Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.128 Vs Harrison

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" Trainers Ash and Harrison, please take your places." The referee commanded. The platform let out a hiss, as it slowly sunk, to be replaced by a thick layer of solid ice. "The battleground for the match will be ice." The man paused again before continuing. "This will be a three-on-three battle, rotations allowed mid-battle. The first person to lose three pokémon loses." He lifted the red flag, "Red trainer chooses first."

Harrison, who was standing in the Red position, lifted a Pokeball in the air, as he threw it into the icy platform. "Go, Houndoom."

Austin took out a Pokeball as he decided to go with plan C.

" I choose you, Squirtle ."

The Pokeball split open, as Squirtle threw his sunglasses in the air while doing a superhero landing.

Outstretching his hand out, Squirtle caught his sunglasses as he made his entrance with style.

Austin whispered to Pikachu," When did he practice that ?"

In response, Pikachu just shrugged his shoulders while trying to forget the hundreds of failed attempts that Squirtle had done the previous night with him and Bulbasaur.

"Ash Ketchum has chosen Squirtle against Harrison's Houndoom, but will type-advantage be enough to counter Houndoom's power?" The commentary went on in the background.

"I sincerely hope you aren't, Ash," Harrison yelled from the other side.

"Don't worry." Austin countered back.

"Houndoom, use flamethrower."

" Squirtle, return with Aura Sphere ."

The two powerful attacks met each other midway, resulting in a large explosion, which could be called the perfect start of an amazing battle between the two trainers.

"Get closer towards Squirtle and use thunder fang!"

It was more difficult than expected. The ice field wasn't one for quick movement, considering how slippery it was. Houndoom was certainly having a rather difficult time trying to counteract the loss of resistance of the floor.

"Squirtle, let's help Houndoom a little." Austin teased. "Use focus punch on the floor."

The moment Squirtle used focus punch, the sheer momentum of that move shattered the ice layer.

Houndoom in a panic as the sheer volume of ice coming towards him fired a flame thrower which caused the ice to start dissolving into water, on which several other chunks of ice now floated.

"Use Iron tail on the water ."

The moment Squirtle came down on the water with its tail, the sheer power raised the water on either side, drenching Houndoom completely.

"Thanks for the impromptu bathing experience, Ash," Harrison replied in a falsely-sweet voice. That was when Austin noticed that not even Harrison had been untouched by the attack.


"You will be saying that again, and again." Harrison sneered. "Houndoom, use inferno!"

"Counter Shield," Austin commanded, as another set of attacks caught up in a stalemate.

"Use fire blast!"

" Counter Shield !"

"Stop playing defensive, Ash. Attack like a real man." Harrison taunted.

"I am a kid, Harrison." Austin bit back. "Stop asking to play otherwise."

The brown-haired trainer sneered. "Fine, try this. Houndoom, get closer to Squirtle and use Thunder fang!"

" Iron tail ."

" Jump and use Dark Pulse at Squirtle on the face."

"Squirtle, repel with Aura Sphere!"

It was too late. This time, Houndoom's speed was greater, as the dark pulse came crashing down on him, scoring a powerful attack. Taking that opportunity, Houndoom threw out another two Dark pulses on the fallen Squirtle, who was trying hard to get up.

"Rapid Iron Bash " Austin commanded, Squirtle began using rapid spin in conjunction with iron tail as it spun and slammed its tail right at Houndoom, hitting it straight in the abdomen, as it was flung away towards the boundaries, heavily injured. By some miracle, it managed to get itself up and standing, but barely just.

"Houndoom, one last attack." Harrison pleaded, "Destiny bond."

" No! " Austin's eyes widened as a thin line of otherworldly energy connected both Houndoom and Squirtle, before vanishing away.

"Did it hit ?" Austin gulped as if nothing had happened.

Then, Houndoom suddenly lost consciousness and dropped onto the floor. In a matter of seconds, Squirtle too, all of a sudden, let out a groan and lost consciousness.

"Both Squirtle and Houndoom are unable to battle. Trainers, choose your next pokémon."

" Looks like you know what destiny bond is," Harrison asked as Austin glared at him in response.

"What? Do you want to call it unfair because you wouldn't be the first?" Harrison asked as Austin shook his head.

If he called a Pokémon move unfair then he would just look like an immature whiny brat.

Austin took a deep breath as he remembered his father's words after his final exams.

' Don't look at the losses of the past as failures rather look at them as reminders on how to improve yourself .'

" Trainers, choose your next pokémon." The referee reiterated.

Harrison took out his next Pokeball. "Now that your long-range attacker is out of commission, time to bring out the big guns." He smirked. "Go, Arcanine."

 "I choose you, Charmander "

"Predictable." Harrison mocked. "Return, Arcanine. Go Blastoise."

The fiery beast was sucked in and replaced by the hulking turtle pokémon, who let out a roar.

"Not happening, Harrison." Austin retorted, "Charmander return," he returned the fire dragon type, before throwing in another Pokeball. "Go, Pikachu."

Harrison smirked. "Return Blastoise." A surprised audience watched him return Blastoise and replace him with Arcanine.

"Are you going to keep doing that?"

"Just fixing opponents for my team. I feel like my Arcanine can do with better opponents."

Austin narrowed his eyes.

Harrison had watched each and every of Austin's battles and spoken about them to him at length. He had done a rather good analysis of them too. In hindsight, he should have understood that he was giving away his techniques to his future opponent. Harrison knew all his cards while keeping his own hidden, and hence, having an extra trump card under his sleeve.

I guess the best thing I can do is be unpredictable.

"I will continue with Pikachu"

"Indeed?" Harrison provoked. "And if he loses, then won't your Charmander have a tough time against my Blastoise?"

"Not if Pikachu already defeats your Arcanine in the first place."

Harrison laughed. "Then let the best trainer win."

Austin nodded.

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