at Magmar in n instant as if it had teleported Pikachu appeared a few meters above Magmar leaving behind a trail of black thunder clouds.

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Clap ~ )

The sounds of thunder resounded throughout the cruise ship.

( ~ Ting ~ )

Austin looked at his Pokedex as he saw that Pikachu had finally unlocked his egg move.

Volt Tackle.

Austin smiled at how different volt Tackle was from the anime and in his opinion, it looked cooler.

Austin's mind was brought back to the battlefield as he saw Magmar struggling to get back up.

" Pikachu, use ....."

But Austin didn't bother as psychic energy enveloped Ken and Magmar. Both were pinned to the ground as Steven Stone floated alongside his Metagross towards the Battlefield.

A silence enveloped the audience but one thing everyone was sure about was that Ken was in big trouble.


[ Several hours later ]

"Your method of battling is unpredictable, Ash," Harrison expressed, "I'm not sure if I should be happy about it or not."

Austin turned his neck towards Harrison as Brock was trying to flirt with nurse joy while Yellow and others were talking about today's battle, Austin while raising an eyebrow asked. "Whatever do you mean?"

"Nothing. I guess everyone has their method of battle." Harrison replied, more to himself than to others. "You are making harder decisions, even taking unexpected advantages in a way few do."

Austin narrowed his eyes and said," Thanks! "

As Harrison left, yellow came over to Austin's side she had a worried look on her face as she showed him the footage.

" Rhydon is unable to battle and thus trainer red, Harrison is the winner over trainer blue, Gary Oak ."

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