Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.22 Fossil Pokemon

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" I'm surprised to see you out here Brock," Lance said as various Pokemon Rangers were in the Mountain patrolling. "Aren't you supposed to be at the Gym?"

"I guess my Father hasn't sent the Memo yet," Brock said to the Champion who visits the Gym once every year to see how the Leaders were doing. "He took over so I could follow my dream."

"I see, but it was foolish for you to go after Team Rocket," Lance said in a warning tone before Austin spoke up.

"It wasn't Brock's fault."

Lance calmly turned to Austin. "And who are you?"

"... I'm Ash from Pallet Town," Austin said a little unnerved by how he looked at him. "I'm training to compete in the Regionals."

Lance was quiet as he looked at Ash before turning to Seymour. "The Moon Stone will be guarded by the Ranger Union, they sent their best to keep it out of Team Rocket's hands."

"That's a relief," Seymour said with a smile. "But how did you know?"

"We had a few leads that said they were going to strike here first," Lance answered not giving where those leads came from before a ringing that caused him to take his Pokegear out. "Lance here."

He walked off to talk but he looked back at the group.

"You're free to leave, but be careful."

"Got it," Brock said as the Champion got back on the Pokegear.


"I can't believe we met the Champion," Yellow said as they were leaving Mt. Moon which was now bustling with Pokemon Rangers.

"We were lucky to get out of there alive," Brock said as Austin frowned.

'We'll need to become stronger to avoid being helpless like that.' He thought.

"Clefairy!" The trio stopped and turned to see Clefairy running towards them.

"Hey isn't that the Clefairy that led us to the Moon Stone?" Brock asked as Austin gave a nod a little surprised.

It ran until it got to Austin and hugged his leg with a smile. "Fairy Fair. Clef." Clefairy said happily.

"Y-You want to come with me? " Austin asked in surprise but he had a smile.

"Fairy," Clefairy said giving a nod.

Yellow said with a smile. "You're really lucky to have a Clefairy who wants to come with you."

"I'll say," Brock said crossing his arms as Austin lightly tapped the Clefairy with the Pokeball as it was captured without giving any struggle.

"I should introduce Clefairy to Dody and Kitty." Yellow said with a smile as Austin's Pokedex beeped " Clefairy, the fairy Pokemon. Its magical and cute appeal has many admirers. It is very rare and only found in specific areas, this Clefairy is male and the ability is Magic Guard. Currently, Clefairy knows Pound, Growl, and Sing. The Age of this Clefairy is 1 month "

"How about we do that in Cerulean City?" Brock suggested. "We have some ways to go."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Austin asked as they continued.

Before the group could continue they were approached by a group of Clefable and Clefairy.

The head Clefable then bowed in thanks again before reaching into the backpacks and presenting three Pokemon fossils to the group. One was in the shape of a spiral, the helix fossil, while another seemed to be in the shape of a flat stone, the dome fossil, and an old amber fossil.

"Ah, so you want us to take these fossils as gifts, as well?" Austin guessed as the Clefable nodded again. "So which of us should keep these three? I would feel bad about just one of us not receiving these."

"I remember reading that there will be a machine ready in the future that can revive these fossils on Cinnabar Island. I think the helix fossil will be turned into an Omanyte while the Dome fossil can become a Kabuto. An old Amber fossil becomes an Aerodactly," Brock recalled as he continued.

"Ah, that's right. I remember that both Omanyte and Kabuto are Rock and Water dual-type Pokemon. I think it would be a great experience for me as a breeder to study one of the prehistoric Pokemon if they can be revived. You guys wouldn't mind if I had one, would you?"

The group figured Brock's words made sense so they allowed him to take the first pick. He chose the dome fossil.

"Which one would you like?" Austin asked while looking at Yellow.

Yellow looked back and forth between the fossils as she thought about which one to take. She suddenly remembered the thought of how wild an Aerodactyl would be to train and figured it was best left in the hands of Ash so she chose the helix fossil.

"I guess that leaves the old amber fossil for me," Austin said quietly as he gently took the remaining fossil from the Clefable. He imagined the thought of what training an Aerodactyl would be like. He realized he would have to get a lot stronger by the time they reached Cinnabar Island if he were to be able to handle one, assuming the machine was ready by then than again there was also that aerodactyl hidden within the canyon.

The Clefable then gave a short bow in thanks once again. It then returned to its group where they continued the ceremony with the Moon Stone by dancing as the group watched.

It was now the next morning, and the group was leaving Mt. Moon right now and saying goodbye to the Clefairy and Clefable. The Clefairy and Clefable allowed the group to sleep in the room with the Moon Stone for the night so they wouldn't have to travel through the cave again. Then they generously led them to the exit of Mt. Moon.

"So long, Clefairy and Clefable!" Yellow called as the rest of the group waved.

"Pika Pi!" Pikachu said as it waved also from Austin's shoulder.

"Clefairy! Clefable!" they said back.

The group continued to wave until the Pokemon were out of sight.

"It sure was neat to see the Clefairy and Clefable do their Moon Stone ritual, wasn't it  ?" Yellow asked the group as they continued to walk.

"It sure was. Not too many people will be able to see that in their entire lifetime," Brock agreed. "They even let us keep pieces of the Moon Stone and a few fossils."

"So how far is Cerulean City?" Yellow asked.

Brock then reached into his backpack to check the map. "Hmmm, it looks like we should arrive there the day after tomorrow according to the distance on this map," he mused.


Austin's Pokemon Team

Pikachu (M) Ability: Static. Moves: Thundershock, Growl, Tail Whip, Quick Attack Iron Tail.

Spearow (M) Ability: Keen Eye. Moves: Peck, Leer, Focus Energy, Fury Attack, Aerial Ace, and Steel Wing.

*Combo* Aerial Wing (Aerial Ace and Steel Wing)

Rattata (F) Ability: Guts. Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Iron Tail, and Dig.

Butterfree (M) Ability: Tinted Lens. Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Bug Bite, Harden, Confusion, Poison Sting, Sleep Powder, and Stun Spore.

Pidgeotto (F) Ability: Tangled Feet. Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, and Steel Wing.

Clefairy (M) Ability: Magic Guard. Moves: Pound, Growl, and Sing.

Pokemon Seen: 26

Pokemon Owned: 6

Yellow's Pokemon Team.

Weedle (Kitty) (F) Ability: Poison Point. Moves: Poison Sting and String Shot.

Doduo (Dody) (M) Ability: Run Away Moves: Growl, Peck, and Quick Attack.

Brock's Pokemon Team.

Onix (M) Ability: Rock Head. Moves: Bind, Tackle, Harden, Mud Sport, Curse, Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, and Rage.

Geodude (M) Ability: Sand Veil Moves: Defense Curl, Tackle, Mud Sport, Rock Polish, Rollout, Rock Tomb, and Magnitude.

Zubat (F) Ability: Infiltrator. Moves: Leech Life, Supersonic, Astonish, and Bite.

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