Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.37 The Unofficial Gym part 1

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" Dodge and use Hyper Fan," Austin ordered as he was fighting a random trainer who had a Rattata, with his Raticate.

"Rattata." The boy cried out as his rat was knocked out Raticate gave a huff of annoyance at fighting another small-fry compared to the Gym.

"How many battles is that now?" Misty asked as she was standing near Brock and Yellow.

"I think it's twelve right no," Brock answered as Austin was speaking to the kid who returned his Rattata.

"Man you're Raticate is tough." The boy said to Austin while Raticate just stood next to Austin.

"Yeah she's a strong Pokemon, your Rattata is tough as well," Austin said before seeing Raticate snort at that. "But you should teach him some diversity, that's something I'll be doing to my Raticate soon."

That caught Raticate's attention as she gave him a surprised look.

"Like what?" The boy asked curiously what Rattata could learn.

"Wel,l Rattata and Raticate's can learn quite the diverse type of moves like Thunderbolt and Ice Beam, although the latter would probably be the hardest to learn and they would need more experience," Austin said rubbing the back of his head. "So just try and experiment and you could teach your Rattata to be prepared for anything."

"Thanks, man I bet you could even beat AJ." The boy said with a smile.

"AJ?" Austin said now recognizing the kid from the show.

"Yeah, he trains savage Pokemon and he built his Gym down there." The kid said pointing in a direction. "They say he's never lost a single match."

"Never?" Brock asked in surprise as the kid gave a nod.

"Sounds like a good challenge," Austin said 

' Well everything else has been different, why not see how AJ is different?' Austin thought.

"You sure about that Ash?" Misty asked with a raised brow. "I've heard about this AJ when I was in Cerulean City, he has nearly a hundred wins under his belt."

Brock gave a nod agreeing with her. "And you have nearly fifty from all the battles I remember." He said thinking about the various trainers from Pewter to Cerulean and from there to this place.

"That just makes it more exciting," Austin said with a grin.

He was getting into doing this.

"Well,l I guess it would be a good learning experience," Brock said giving a nod.

"I wonder what Pokemon this AJ has?" Yellow mused although she looked worried as she remembered how the kid said that AJ's Pokemon were 'savage'.


It didn't take too long to find the gym closed off by a wooden gate and fence, showing a huge tent behind it as they saw the scoreboard in front of it.

But what caught Austin's attention was the score.

Wins: 99 Losses: 1.

'Wait, someone beat AJ?!' Austin thought in surprise. "I thought people were saying he was undefeated."

"It could be recent," Brock said sounding confused.

"It must be, it's only been two days since I heard about me," Misty said with a frown.

"Still 99 wins?" Yellow shook her head. "I know that Ash is tough, but he only won half that many."

' I think I know who beat him .' Austin guessed in his min.

"Are you my next victim?" A new voice asked as they turned to see a trainer with green hair, wearing a red/black shirt and blue shorts, carrying a backpack.

"So you're AJ the Wild Pokemon Trainer," Austin said with a grin, he would be lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to the battle.

"That's what they call me and beating chumps like you is my hobby," AJ said as Austin felt his eye twitch at the rhyme. "So are you ready to lose?"

"The battle hasn't even started yet, so don't underestimate m," Austin said as Pikachu had his cheeks spark in anticipation.

The door to the Gym opened up and they walked to the stadium which was almost in shambles from a different fight.

"Sorry about the mess, I didn't get the chance to clean up after that Paul kid was here last week," AJ muttered in disdain as Austin's head snapped towards him.

' Called it .' Austin exclaimed in his heart.

"Yeah, some punk with purple hair and a Magma," AJ muttered confirming who it was. "But I don't want to think about him so let's get to our battle chump."

AJ placed his bag down in time for a Butterfree to fly down and grab it. "What's in the bag?" Yellow asked curiously.

"Just some wild Pokemon I just caught," AJ said without a care. "I try to keep enough Pokemon to where I have a good variety with me, I have a bit more in the tent."

"Any chance we can see them after the battle?" Yellow asked with a smile at seeing other Pokemon as AJ gave an indifferent shrug.

"Sure why not?" AJ then turned to Austin. "So who are you going to send out for my 100th win?"

"How many Pokemon?" Austin asked as he got to the Stadium.

"Depends, how many do you have?" AJ asked eyeing the belt where the Pokeballs were.

"Seven but one of them isn't a fighter."

"Alright, this will be a Six-On-Six match," AJ said whistlings a Beedrill flew in with a belt that had five Pokeballs.

Misty gave a shiver at seeing the Beedrill and Yellow took a small step back.

The sight of Yellow taking a step back was a surprise to Austin before remembered how she was chased by the Horde of Beedrill when they met.

Shaking his head, Austin pulled out a Pokeball. "Fearow take the field!"

Yellow, Brock and Misty gave Austin a look of surprise. "What are you doing?" Ash asked looking at him as Pikachu cried out in surprise...

'I'm hoping Fearow will listen if he hears how many wins this guy has.'

"Fear!" Fearow cried out as he stretched his wings, looking around.

"Not a bad Pokemon." AJ complimented as he sent a Pokeball flying. "But it won't be enough."

Instead of a Sandshrew like Austin was expecting, AJ sent out a Rhyhorn much to their surprise.

"Fearow, this guy has nearly a hundred wins so this will be a tough battle-." Austin began only for Fearow to take to the sky and dive in, his wings glowing.

"I had a feeling that would happen," Brock muttered as Fearow just began to disobey.

"I know you guys said that he was having trouble but I didn't think it was this bad," Misty said as she remembered the temperamental Spearow that Austin had in Viridian City.

"Wow, can't even control your Pokemon, chump?" AJ taunted as he had a whip out to everyone's surprise and he smacked the ground with it. "Rhyhorn use Smack Down!"

Rhyhorn just calmly ducked and slammed a foot on the ground causing a rock to fly up and smack Fearow in the face, causing him to crash to the ground.

"Fearow, come on we need to work together-." Austin tried only for Fearow to cry out defiantly and got up to do a Fury Attack.

"Finish it with Rock Blas," AJ said as Rhyhorn gave a cry and fired an orb that shot out of its mouth at the Fearow, knocking him out. "That was pathetic."

"Return," Austin said with a sigh before he looked at the Pokeball with some sadness

He didn't know if Fearow will ever listen to him again.

"So do any of your Pokemon obey you or are you that terrible of a trainer?" AJ asked causing Austin to glare as he took out a Pokeball.

"Raticate go." Raticatecriedy as she appeared. "Careful, this Rhyhorn took Fearow down easily."

Raticate gave a nod as AJ just scoffed.

"At least use something I haven't beaten before," AJ muttered before giving a command. "Take Down."

Rhyhorn began running at Raticate who was on all fours, snarling. "Wait for me," Austin said as Rhyhorn got closer. "... Now, use Burrow!"

Raticate dove into the ground right as Rhyhorn missed before diving out at a quick speed, causing Rhyhorn to fly into the air.

"What?!" AJ asked in shock before quickly overcoming the surprise. "Use Earthquake as you come down."

"Sword Strike!" Austin ordered as Raticate jumped up to do so, but Rhyhorn used his head to slam Raticate into the ground before landing causing the ground to shake as Raticate was sent flying.

Struggling to push herself up, Raticate saw the Rhyhorn running at her with a take-Down.

Austin was at a loss before remembering a certain move that Raticate knew and he didn't try it. "Attract!"

Raticate frowned before focusing as pink energy shot from her hitting the Rhyhorn who shook his head in confusion before seeing Raticate in a whole different light as his eyes began to sparkle at her.

"Rhyhorn, snap out of it!" AJ shouted in irritation as the Rhyhorn was now drooling.

"Smart move, now Rhyhorn is in a trance," Brock said seeing what Austin did.

"But how did he know that Rhyhorn was a boy?" Misty asked in surprise.

"Simply," Austin said with a grin. "The male Rhyhorn eyes are big while the female ones are a lot smaller."

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