Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.130 Moving Forward

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All of my Pokemon gave it their all. What did I give back? What did I pay them, for the efforts they contributed towards my successes so far? What good am I if it took merely a good tricky move to defeat me? I had the type advantage, the field advantage, … and yet, and yet I lost.


Houndoom, a fire type, defeated my Squirtle, a water type, in a pool. All things considered, Blastoise doesn't even come into account.

What was the result of so much training, if my lack of experience is so staggering? What good am I?

How am I supposed to deal with the events that would come in the future?

Team Rocket's attacks, the events in the movies, the events in the manga...

"Hey, Ash?"

It was Shirona.

Austin didn't turn around, as he kept on staring at the expansive ocean around him, standing on a rather solitary end of the ship's deck. He had always liked this place since it allowed him to clear his mind and introspect himself. Today, however…

"I just wanted to say that, it was a great match. Your parents and friends ought to be proud of you." Shirona replied softly.

"Fat lot of good it did," Austin chuckled mirthlessly. "I lost horribly to Harrison."

"I disagree. You didn't lose to Harrison. You lost to your inexperience." She raised a finger to stop Austin from contradicting. "Let me finish. Your team is powerful along with the creativity and unpredictability in your fighting style. Many league participants would be worried to face you in battle."

Austin sighed as he knew that Shirona was telling the truth but still a loss where you had a lot of advantages still hurt.

Cynthia looked at Austin as she knew what was wrong with him.

" What are you blaming yourself for? " 

"For being so easy to be taken off-guard. Harrison played me from the beginning of the match, and I let him."

"Harrison is a trainer who has had a year-worth of experience." Cynthia countered, "Yes, I checked his profile. You, on the other hand, have less than half a year and yet, the match could've easily gone differently had Blastoise been a little more injured or Pikachu was a little less injured. Think where you would be with a year of experience under your belt."

Austin smiled as he chuckled," Maybe I could have won if I had used Bulbasaur, Scyther, and Clefairy. I always seem to win when I am at a type disadvantage."

Cynthia smiled as she heard Austin's joking tone.

He had already figured out what he did wrong in the battle.

His advantages made him confident that he would win and this overconfidence led him to his downfall.

Cynthia meanwhile was very impressed at the maturity Ash was showing since when this had happened to her, she didn't use it to grow stronger until her grandmother talked to her.

" So what are your plans next? "

" I am going to have my Pokémon learn to set up moves like Swords Dance and increase their move pools along with equipping them with items."

Cynthia blinked a few times as she heard her friend begin to rant off what he wanted to improve in his battle style e.t.c.


" They are going to award the Top-4 in an hour. Clean yourself up, and get your sorry ass down there. If you don't, I swear I am going to ask my Garchomp to show you what a true Hyper Beam looks like."

"You—you have a Garchomp?"

"Yep, he's my strongest pokémon," Cynthia admitted. "Get yourself down in the Banquet Hall. I'll see you there."

With those words, Shirona spun around elegantly, before walking away, leaving a somewhat mollified Austin in her wake.

Taking a deep breath, Austin made his way to nurse joy as his friends were waiting for him.

As soon as he entered the room, Kris and Gold began to congratulate him on his battle and how awesome it was.

Brock congratulated him on the amazing battle and Misty jokingly chastised him that he should have won the whole thing.

A blushing Yellow congratulated him with a hug before all his Pokémon dogs piled on him.

Some were sad that they didn't win as Charmander hesitated to show itself due to its loss but Austin called out everyone.

" We lost...

Everyone looked down on the floor as Austin continued.

" But that doesn't mean anything, this loss is an opportunity for us to get stronger and stronger and the next time we see Harrison, he'll wish we had mopped around after the loss so are you guys ready ?"

The cries of all his Pokémon resounded as everyone had a look of determination in their eyes.


A little while later in the Banquet Hall.

The entire place looked nigh unrecognizable. If the welcoming night had been grand, then this one overwhelmed it by at least several magnitudes. The entire hall was populated with trainers, and men in their black suits, while the female population was free to dress up in accordance with their choice. At the center, there was an elevated platform with several microphones in position, for the party to begin.

Austin felt immensely odd, walking all alone into the party. The previous time, his friends had been there to accompany him, and the utter grandeur of the cruise had been too great for him to give birth to any complex emotions. However, after almost seven days of being there, a lot of things changed. He was now walking into a party, where a lot of eyes would be on him, as the second runner-up of the Clubsplosion event. He wondered for a moment where Shirona might be.

With her friends, perhaps. The more rational part of his mind supplied.

" The prodigal son return at last."

Austin spun around to see Harrison walking towards him with a wine glass in hand.

"Hey, Harrison," Austin replied, with a slight hesitation in his voice.

"Seriously, Ash, if I knew you'd go all dramatic upon losing, I'd have gone easier against you." Harrison joked "Sorry! Sorry!" He raised his hands in surrender. "Seriously buddy, our match could very well go the other way under different conditions. You are going to become a very powerful trainer in time."

Austin returned a soft smile.

"Want some wine? This thing is really good." Harrison offered.

"I'm underage." Austin deadpanned.

"Your point?" Harrison countered saucily.

Austin chortled. "Yeah, I'll take one but don't tell the others. Misty and Brock would chew me out if they knew."

"Great." Harrison cheered. "Wait here. I'll get one for you." 


" So where are the others ?" Harrison was back, as he handed Austin his glass of wine. "Try it."

Austin lifted an eyebrow suspiciously, before he took a sip, before almost puking it out. "The hell? What is this broth?"

Harrison looked indignant. "It's an acquired taste, something that an oblivious ten-year-old. wouldn't understand."

"This oblivious ten-year-old is one second away from kicking your ass." Austin retorted good-naturedly.

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