Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.378 Austin vs Sabrina part 3

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[ POV Change ]

"Let us return to the battle."

In answer to Sabrina's statement, Solrock emanated an ethereal glow, as the gym leader subtly nodded her head. Instantaneously, the squinted eyes began to glow ominously, as a bluish aura surrounded Charmeleon from head-to-toe, trying to bind him- a psychic attack in progress.

"Dragon breath," Austin muttered, knowing very well that the black dragon would be able to hear his commands, thanks to his fine auditory abilities. The black dragon opened his maw and threw off a continuous jet of superheated breath towards his opponent, who instantly shifted to its left, keeping the psychic lock perfectly under control.

"You cannot break a sepulcher-lock through such crude measures, Ash Ketchum," Sabrina replied helpfully.

'Interesting.' Austin wondered as he thought about how to teach Abra and Musharna about this attack.

Charmeleon felt his limbs leave the ground, as he was shot upwards into the air almost until he had reached the very apex of the battle arena, before the effect of gravity on him seemed to quadruple in an instant, pummelling him towards the ground, his velocity accelerating greatly with every passing second. At the same time, the floor seemed to tear itself apart as large boulders separated from the floor, creating a tomb of sorts for the black creature that shot down toward the ground with alarming speed.

However, his trainer had something completely different in mind.

"Focus punch on the ground."

With startling efficiency, the black dragon slammed his right hook straight into the hole Solrock had dug for it. The energy of the attack, fuelled by the sheer momentum of Charmleon's descent, radiated outwards, blasting broken bits of rock, concrete, and dust all over the stadium.

Sabrina's eyes seemed to widen slightly, giving the impression that she had been only, mildly impressed.

"Use agility, and go for the kill."

Ignoring the momentary tinge of pain that had shot through his muscles, the black dragon vanished in a blur, using the momentary sandstorm to keep himself undetected, as he shot towards the floating psychic, tearing into it with his claws, each of which was dripping with dark energies. With a thud, Solrock fell to the floor, its squinted eyes slightly blurred before it began to slowly levitate itself back, maimed but not incapacitated enough.

"Use focus punch, again!"

With a very narrow miss, Solrock missed the incoming attack, obviously a little disoriented from before. Like most psychics, it found its niche in long-ranged combat, and not in such close quarters. However, Charmeleon was far from done, as he swept his powerful tail, lashing straight into the psychic pokémon, thrashing it into the floor.

"That will be enough," Sabrina replied, her calm disposition unperturbed. Without a word, she returned the psychic type into its Pokeball, which teleported away from her palm, as another one appeared in its place. The ball opened up on its own, releasing her next pokémon.

"Jeeengx!" the illusive ice/psychic-type pokémon drawled out.

"A Jynx?" Austin asked while Lucario shivered in disgust as Jynx winked at him. 

Jynx was rather rare, what with their natural habitats being limited to only the coldest of locations. In Kanto, the only possible location where a Jynx, or its baby form could be found would probably be the Icefall Cave in the Sevii islands. He had played with the idea of visiting the Sevii islands during the Ice-time, but that was neither here nor there. Usually, trainers visited the Sevii, and its neighbor Seafoam Islands by taking a ferry from Fuchsia or Cinnabar, though Celadon had a domestic airport for those that had the means to afford it.

"You may have the first move." Sabrina offered.

Austin narrowed his eyes, Solrock had been an uncanny and rather troublesome opponent. While he did not doubt that Charmeleon was powerful in his way, Sabrina's decisions regarding their battle had seemed more… forced. Of course, he was not going to complain over it, but considering how the Sun pokémon had been playing with Wartortle, something seemed… edgy around here.

He never noticed the slight twist in Sabrina's lips at that very instant.

"Charmeleon," Austin concentrated, "use Rush and go ahead."

Just like he had done before this, Charmeleon's claws began to drip with dark energies, his version of the night slash he had learned from Haunter, using his agility to maximum benefit. What he did not expect was for Jynx to let out a shriek and inundate the entire arena in a thick blizzard in less than a second, stopping his attack midway, as the severe snowstorm pushed him towards the defensive.

Tcch! Austin cursed. As a dragon-type, Charmeleon was weak against ice-type attacks like Blizzard. Unlike the sandstorm earlier that had allowed him a situational advantage, the snowstorm was doing the exact reverse. What was more, the snow was decreasing his body temperature to ridiculous levels, having an adverse effect on the dragon type.

Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!

Even amidst the roaring snowstorm, Austin could hear the loud sounds of boulders falling onto the ground, though it was nigh impossible for him to judge the location from his vantage point.

"Charmeleon! Get back." He shouted.

Unfortunately for the dragon, the roaring snowstorm was too much of an interference for him to comprehend his trainer's commands. The fact that he had four large boulders sandwiching him on all four sides didn't help either. So, he went for what he could do.

With a powerful push using his now slightly injured forelimbs, he pushed the boulders away and slammed his fist into the ground once again, the energies created a miniature earthquake, traversing through the ground. It wasn't enough for Charmeleon to win, but it was enough to destabilize Jynx for a single moment.

Sabrina's eyes lit up, as the ice-type levitated itself up using sheer psychic intent.

The snowstorm returned with a vengeance.

You cannot attack me if you are trapped, and are continuously losing power. 

Show me what you are capable of, Ash Ketchum.

For every second Charmeleon stayed inside that formidable blizzard, he was losing power. That much was clear. The snow piling everywhere in the arena would no doubt be a great hindrance to Charmleon's agility, and it would only increase with every passing second. He would either need to return Charmeleon or do something instantly.

Stalling wastes my resources, not hers. Austin noticed curiously, silently marveling at the sheer ease with which the Jynx was maintaining the powerful blizzard for what… one minute now? He wasn't the expert but from his own experience, it was ridiculously difficult to maintain that attack for more than twenty seconds, and even that pushed the normal stats by a significant amount. Most trained pokémon could barely manage to sustain it for fifteen seconds before collapsing. There was a reason after all, why Blizzard was one of the top-level moves in the Ice category after all, both in difficulty and sheer efficiency.

And the blatant application of such a ruthless move was occurring right before him.

He closed his eyes. He was at a type disadvantage. His pokémon was trapped inside a powerful trap that was draining its power exponentially. Logic said that he should simply substitute his pokémon with another and continue the battle. But Charmeleon hadn't given up, and he wouldn't either. It was just like Wartortle against Solrock. He had given up then, wouldn't it be prudent to just give up now?

As if in answer to his prayers, the blizzard seemed to slow down, intermittently revealing the effect it had wrought on the arena. The entire floor was frozen with thick lumps of ice all over the place, and a shuddering, shivering dragon in the middle of it. Then, as if to taunt him, the blizzard gained force, revealing it as a mere psychological trick played upon the hapless trainer, showing him the pitiable form of his pokémon.

"Charmeleon," Austin had his Pokeball raised, and all doubts vanished. "Return."

The red light shot out of the Pokeball, only to be intercepted by a chunk of ice, as the black draconian creature slammed his tail onto the now frozen floor, revealing his intentions very clearly. He was not going to leave this battle, and certainly not this way. He would go till the very end and defeat the damned ice-type.

"Charmeleon!" Austin breathed, the sheer determination of his team member infusing him with a certain spiritual strength. He took a moment to appreciate the sheer strength of spirit his friend wielded. "Very well, we will end this. Use Outrage!"

Not unlike a volcano about to belch out the hellfire underneath it, Charmeleon's entire body shuddered, as his inner flame expanded outward, drenching him from within, and his body emanating a yellowish glow, visible despite the powerful snowstorm. His eyes bulged out, a dangerous crimson aura flooding his senses.

Outrage was active, and the vengeful dragon was only too happy to use it.

"Draco Meteor," Austin commanded while Pikachu covered his ears.

It was only too easy. One of the effects of Outrage was a rapid and significant increase in his offensive capacities, sacrificing his mental faculties at the altar of pure, unadulterated strength. 


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Although the art of Growlithe breeding is an ancient one, few breeds survive to the present day, and fewer still have diverged so much from their ancestors that they speak a name other than Growlithe. Among these are Snubbull (and its evolution of Granbull), a breed developed by desert tribesmen to get around religious prohibitions regarding the training of Growlithe, prohibitions which likely had their origin as much in the increased dangers of heat stroke involved in training Growlithe or other fire-types in that climate as from any divine order.

Unable to use fire, Snubbull instead developed a large and terrifying face to scare off its foes. It is not powerful in combat, but need not be, for they rarely fight alone. Throughout most of history, they have been used to protect women, children, and the elderly while the men were off scouting; their four large ears and loud bark allowed them to alert the men from miles away and give them enough time to return. Snubbull is not cruel Pokemon - in modern times, they are often found taking care of the disabled – but most Pokemon and men fear them all the same, much to their dismay. To women, however, they might as well be Clefairy and are kept as their pets as often as Pikachu.

There are many similarities between the fairy Pokemon and Snubbull, such as their distinctive pink color. Snubbull is considered a "chain species" for their ability to breed with multiple egg groups, and many have suspected that modern Snubbull is the result of a Growlithe breeding with a Clefairy who passed down more than just their attacks. Some have dismissed this as impossible, while others considered it evidence of just how little we understand about Pokemon genetics.

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