Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.371 A Night to Remember

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[POV Change]

The night in Celadon City was one of those rare, tranquil evenings where the moon was at its fullest and the stars were shining their brightest. The cool breeze swept through the city, carrying with it the faint smell of the nearby ocean. It was a perfect night for a stroll, and Austin, Pikachu, and Lucario were enjoying their walk when they found themselves at the bridge of Celadon City.

The bridge was a long and narrow structure, casting a shadow over the river as it glimmered faintly in the dim light. The iron rails that lined the bridge were rusted, and the wooden boards creaked beneath their feet. The soft hum of distant traffic could be heard in the distance, creating a peaceful atmosphere. As they walked, the group heard the sounds of a rowdy biker gang beneath the bridge, laughing and drinking.

As they approached the gang, Austin could see the bikers were wearing leather jackets and ripped jeans, some of them adorned with tattoos. Their hair was unkempt, and they had a rough appearance that seemed to match their boisterous nature. Austin, Pikachu, and Lucario seemed out of place in this environment, but they weren't intimidated. In fact, Austin approached the group with a casual air, his long black coat fluttering in the wind and a cigarette dangling from his lips. Beside him were Pikachu, drinking a cup of coffee with ketchup cream smeared on it, and Lucario munching on a donut.

"Oi, Brat. Leave; this isn't a place for little kids like you."

The bikers eyed Austin warily, but their bravado was belied by their uneasy expressions as he came closer and closer. Suddenly, two Umbreons shot out from the shadows, circling around Austin as if to protect him.

"You guys sound like a bunch of caged Meowths. What's the problem?" Austin quipped.

The bikers sneered, "What's the problem? We don't like people snooping around where they don't belong."

Austin smirked. "I wasn't snooping. I was taking a stroll. And now that I'm here, I might as well tell you that you're not welcome in this part of town anymore."

The bikers laughed, but they were clearly on edge as Austin approached them, the Umbreons still circling protectively around him. Suddenly, the gang leader took a swing at Austin, who caught the punch and immediately put him in an arm lock with legs as he shifted his weight, dislocating the gang leader's shoulder, who cried out in pain. The rest of the gang backed away in fear as they readied their Pokemon.

The gang had a variety of Pokemon, including a Machamp, a Houndoom, and a Crobat. As they stepped forward, ready to defend their leader, Austin smiled when he saw the gang leader reaching for a pokeball.

"You're going to pay for this!"

The gang leader threw out the pokeball, revealing a Gyarados, thinking that Austin would fear away like the cops. However, Austin remained unfazed. He threw out two pokeballs, revealing Kingler and Charmeleon.

The Gyarados roared at the two, but they didn't budge. Charmeleon turned to Kingler and said, "Stay out of it."

But Kingler slowly moved towards Charmeleon and said, "No."

The Gyarados fired off a Dragon Pulse at the two, but Charmeleon smirked and grabbed Kingler before throwing it towards the Dragon Pulse. Kingler ripped through the Dragon Pulse with the Crab Hammer before slamming it down on the head of the Gyarados as it hit the water, soaking the gang members who looked on in shock at the Gyarados being one-shotted.

"So boys, why don't we sit down and have a nice talk?"

The gang members quickly nodded as Austin smiled and said," Boys, I can't hear you."



Austin stood up, dusting off his coat, as he looked at the gang members now tied to the bridge pillar, whimpering and crying. Pikachu and Lucario were grinning, their eyes glinting in the moonlight. The rest of Austin's team was also there, watching in amusement.

"Alright, everyone, let's have some fun," Austin said, grinning as he mounted one of the bikes.

Wartortle and Ninjask were quick to follow Austin, the first exhibiting a gleam of mischief in its eyes and the latter buzzing with visible excitement. Lucario, entwined with a loving Dragonair, Pikachu alongside Clefable, Butterfree paired with Charmeleon, Fearow, and Scizor, each readied themselves. Even Ivysaur was engaged, focused on restraining a Rhyhorn from wrecking a bike.

The gang members heaved a collective sigh of relief, a momentary calm washing over them. However, their expressions quickly twisted into shock as Chansey unveiled its chosen rider: a Magikarp.

"Carp!" The fish exclaimed, its goggled eyes blazing with determination. Yet, as it struggled to stay atop the biker seat, it tumbled, flopping onto the ground with a surprised "Carp!"

With a gentle coo, Chansey scooped up the floundering fish and handed it to Lucario. The Fighting-Steel Pokémon eyed Magikarp, asking, "Are you up for a ride?"

"Carp!" Magikarp seemed to sputter in surprise, taken aback by Lucario's unexpected consideration. But its surprise swiftly morphed into a frenzy as Lucario securely fastened it to the bike's handlebars, leaving the flapping fish atop the machine.

"Carp!" The fish protested, and its voice echoed with a twinge of horror.

"Just use splash, you worthless fish," Lucario advised, adjusting his helmet onto his head.

As the rest of the crew tried to start their engines, a problem quickly surfaced: only Austin seemed to have the knack for it. Lucario and Scizor snapped their pedals, Ninjask and Wartortle couldn't reach theirs, and Clefable struggled with mobility. A chorus of complaints echoed towards Austin, who turned to Abra, casually munching on a slice of pizza.

"Abra, use psychic," Austin suggested.

"No, I'd rather watch you all fail," Abra retorted, smirking.

Austin sighed, "Abra..."

"Alright, alright," Abra conceded. With a snap of its fingers, every motorcycle roared to life, much to everyone's surprise.

"Now that's how it's done," Abra said, taking another bite of his pizza. "Anyone interested in learning how to turn things on without hands, I'm offering lessons. Just $10 per session. But for my friends, I'll give a discount—$9.95."

Meanwhile, Pidgeot huffed and crossed her wings, taking a seat next to Musharna, who wore a grin. The Psychic Pokémon began the countdown, "3...2...1..."

The moment arrived, and they were off—or at least, they attempted to be. Chaos promptly ensued as Charmeleon and Wartortle's bikes shot up into the air before gravity brought them back down, aiming straight for the two unsuspecting Pokémon. Wartortle and Ninjask barely managed to escape, but their bike took the brunt of the impact; the metal frame dented and twisted. Butterfree, unfortunately, wasn't as lucky. The Bug Pokémon let out a wail as it was squished beneath Charmeleon, who, with a swift kick, launched the bike into the river. The gang's horrified screams served as a satisfying background score to Charmeleon's huff of triumph.

Meanwhile, Scizor and Fearow took off with such speed that they forgot to temper their strength. As they glanced at each other and then down at their bike, they saw the handle torn clean off. They looked at each other and, almost in unison, muttered a defiant, "Screw this!"

Clefable, in a sudden change of heart, decided to bail, much to Pikachu's chagrin. Pikachu's protest turned into a high-pitched yelp as Haunter casually picked up the bike and tossed it into the lake. "Pika!" Pikachu's yelp was lost in the cacophony of the gang's wails.

Then there were Magikarp and Austin, speeding towards the lake, with Austin launching himself away at the last possible moment. Magikarp's smug grin faltered as it realised it was still strapped to the handlebars, its splash attack dying down as the bike skidded to a halt at the water's edge. Magikarp let out a resigned sigh just as its bike collided with Pikachu's, sending them both sinking into the watery depths.

"Haha!" Austin chortled, turning to find Lucario and Dragonair moving at a snail's pace. "Oi, pick up the pace! I don't want to go bald waiting for you two."

"Quiet, Austin," Lucario retorted. "Your hairline won't magically improve no matter how fast we go." Austin was about to fire back a retort, but a stern glare from Dragonair shut him up, allowing the two to continue their leisurely ride.

Austin rolled his eyes and moved past the two, the wails of the gang growing louder as they watched their prized bikes being flung into the air and splashing down into the water below. Their cries resonated into the night, a symphony of disbelief and terror.

"And there we have it, folks," Abra's voice echoed, smug and satisfied. "A spectacle of justice served with a side of recklessness, all led by an idiot with a receding hairline."

"Exactly, wait... hey!" Austin sputtered, thrown off guard by Abra's brazen comment. Yet, deep down, he couldn't help but smirk. After all, they'd certainly made this a night to remember.


[Hotel in Celadon City]

[ A113 ]

Yellow's eyes slowly fluttered open, and she let out a soft groan as she lifted her head off the soft, plush pillow. The room was spinning, and the colours were still vividly swirling around her. She sat up slowly, taking in her surroundings. The hotel room was decorated in shades of green and cream, with a large window that let in the morning light, casting a warm glow over the room. Yellow's eyes were drawn to the green curtains, which fluttered gently in the breeze, and she felt a sense of peace wash over her.

As she tried to make sense of her surroundings, she noticed her Pokémon, Kitty (Beedrill), Tenty (Tentacool), Dody (Dodrio), Tiny (Dratini), Dish (Oddish),, and Chu-Chu (Pichu), twitching on the floor. She looked at them with concern, wondering if they were okay. "Are you guys okay?" she asked softly, her voice sounding distant and hollow.

As she reached out to touch them, she suddenly felt a surge of energy coursing through her body. Her hand began to glow with a soft, white light, and as she placed it on her forehead, she felt the pain and confusion fade away. She sighed with relief, feeling the tension in her body release.

With a deep breath, she focused on her powers, using them to heal her Pokémon one by one. As she finished healing Pichu, it began to evolve into a Pikachu, and she smiled as she watched it transform before her eyes. "Chu-Chu, you evolved!" she exclaimed, feeling a sense of pride in her little Pokémon. "Did you want to evolve?" she asked, even though she didn't want her Pokémon to change. She had been convinced by Austin to respect their decision if they wanted to evolve.

"Pika!" Chu-Chu nodded excitedly, and Yellow smiled, rubbing its head affectionately.

Feeling better, Yellow got up from the bed and looked around the room, which was empty. She stretched her arms, feeling the stiffness in her muscles.

"Chu-Chu, where is Erika?"

She turned to her Pikachu, hoping it would somehow provide her with an answer. But the little creature merely shrugged its shoulders and looked around, just as confused as Yellow. She walked over to Beedrill, whose wings were twitching, and gently patted its head.

"Kitty, do you know where Erika is?" she asked, hoping it might trigger a memory.

But Beedrill merely buzzed softly, unable to provide any useful information.

Yellow continued her search, her heart beating faster with each passing second. She checked under the bed, behind the curtains, and even inside the wardrobe, but Erika was nowhere to be found.

She suddenly heard a noise coming from the bathroom, and her curiosity was piqued. She walked towards the bathroom, her steps cautious, and pushed open the door.

Inside, Green was sitting in front of a laptop, her eyes fixated on the screen.

Green didn't look up; her eyes were still glued to the screen as she added yet another item to her shopping cart. Her lips curled into a smile as she clicked on the "buy" button, and she let out a low moan of ecstasy.


Yellow stood in front of the bathroom door, her heart racing as she tried to calm her breath. She could feel her patience waning as she called out to Green, who was locked away in the bathroom. "Green!" she shouted, the sound echoing through the dimly lit hallway.

"What's the noise? Can't you see I'm busy?" Green's voice came muffled through the door.

Yellow took a deep breath and tried to steady her voice. "Erika is missing!" she yelled back, her eyes filling with worry. She waited, her heart pounding in her chest, for Green to respond.

After what felt like an eternity, the bathroom door finally opened, and Green stepped out, looking frazzled and dishevelled. Her long brownish blond hair was tangled and messy, and she wore a pair of ripped black jeans and a faded band t-shirt.

"What's going on?" Green asked, her eyes scanning Yellow's face for clues.

"Erika is missing," Yellow repeated, her voice trembling slightly. "We need to find her."

Green's expression immediately changed as she realised that all her "hard-earned" items could be at risk if someone discovered Erika. She quickly turned to her laptop, typing furiously as she searched for a solution.

Yellow watched in confusion as Green frantically typed away, her fingers moving so quickly they were almost a blur. "What are you doing?" she asked, her voice barely audible over the sound of Green's typing.

"Shhhh," Green said, holding up a hand to silence her. "Let me just buy this first." Yellow looked over Green's shoulder and saw that she was buying 100 tiny handcuffs.

"Why are you buying 100 tiny handcuffs?" Yellow asked, still confused.

"Money!" Green exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement. "We can sell these to the other trainers and make a fortune!"

Yellow stared at her in disbelief, wondering how they had gone from searching for a missing friend to selling tiny handcuffs. But she knew that with Green, anything was possible.


[Omake Paragraph]

It is typically believed that Wobbuffet live in caves to hide their tails, a source of embarrassment for other pokemon and trainers. In reality, the reverse is true: Wobbuffet live in caves in the faint hope of hiding other pokemon from their tails.

Wobbuffet were initially a truly pacifist species, but this left them little more than punching bags, so in the rough and tumble world of Pokemon, they were forced to develop Counter and Mirror Coat for self-defence. Indeed, even with these techniques, Wobbuffet uses them only reluctantly, and they feel guilt whenever they knock out another pokemon. But their tails, symbiotic spirits that absorb a wobbuffet's pain, burned for revenge on all living things. It is these tails that developed Shadow Tag, forcing Pokemon into battle with a Wobbuffet who only wants peace. It is these tails that learned Destiny Bond, slaying those unfortunate pokemon slower than Wobbuffet, who still manages to slay one. And it was these tails that caused Wobbuffet to retreat into darkness, hiding from foes and hoping passersby could sneak past their tails unseen.

Most pokemon trapped by a rebellious body part would rip their tails off, endure the wound, and reclaim their freedom. Dugtrio and Magneton, after all, live in harmony, and it is sadly common to see a one-headed Dodrio walking around after a three-headed fight to the death. Wobbuffet possess this power as well, although they must use a great deal of psychic power to rip their tails off, for their arms are incapable of performing this task. They refuse for the same reason they refuse to attack with techniques such as psychic: because they cannot live with hurting anyone else except in self-defence, even if it would save many others.

Even if it would save themselves.

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